"Fuhahaha! That's it!

With Deal's stupid laughter, the last logs turned into fourths of firewood. This concludes the work that lasted more than an hour.

Deal puts firewood in his bag and approaches me in the corner of the square. Next to the firewood I had arranged properly, I turned down the mouth of the item bag and threw out the firewood while talking to him.

"Thank you, child! How's the wind magic going?

"Yes, I managed to get up to three at once."

"Fuhaha! You can't lie, kid. It took me five years to pull out three blades!

"It's true. Come on."

I flew three wind edges and carved hook-like marks on the ground. After a moment of silence, Deal immediately regained consciousness and flipped the green cloak.

"... fu, fuhaha! That's what you said about my genius leadership! Besides, I can give you up to five! Continue to aim for my realm, hahaha!

It doesn't sound like a kind of loser, but honestly, I think the five are amazing. But Nicolas sent me a cold voice.

When I said coaching, I thought I was just cracking logs laughing over there.

Well, I certainly didn't get any advice. But it worked when I used Deal as a model. "

He's the one who steals tricks. So, isn't that a mistake...?

The person who cut the cross initially did not succeed in imagining the two blades overlapping the cross, but I changed my mind about imagining the cross from the beginning, and it was a quick success.

However, it was not possible to put out two wind edges at the same time. Even if you pour a mana to make two blades of wind at the same time, there is unevenness in the concentration of mana and the power and speed are not stable.

Due to the effect of the skewed mana, even though I wanted to cut the logs into spa, the logs broke and scattered.

Previously, I used to say, "David Cutter is a rock crusher. I don't know if he cuts the rock." I used to put a stutter in my face, but I felt like I finally got an answer. Even the cutter broke the rock, and nothing went wrong. I'm sure that David Chop's punching power means that the truth is sleeping in the abyss that I couldn't reach.

So I rested my hand for a while and watched Deal's work, but when I took a closer look, the moment I raised my arm, I saw the mana of each wind attribute embodied from the tip of each finger.

I just manipulated it and imagined it in the form of a choke to pull out the wind edge from the index finger and middle finger respectively, and I succeeded in pouring a mana lightly and evenly. From there, I increased my fingers even further and it worked well with up to three sheets.

In the meantime, the logs disappeared while I was used to using them with three sheets, but I think I could increase the number of blades if I had a little more time to practice.

But after increasing the number of blades a lot, it seems to be a useless technique besides cutting logs. Rather than increasing the number of blades, I think it is better to increase the power and accuracy of the hit without increasing the number of blades much.

Still, I'm honestly glad I learned about the three-blade gift deals that took me about five years to get. The men who were shaking axes in the woods also returned to the square as they tidied up their deals and firewood while savouring the sense of accomplishment.

Norwell is the first to walk. Norwell raised his hand towards me while wiping the sweat on his forehead with a towel.

"Hi, Mark. You helped me, didn't you? Thank you."

Yeah, thanks to you, I practiced my magic.

"Ha ha, as usual. There's a little leisure after this, so you can take it slow for a while."

"Eh, what's up? Uncle Norwell, what's up?"

Nicolas asks white-white, but Norwell just makes fun of it.

"Keep it to yourself. Now that Tori and the others are ready, I look forward to seeing you later."

Speaking of which, Tori, Tyran and Legion Sheep will soon be gone. I've done my best to help, and I'm going to be a grand godfather.

"Ah, tell Nicola. Ugh, my uncle's messing with me!

"Haha, keep quiet. Keep quiet."

When Nicolas swollen her cheeks, Norwell lowered her eyebrows and laughed, while the other old men stared at Nicolas with a smile. You're all being deceived.

Oops, so I guess I'll get rid of the firewood in time.

Norwell took the string out of his pocket to change the story and began to bundle the firewood in a familiar way. The old man also continued to help, and the scattered firewood quickly became clean and tidy, creating a large pile of firewood.

"Mr. Norwell. What are we gonna do with this firewood?

"I can't use it like this. Put him to bed in the village vault for next winter."

"Oh, I see. I couldn't use it right away."

Wood immediately after logging contains a lot of moisture. It cannot be used as fuel unless it is dried and moisturized.

"That's right, we need to dry it. Well, this winter won't be a problem because there's enough firewood in the vault for last year's harvest."

Then a bomb came out of Deal.

"Fuhahaha! We don't have any stockpiles!


All of us looked round and stared at Deal. With everyone's eyes on him, Deal answers with his chest full.

"Celine is back this year! In order not to make you want to leave the village again, we needed to have a gorgeous harvest festival more than usual! I sold it to all the peddlers who came before the Harvest Festival to collect the money! Hahahaha!"

The axe man heard it and yelled at Deal as he spit out of his mouth.

"Hmm!? Are you nuts!? This year we have a lot of budgets and materials, and I thought the altar was gorgeous! What the hell, Bacadil!

"Fuhaha! I have an idea! I cast wind magic on the firewood every day. That way, the firewood will be finished before winter begins!

"Ahh!? Is that really okay...?

"Ha ha ha ha! Trust this genius!

"... hah... I can't trust you..."

After seeing Deal's cloudless, confident expression, the axe man held his head and sighed loudly. Norwell, who had been silent for so long, quietly opened his mouth.

"Can I have a moment? Marc, you've defeated a special individual in Forest Fungus before, haven't you?

"Oh, I heard that too. Come on, you're Celine's apprentice!

"Fuhaha! That's my disciple!

"You shut up!


The axe man yelled at Deal. Norwell sees it and keeps talking.

"He was good at dark magic because I was about to be killed. So, Mark, if you got his ether, you're pretty good at dark magic, right?

"I'm sure I've been good at dark magic since I defeated it....."

Gupul sake brewing has come a long way. After all, the color of the Magic Stone was only black, and I thought maybe it was a boost to dark magic.

"Then why don't you use the drain to absorb the water from the firewood? I'm sure you can use it."

What? Drain is a dark magical thing that absorbs health, right?

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