Nicolas, with her sword on her neck, stood still as if stiff, stretching her pale face.

"Hihi, you poor thing. I'm totally scared ~"

Dialogue seemed to delight Lemon with Nicolas's appearance, but he wasn't afraid. I guess Lumon just froze at the disgusting feeling of grabbing my neck. We've lived together for nine years, so we'll soon know that.

Resting assured that Nicolas was normal, I slowly confronted Lumon so as not to irritate him as much as possible. Lumon smiled at the tip of his sword.

"Whoa, don't come any closer if your sister's life is wasted. I don't know how, but you played my sword. I don't want to be alarmed about kids."

Apparently I've been warned. But that's something I can tell you. Lumon may have a tasteful fear through Nicolas's senses. We should be very vigilant. Let's just buy Celine some time.

"Oniisan, you were a bandit. But he's been working as an escort. Why?

"Kuku, we're going to be careful anyway. Stay lurking in the surrounding village until the prey hits, and when you find the oyster prey, do your job in the Navabari without leaving any evidence, and move across Navabari to find your next prey before the pursuit hits."

What a cautious and distracting story. I don't think it would be better to be a snail in hiding, but is it profitable? I don't really understand the psychology of criminals.

"I can't let all the women get away with it, and I was supposed to keep it down to just about one adventurer... It was an honest miscalculation that these women were so skilled."

I wonder if the facial level of the female team is too high to make me want it. Lumon clasped his face to his mouth, but when he turned his gaze to Nicolas, he saw the smelly face again.

"However, it seems that I'm getting a twist, too. I didn't know how Garrett would fall if he was a hostage, but you guys came all the way out here? If your family takes you hostage, they'll grow up too. If you and your sister spare your life, don't disobey me. Hey, turn around."

Lumon snuggled his jaw at me and cleverly removed the rope from his pocket with a sword. Apparently they're going to tie me up here. But wait, I want to buy more time. Even though I said I wouldn't be alarmed, my mouth seems to be light because I am dealing with a child, and I want to stretch it even more.

"Um... Oniisan, I'm surprised you're too good at killing signs, but how did you do that?

"Ah? This is a 'secret' gift. I can get rid of the signs easily without having to train for a long time. When I was a kid, I activated it many times without knowing, and the shadow was thin, so shut up and stay away from me, but it was scattered, damn it."

Remember the old days? Lumon with a bitter face answers like throwing up. Then you'll hear from Nicolas, who has been silent for so long.

Ah, I see. It was a gift, wasn't it? Then I'm convinced that my senses have slipped through it. "

"Would a gift pass through your senses?

There seems to be a lot of gifts, and it must have been a gift of that nature. I think maybe Lumon is an easy substitute. "

Well, as long as there is no one else like Nicolas, it will not be the same as when the symptoms disappear normally, and it may be that kind of thing.

"Shit, it's time to go. Get the fuck out of here."

Lumon squeaks his chin again. Looks like this is the first time I've bought time. Celine isn't coming yet, but what to do... That's where Nicolas sends me a message.

"Oniichan, Celine told me to buy some time, but I can't seem to make it. As far as I'm concerned, I'd like you to let this creep go as soon as possible. Can you do something about it?

That's fine. I've been pretty alert. "

For my part, I'd like to wait and see what happens to Lumon for a while. Looks like a loot to him too, and as long as we keep our heads down... right? Probably.

"As always, oniichan is either cautious or freaked out... Well, I don't like to feel painful about trying to force Wangchang."

Isn't that right?

"Hey, you guys are staring at each other forever! Fuck off! Turn around!

Lumon raised his frustrating voice and made his sword crawl to Nicolas's neck to show off. But Nicola exhaled lightly without even showing the appearance she cared about.

"Oh dear... there's no choice. I'll make a gap. After that, I'll leave it to oniichan.

Nicolas thins her eyes as if she were concentrating. Then I saw the wind attribute mana wrapped around my hands.

"What? Nicola?

Without answering my question, Nicolas slowly opened her eyes and put her hand behind Lemon's thigh.

Here we go. "Only as part of the procedure (Lymphatic Massage)" Full Power!

At that moment...

"--Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♥ ♥ ♥"

Lumon raised his gruesome voice and raised his eyebrows to create a tranced expression.


Lumon drops his sword and makes a faint noise on the ground. But a man with an opium face who didn't even notice that he had dropped his sword trembled his legs like a newborn deer as he turned into an inner crotch. Nicolas pulls her face apart quickly.

"Uh-huh, mudball."

I shoot mudballs at Lemon so I don't have to see anything ugly. Mudballs fly into the face of Lemon's jaw, unprotected.

- Boog!

A dull sound sounded and Lemon flew back at an angle where he shouldn't bend his neck.

Lumon fell on her back in large letters, twitching and spasming. She seems to be alive for now, and her expression doesn't seem happy.

As soon as I got close, I bound my hands and feet with earth magic to sew them on the ground, and put a full face restraint on my head to avoid looking at my opium face. He's the type of guy who wants to say, "Name me." "I won't forgive you pussy" type.

"- Okay."

Nicolas approached the runway as I finished holding him down the street. Nicola was scared ~ and didn't hug me--she grabbed my hand and rubbed it against her neck.

It is override disinfection. Ahhhhhh, it was disgusting... "

Yeah...... Please don't. I feel sick, too. "

Please don't jerk off and cooperate this much. It was my maneuver to defeat him, so thank me a little. "

With that said, I even rubbed my hand against the root of my neck with a disgusting face.

Looking at Nicolas like that, she sighed so loudly from my mouth. At that time, I felt my strength relaxed from my strong shoulders.

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