A few weeks have passed since Stina gave birth.

The birth theater after Stina's labor pain started has become a mess for the neighborhood.

Women with experience in childbirth gathered in Esther's house one after the other, and I wondered if the surroundings of the house were illuminated by magic lights even at night. I was put to sleep by the willingness to be able to cope in an emergency. And in the village square, people gathered to pray to God for the safe delivery of the baby.

Children are a treasure in this village, and it is only natural that everyone should work together for it. Of course, even in the town of Fathia, we have the help of our neighbors, but more than that, I feel like they showed us the cohesion of the village.

Incidentally, I wondered if there was anything I could do to help, and I was offered a Class D potion via Ester. I think it would get in the way of my child wandering around during childbirth, and I'm glad that's it.

The girl who was born safely was a cute girl with a nice stretched elf ear. It was named Lumil.

Both parents have blonde hair and elf ears, but since they are half-elf, they may have hair colors and round ear children other than gold that go back to their ancestors. It's not uncommon, but the child inherited the two traits.

I think his gently rounded eyes resemble his father's Miguel. Estelle looks just like her mother, Stina.

After a while, the days passed quickly and finally regained calm for a few days. Now I'm at Esther's house with my usual early morning help.

When I drank the legion sheep milk, I stood up feeling completely empty.

Breakfast is over and Stina is sitting in a chair and breastfeeding Rumil. It's kind of painful to be here at a time like this, but I wonder if it's too weird.

Incidentally, Nicolas is watching her breastfeeding as she puts her elbows on the table. I don't have any strange thoughts from Nicolas, but I want to believe that you're not looking at me with evil eyes.

"Nh ~, then it's time to go!

As Esther, who was looking at Rumil in the same way, rose from her chair vigorously to break the temptation, she began to walk to the kitchen to carry the dishes for today's sale.


I let go of my awkwardness and exhaled, while Nicolas continued after Esther, reluctantly following me.

Come on ~ ~

Stina scratches Rumil's back and calls out to us. Then Lumil also leaked a cute bump. It goes without saying that the corner of our eyes has fallen slightly.


"Hah, Rumil is really cute...."

Esther murmured while pulling the wagon. Looks like she's completely embarrassed by Rumil's cuteness, and all the recent Ester talk is about Rumil. She's an older sister, and she must be so cute.

Nevertheless, I feel the same way. I think Rumil is cute, and I want to do something for Rumil and the Stina who gave birth to Rumil. At first, I thought that the Esther family should be invited to take a bath to relieve the fatigue of childbirth, but it certainly won't be possible to take a bath for a while after childbirth.

I could not help feeling so distracted, but unexpectedly Esther suggested it.

"Hey, Mark. Why don't you go hunt Green Fox with me?

Speaking of Green Fox, it seems to be a monster that lives in the woods near this village. After all, I've never seen it before.

"There's a green package I'm using for Rumil right now, right? It seems that it is ancient that I was using, but I thought I wanted to give you a new one because it is difficult. If I bring a few extra Green Fox instead of the hassle, I know someone who can make you a package in a week or so."

Fluffy green wrap wrapped in lumil. Was it knitted with monster hair? As a sister who loves her newborn sister, she may not be able to endure her ancient life.

"I like it. I'll go, too. What about Nicola?

"Let's go!"

Quick answer.

I'm cute too, and I feel a little overdone in the bath before. I feel somehow closer to me than before, so I want to restore a few friend points before I put a bomb mark on Esther's head. "

Regardless of the motive, it is good that Nicolas, who has high sensing ability, comes to hunt.

"When are you going?

Ask me with Estelle's excited face. I'm going to pop out as soon as I hear back...

"I see. Why don't you talk to Celine?

"Yes, of course!

The tone of Esther makes me think it's not that dangerous, but the monster is a monster. We will never go beyond acting safely.

When I discussed the hunt with Celine at lunch, Celine accompanied me as expected. So the next day, on the rest day of the magic supply, the four of us decided to go hunting foxes.

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