After Esther ran away again and again in a hurry, I decided to cut up my magic supply early and go see how Esther was doing. Celine and Nicolas took a bath, so I'm on my own.

When I knocked on the front door of Esther's house, Stina came out holding Rumil. After communicating the requirements, Stina smiles bitterly as she holds Rumil back.

"Ah... she's falling asleep with a bit of a fever. Now do it gently."

"Eh, is that so? I guess I overdid it...."

The ester I just saw seemed a little unusual from the usual appearance. After all, it might have been better not to use magic supply as a backhand technique for esters that can't handle magic as well as Celine.

"Ah, ahh, Marc, that's not your concern! She blew herself up... but she's a little too close to finishing the portal stone!?

When Stina answered in a hurry as if my regrets had appeared on her face, she breathed softly and continued her words.

"... well, she was still a child. We must continue to work hard."

There was a smile in my mouth that murmured as if I were talking to myself, and I was staring at something smiling.

So, is Estelle okay?

"Yeah, yeah, it's okay. Leave it to me for now. Because I knew it wouldn't be a big deal if I hurried. From now on, we need to keep up with our growth."

Stina looks at me and twists her mouth. The lesson is that the portal crystal was too impatient to be in good health, so I will try to behave calmly in the future. I think it's a very good thing.

"Well, that's what I'm talking about. Can you get along with me again tomorrow?

"Of course. Tell Esther to take care of her."

"Fufu, I get it, sexy guy!

Stina said that and slapped me in the back. Honestly, it hurts so much. It was as painful as I thought I bought the discomfort of Stina in an unknown place, but I wonder if it was my fault.

◇ ◇ ◇

And the next morning. When I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door as usual and opened the front door, a strangely lit facial ester stood at the front door. Today is the usual Culotte skirt.

"Good morning... Mark"

"Hey, good morning, Esther. Looks like you're feeling better. Are you okay with the fever?

"Fever?... ah, yeah! I'm fine now. I'm sorry about yesterday."

"I was a little worried that I was running too much mana."

"Yeah, that's okay! I'm sorry, but the portal stones are finished and floating. Aha!... um, anyway! There were a lot of strange things going on yesterday. I'm glad you forgot! Forget it, please!

Estelle prayed to me when she put her hands together with bread. Well, if you've seen what you've been making for a long time and you're suddenly finishing it, you might not be able to organize your feelings.

"Fine. Don't worry about Esther. That's what I mean."

"Uh-huh. It's embarrassing to remember now. From now on, we need to be more careful...... that's it! Let's go wake Nicola up!

When Estelle clapped her hands with bread again to switch, she squeezed my hand.

"Ah... hands"

I haven't shaken my hand very much lately, so it came out loud. Then Esther answered in a hurry as she scratched her cheeks with her free hand.

"Ah, you know, I've been getting kind of illuminated lately, but can I hold it again? Yeah, well, as a friend!

"I don't mind if Estelle is good."

"Ah, thank you... Fufufu...."

Well, I missed you a little bit, so that's fine. I'm no stranger to being snuggled up by a pretty girl.

Still, is puberty mode over? I don't think it's a short puberty, but did you grow up as an adult all at once with the completion of the portal stone and being recognized as one person?

And after puberty, my nine-year-old child may have been excluded from conscious men. I miss it a little too, but if Esther seems to be enjoying it, is that okay?

When I entered the front door with my hands tied to Esther, I stared at Esther with a smile as she took off her shoes with one hand tied to her.

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