After crossing the river, some time after Deal, who returned to the lead, he walks the road. As such, Nicolas came to me in the woods with a sweet note about Celine.

"Oniichan, what were you talking about with Celine earlier?

Yeah? Celine told me that she was improving her physical abilities by getting ether.

"Eh, maybe you haven't noticed anything before?... oh, that's why I was trying to hold Celine with such a desperate look... I thought I was hiding a strange face from a sudden erotic event."

I don't have a smile on my face even if I hold Celine, not to mention that I don't have a strange face. I'll go through Nicolas's light mouth and answer.

Because I was able to experience magic, I guess I was completely out of touch with other things... Besides, I didn't realize it because I usually lived in a village. "

Well, I don't know if it's oniichan's constitution or the traits of the monster he hunted, but it's almost certainly biased toward magic enhancement. If you're concerned, why don't you take a health test with Esther? I don't mind an evening athletic event.

I see. I'll have you hang out with me for a while and check it out at noon. "

When I lifted Celine just now, I felt like she had the same strength as an adult. You might want to check it out once. Deal's legs stopped when the story came to a close like that.

"Look, it's a jerk."

At the tip of Deal's finger, the peach-coloured bird rested in the middle of a large tree. And I don't know what you're thinking. Inorganic eyes and sharp mouth are already pointing at us and don't move. Looks like he's already been captured.

"He seems to have very good eyes. As the name suggests, I am good at avoiding arrows. Even the village's skilled hunters have difficulty shooting down birds, but there is no love for this" Bird Dropping Deal ". Let me show you."

After seeing Tilla and Celine and making a nice face, Deal walked slowly to the roots of the tree where the yayokedori stood.

"Oh dear, the truth is, they called it" Deal, you can drop birds, but you can't drop women. "

I asked Celine about Yayokedori, who was muttering without looking at her giddy face.

"Yayokedori looks very alert to Deal right now, but he won't run away."

"It looks like a stupid color bird, but it's still a monster. The trouble with him is that he lets the opponent shoot first to avoid it, and at the same time, he strikes at the instant gap in the attack. If you're not a skilled hunter who can shoot twice in a row, you'll never get hurt."

Uh-huh, are you going to set up a counter? I'm scared to avoid it.

"Mr. Deal, are you okay?

"Well, look. Just my arm... Only my arms."

Turning his gaze back to Deal in Celine's voice, he had just turned his hands to Yayokedori, far above his head.

"Give me the protection of the Four Kings and eat my beauty! Wind Blade!

I think Deal released the wind edge whilst saying softly - at the same time, Yayokedori's belly was cut and fell upside down without saying a word.

"Is that it? Is it over?

"That monster doesn't have eyes to see magic. I don't know what that magic shot, so I'm going to be defeated."

When Celine answered, Deal grabbed the leg of Yayokedori, who was still stuck to the branch of the tree along the way, floating in the levitation, and came back here with a satisfying expression.

"Come on, Celine! It would have been a vibrant move."

"Yes, yes, I see. My Fire Arrow can see yayokedori, but it's hard to guess."

"Fuhahaha! Instead, this area cannot be turned into a burning field, and if you hunt, you will burn down your prey without leaving any place to eat! Ha-ha-ha!

Deal continues to laugh happily like a comedian who unleashed an American joke of congregation.

Cerine's Fire Arrow is certainly not suitable for collecting materials, but you should think of a way to put it. Now, Celine's wrinkles between her eyebrows show the best depth she has ever seen.

"... I can do a little bit of work now. Why don't I try it on you?

"Ha ha! You poor hunter, you don't have to work! Promise me a good life after you put me in jail! Fuhahahaha!"

Of course Deal laughed without realizing it. This is bad.

"Hey, hey. Deal, what about the Wind Edge? I want you to tell me if you want."

When I put my body between the two of you, I decided to change my story. In the review earlier, I thought it didn't hurt Deal's pride, and I just wanted to change the subject, and I didn't think you could tell me...

"Hmm, the wind edge. It just makes the core with a windy mana, then woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo."

What a light reminder. I knew you didn't hate him, this guy.

I decided to give it a try because you told me so hard. Um, you want to make a core first? The mana of the wind attribute is easy to break apart, so it will be easy to make a core and secure it. And then I'll smooth out the cutting edge. I see, it's easy to understand. Do you throw this afterwards?

I just threw a fresh wind edge at the tree around there. However, the magic thrust into the tree next to the target as if it had thrown a sphere of change, and wooshly disappeared when it was cut in half. After watching it, Deal talks to me when he puts his arms together.

"My child, you have a lot of magic power in your childhood, so I don't think that's enough. Then... do you understand?

"Ah, it's a piao!


I quickly recreate the wind edge and throw it back into the target tree trunk. Then, he hit the target, cut the trunk to the middle and pierced the second tree, losing his magic and disappearing like a cloud.


"Hmm, that's my apprentice!

Soon you'll be my apprentice. But my magical argument with Deal is fun, and I feel like I can just leave it to myself. I'm sure you're telling me a lot.... I'm really worried about Celine, who's getting upset next door.

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