When I was ready, I moved on to Norwell, who was standing against the tree.

"Mr. Norwell, I'll take care of it. Please stand back."

"Yes, no, your healing magic was amazing, and I heard Deal said you were a prospective apprentice. But that's why....."

Stop talking about Deal. Because the wrinkles appeared between Celine's eyebrows.

But I understand Norwell's concern. There seems to be some rumor in the village that you can get into the blue sky classroom with children and Deal is listening to something, but I'm usually a nine-year-old who lives in exchange for cucumbers made in the field.

But I can't keep asking questions before the special individuals that will come. I glanced at Celine.

"Yes, Mr. Norwell. Anyway, can you leave it to Marc for once? I promise. She said she could do it."

Understanding his intentions, Celine slightly pushed his chest between me and Norwell. Then he staggered back and managed to catch him by the nearby tree and fall. Apparently, it was quite impossible.

"Look ~, it's not frustrating. Would you mind stepping back?... ah, it looks like you're finally here."


I heard something dragging from the back of the forest. When I look at you, I see a giant silhouette dragging in the surrounding trees and grass, and as I slip, I see it approaching with a sound.

It soon passed through the dense areas of the trees and was illuminated by the sunlight. The figure was as large as the tallest tree in the area. If there is a sense of discomfort, the leaves are like dead trees without leaves and the roots are moving toward us as if they were living creatures.

"Hmm....? Mushroom monsters, right?

Nicolas reacts to the self-talk I accidentally leaked.

Normal forest fan gas also tried hard to become a jungle and dummy into a tree. It's possible to become a tree if you're at the top of it. "

Ah, Nicola. It was quiet until now.

Yeah, it was like serial air, so I kept quiet. Need help?

Plenty of boots please

I can't help it.... In the meantime, that special individual... for convenience, I'll name it Evil Funger. All right? If you say it's unsatisfactory, your support will be cut off. "

I think it looks strong and cool. I'm worried that the enemy's name might be strong. "

Fine, I feel like I can easily win if you name me Mushroom Taro. No, I guess that's how it's going to relax.

Then I will continue. As Celine said, Forest Fungus is not good at fire, so it is unlikely that any special individual can escape its nature. Fire magic will work for Evil Funger too. "

Fire magic ah. I'm not good at fire magic, and the place is too bad. "

It's not like you can't use fire magic, but you still have a lot of anxiety about control. Even Céline's skill smelled the danger of a fire. I didn't know what to do.

That's right. So we have no choice but to use other means of attacking the tunnel. And it's dark magic that I have to watch out for. "

The one who sucks up magic.

When I look at Norwell, I suspect that if I hit a pseudo-tentacle attack on the roots or branches, I will plant a mycelium and put it under the control of dark magic. Never take tentacle attacks. Also, I think there are spores scattered around the Evil Funger, but if you inhale this, the mycelium is in the stomach. "

I mean, what works...

"Frame Killer From Long Range."

"Frame Killer From Long Range."

Nicely done. It's my favorite operation with chicken, and it's the only way to attack. For now, he's the usual one! It was just operation time to reconfirm.

Celine called out to me when I had my thoughts gathered or when I reopened them.

Marc ~, I'll back you up, so good luck.

Celine throws a kiss at me and smiles happily. That's what I used to do when I went into the mine, but Celine was the most exciting when she was giving me a challenge. I appreciate that, but I want to pay you back for it someday. Esther approached me thinking about such a thing.

"Um, Mark, um... don't ever lose.

"Yeah, don't worry."

Yes, yes, I'm going back ~

With a crying face, Estelle walked backwards as Celine forced her to catch her shoulders. Nicolas and Norwell followed. That's how I was left alone.

Then, as if to fit, the sliding Evil Funger fell within my range. This is the best spot for radiation to stay out of the way of the trees.

"Spear Bullet (Lance Barrett)"

I'll make a spear with earth magic and wrap it around wind magic. It's the most penetrating magic I've ever attacked. I'd like to finish it off with a single blow, if possible. I kneaded the mana too far and threw it at Evil Funger.

Lance Barrett, who sprinkled the dead leaves and grass around him and flew straight through him, stung him beautifully in the middle of the Evil Funger and pierced his body. And the Lance Barrett, which penetrated the torso most easily, disappeared into the forest, scattering the surrounding grass and trees.

Evil Funger, who had his spear on his stomach, stopped walking. There's a big hole in that torso...

Did you do it!?

Nicolas' story arrives. Don't say that line. Still, there is no response at all. I feel like it was too easy to penetrate.

--Bobby, bobby, bobby....

My hunch seems to have been correct. Evil Funger suddenly made a strange noise, and a white object gushed out from around the empty hole, filling the hole more and more, quickly blocking it as if there had been no hole from the beginning.

Even if it looks like a tree, it's a mushroom monster. I wonder if those wounds will be healed with spores buried. "

Apparently my first shot didn't do much damage.

And after eating Lance Barrett, Evil Funger admitted me as an enemy.

He doesn't have eyes, but his consciousness feels like he's pointing at us, and my neck is falling apart.

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