"Luki, I'm going to help you with your house.

"I know. Don't let your sister get caught up in some weird guy over there, okay?

"Haha, you said something like that a week ago!?

"Hey, stop it!

Tio smiles and strokes Luki's head, and Luki shamelessly twirls her body. Sisters and brothers seem to be good friends, above all.

The owner of the inn is rubbing his mustache with a non-floating face as he looks at the two of them.

Yesterday, I only saw drunk places at work, but this morning, it looked like a fake. Maybe yesterday I had to stop saying goodbye to my daughter and drink alcohol.

"Thio, we're talking to your brother. You can come home right away if you don't want to, or on the contrary, you can live there without worrying about your home if it's easy to live in. You can do whatever you want.

"I know. Well, I wanted to try living in town once, and it's just fine... but I've done this story over and over again, and I've stopped it! Instead, there's a customer coming down!

My husband looked back at Thio's words and acknowledged our appearance and his head looked a little bad.

"Oh, sorry, good morning. Would you like some breakfast? Five pieces of bronze for one."

"Yes, thank you. Four."

"Yes, just a moment."

When Celine ordered, her husband retreated to the kitchen with the maid next door, leaving Tio and Luki in the yard.

"Can I join you for breakfast?

Tio sits in the chair in front of us without waiting for our reply.

"Oh, shouldn't we say goodbye to your family?

"Ahahah, I'm going to stay there if I want to live there, but if it's bad, I'm going to come back soon. It's not cool to say goodbye so much and come back soon.

Indeed, that makes sense. If you send it to me, I won't be able to come back. There were some weird zinks where people would come back as much as those who had a grand retirement ceremony.

As the four of us and one of our guests reached their seats and filled their seats, Luki dragged his chair towards me.

"Hey, can I eat with you?

It seems that my younger brother is still more difficult to break up than his lighter sister. As soon as I looked at Celine to ask her questions, Celine nodded lightly.

Yeah, that's fine.

"Thank you. And... say hello to your sister on the way."

"What? Uh, that's... that's..."

"Oh, my God, you have a bad tooth cut."

Luki sits on the chair with her lips pointed. Yesterday I watched my magic with sparkling eyes, so my reputation is rising in Luki.

But I'm not an adventurer, and I can't blame myself for saying that, and I want Celine, who was bought with alcohol, to tell me more about the guards than I did... and when I turned to Celine again, I was immediately turned away. It's terrible.

Thio, who was watching, breathed lightly and spoke to Luki.

"I'm worried about Luki, because there are rarely any bandits or monsters in the first place, so you can ride the carriage regularly? I care too much."

"Well, I guess so...."

When Luki answered blurrily, Thio stepped out of the table and peered into Nicolas.

"By the way, I've been thinking about you since yesterday, but you're really cute. Hey, how old are you?

"Nicolas is nine years old!

Nicolas answers with a full smile. Tio nodded satisfactorily and asked me.

"Where am I?

"I'm nine, too. Nicolas and I are twins."

"Eh, Marc was younger than me!?

I wondered if it would be a classic twin story, and Luki ate me at my age before that.

"Eh, how old is Luki?

"I'm ten years old. He's shorter than me, but I thought he was exactly the same age...."

As always, I don't seem to be good at acting like a child. Thio opens his mouth as he walks around with me and Nicolas and Luki.

"You behave well, and you're stronger than Luki. Compared to that, my sister has a very different atmosphere. What does Luki think of your sister?

"Ah, ahh, I feel like I'm getting old...."

Luki answers with a mouthful that is difficult to say. At once, Thio smiled as if he were teasing Niyaniya.

"Heh... Fufufufu"

"No, what is it?"

When I hit you, you're getting lit up on the same table as this cute girl.

"Hey, that's not true!

Luki blushed her face and raised her voice, but it seems that she has already confessed.

Since there were many carnivorous boys in Surtoria, I can even nostalgic for a fresh reaction like Luki. Nicolas looked up at the standard reaction for a long time, saying, "This is good, this is good, this is good," and Thio fished up the carrot like he found an interesting toy.

◇ ◇ ◇

After Thio finished his bustling breakfast teasing Luki, we rode together and headed to the carriage stop.

By the way, the breakfast fee was free after Thio whispered something to her husband, and Celine sighed as she shrugged her shoulders.

I'm Celine, the caretaker somehow, and I think I've already received an escort request. As an adventurer, you wanted to show me and Esther your cynical side, but I don't hate Celine.

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