I finished eating first, and I went into a room for four. This is the first time I have entered the room, as I soon went sightseeing or came back for dinner.

It's a bigger room than the four people who stayed at Sadra Mine. In front of the room is an aged wooden closet and table set, with four beds lined up in the back. The two on the left show signs of use, so let me use the one on the far right.

When I sat on the bed, I decided to remove the bucket and towel from the item box and wipe my body. It is a pity that I don't have bathing time for my daily routine today. It seems like they spend about two nights in a ride-on carriage, so I'd like to soak myself in the hot water.

--When I finished wiping my body, I raised my face to the sound of the door opening, and Nicolas stood alone in front of the door. You must have come back alone, just like me. Nicolas turned to me in the bed and approached Sta in a straight line without saying anything.

"Welcome back. I thought you were taking your time in the dining room, but you were early."

"Hmm, Estelle seems to have consulted Celine, so I read the air and came back."

Oh, I wonder what it is.

Is there something wrong with you? As I tried to think about it a little, Nicolas gently reached forward and turned her palm towards us as if to block it.

"Oniichan, I can't help thinking about it. I'd rather have some sweets."

"Oh, that's right. Yes."

I just handed Nicolas some sweets this time. Nicolas raised the stick-like baked confectionery to face height and slowly observed it loosening her mouth.

"Heh, it's nice to feel like a junk anyway.... doesn't this belong to Celine? No, I'm not surprised, but I wanted to see Celine hang out with this longitudinal candy with a gentle feeling of looking at the river."

"I never bought it because I thought I would say so. Don't say anything stupid, if you want to eat, eat quickly."

"Yes, yes, as always. Then let's have it."

Nicolas shrugged her shoulders and opened her mouth and squeezed the candy - a strange voice with wrinkles between her eyebrows.

Hmm? Nhh! Nhh!

"Yeah? What's wrong?


Nicolas' face is already bright red. Apparently it's too hard to eat. But...


- Bollinger!

I thought you made an incredible noise and chewed it off, but with the momentum, I still had a definite death expression on my face! I chewed the sweets in my mouth with all my strength. And Nicola, who swallowed it, glanced at me with her shoulders breathing.

"Hah, hah... oniichan and Esther often ate such hard food... As a result of absorbing a lot of ether, did you also get the strength of your jaw to eat T-bone steaks crisply from bone to bone?

"No, the kids in the neighborhood were eating normally...."

Don't make me sound like someone who eats steak deliciously. When Nicola wiped the sweat off her forehead, she threw candy at me.

"Anyway, it seems like cute food is impossible for me. I'll give it back."

Unexpectedly receiving the pushed confectionery, Nicolas poured the flour of the confectionery on her hand with bread and headed from the left to the second bed. Was it Nicolas who chose the bed? This is where Celine and Esther get caught after reading my personality.

Nicolas removes her bag from the shelf on the bed and then removes a small pot with a toothbrush and toothpaste from it.

"Well then, I'm going to bed today. Celine and Estelle may be a little late, so I suggest you go to bed without waiting for your brother."

With that said, she took the toothbrush and small pot in one hand and quickly left the room. They must have headed to the bathroom outside the room.

And I still have the toothed saliva sweets. What do you want me to do with this... I sighed loudly at the candy.

― ― The remaining confectionery was delicious by the staff after that. I'm not buying Nicolas any more hard treats.

◇ ◇ ◇

After all, Nicolas was right, the day after she went to bed without waiting for Celine and Esther. I woke up to the sound of rubbing my clothes. Looking blurrily at the noisy face, Celine, who was in the middle of a change of clothes on the bed, looked at her.

"Oh, good morning, Mark! You're up early!?

Celine in her underwear shouted as she wore her socks.

"Good morning, Celine.... you know, should I go outside?

"Nah, nah, nah! What are you talking about?! I don't care about that!? Why don't you just stay here and watch? Really!?

The white skin that appears on the black underwear is slightly red and stained, but it is limited to throughput because it looks like it will become muddy if stuck.

"Okay. Then I'll get dressed too."

If Celine doesn't care, let's be sweet to her words. I started dressing myself without worrying about Celine. Incidentally, the Esther bed next door was empty, and Nicola just woke up.

Gunu, I felt the fluctuation of the lucky skate event, but it seemed a little late. "Car, Marc's lewd! Wasn't there anything like that?

If you deal with it calmly, it won't be a problem.

"... hah, thank you for saying that you were dying before. Now, will it happen?

Nicola just woke up and stretched out.

"Ha ha. Oniichan, Celine, oneechan."

"Hi, Nicola."

"Nicola, you're up too. Good morning."

Whether she hastily changed into a black dress instead of the plenty of room for the conversation earlier, Celine greets her in the morning, wearing a black dress and restoring her complete calm. My ears are still red, but I can't touch it.

The door to the entrance then opened and Esther entered. It seems that she washed her face, and the towel is patting on her cheeks.

"You both woke up. Hello, Marc, Nicolas."

"Good morning."


Both of them respond in unison.... that? I feel a bit uncomfortable with Ester...

"Hmm... Ester?"

"Ahahah, isn't that weird?

She laughed as if Estelle was illuminated and put her hand around her ear.... ah, I see!

Estelle's ears are round!

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