"Nh. Later... Me, me, me... Oh, this is a big barrel, please."

"Hei, there's no way! I'm glad you bought it so much. I'll lend you the cargo platform. Just give me a minute!

The owner of the liquor store tried to go to the back of the store, but Celine stopped.

"Ah, you don't have to put it in this kid's item box.... Marc, please?


"Oops, you have an item box! I can't believe it's going to hold so much liquor in the future!


Not only here, but there are already several liquor stores. When I passed on my husband Yoisho with a smile of affection, I put the liquor after the payment in the item box one after the other.

"I'm late!

I went outside the liquor store while being escorted by the upscale owner. The townscape overlooked was completely surrounded by bright red dusk. Celine moves forward without hesitation as to whether the next destination has already been decided.

Come on, next time ~

"Celine, are you still going around the shop? The item box is fine... is the money okay?

I stopped Celine by accident. A wine region and famous town sells a variety of wines and alcohol. Some of them are as cheap as the townspeople usually drink, and some of them are expensive, so Celine's wallet, which buys them all over the whiskey, is really worrying.

When I asked her, Celine stopped her feet and grabbed her fist.

"Oh, the money's still fine. There are a lot of alcohol that can only be bought here, and I can't miss this opportunity...!

Yes, Celine insisted, but her eyes were swimming calmly, so it was a delicate question whether she was really okay. But even though Celine, who always takes care of her, seems to be enjoying herself, I'm sorry to give her water.

"That's fine. But if you run out of money, just let me know. I can get it out a little bit."

"My mom gives me money, so I can cover my own travel expenses.

After me and Estelle were worried, the rest of Nicolas fainted. When it comes to money, it's roughly... It's kind of pathetic, so I'll come back later.

"It's okay, it's okay! Come on, come on, let's go to another house!

When Celine turned her back, she started walking along the boulevard with her pants worried about us. Is it really okay...?

◇ ◇ ◇

After all, when Celine took us around and scattered three more taverns and it was dark around, we finally arrived at the hotel Celine had booked.

Following Celine, who pushed the big door in the front door, she entered and saw a large group of guests enjoying the wine in one hand surrounded by gayagaya and the table, with a lot of enthusiasm. Seems like Celine's favorite inn anyway.

In such a bustling shop, a middle-aged man waved at us. Garrett, the carriage rider.

We looked back and arrived at the same table. As soon as I finished ordering the dinner menu from the store attendant, Garrett slowly opened his mouth to see how he was doing.

"It's been a long time since you came back. Did you have any trouble handing over the bandits...?

"Hmm? I was just shopping. The handover is over quickly."

Garrett breathed heavily into Celine's words, reassuring her heart.

"Hah, what was that? That's fine.... so you're heading to the capital tomorrow, right? Have you arranged your feet yet?

"I'm going to the carriage shop tomorrow to rent it. What's wrong with that?

I see. I wish I hadn't borrowed it yet. Then I'll take you to the capital. Of course, it's free. "


Celine responded instantly to the taste. I guess I'm feeling pretty lonely about this... What a thought, Cohon and the coughing Celine continued to say.

"... do you still care about the bandits? Don't worry about it."

"Because I hired Lumon, and I saved your life, too. I have to settle this, because I don't want to refresh myself."

That's how Garrett shrugged her shoulders. He said he wanted to thank Celine for chasing the monster away before, and he might be a reasonable man.

Phew. But what about the passengers on the coach?

"Oh, I rarely go to the village from here. Don't worry, you're often late for shopping and returning to the village. I also had some items I wanted to buy in the capital. I don't have to hire an escort to the Reichstag this time, so I'll be saved."

"Oh, you're doing well. But when you get back from the capital, I suggest you hire an identifiable escort from the Adventurers Guild, not a mogri.

"Ah... even if you're reflecting. From now on, I will."

When Garrett had a bitter face, he tilted the glass with the ale so as to pour it into his throat.

― ― As soon as I finished talking about my plans for tomorrow, Garrett pulled into the hotel room and the clerk brought me some food to swap with him.

The main dish is chicken and vegetables stewed in red wine. It seems that even children can eat it because it is thoroughly simmered and the alcohol is skipped.

"Well then... * giggle *, I can't resist it!"

Eat red wine stew, drink red wine, and then eat red wine stew. Celine seemed to be very satisfied with the transformation into a permanent red wine agency. It's a momentum to say that my blood is made of wine if it goes on every day.

I just put red dyed chicken in my mouth. Thanks to the flavor of the wine and the slow simmering, the texture is very good, crumbling in the mouth.


Nicolas also eats chicken in a good mood. Sometimes I sneak the vegetables I hate onto my plate, but I was filled with the feeling of wanting to return the five pieces of silver I just gave you.

"There are also dishes that are simmered with alcohol. I've never eaten before."

I eat chicken to taste the ester one by one and relax my cheeks. When it comes to alcohol in Surtoria, it's Gupulu, but I don't think I used it for cooking. It seems that the sourness is a little strong and it may not be suitable for cooking.

A man with a gothic chest came in front of Celine, saying that he was so confident in his arms when he was eating gently. Celine glanced at the man while sitting down, and the man clapped his hands to the table.

"Hey, sis. Why don't you come drink with me over there?

"I refuse."

"Haha is a strong woman. I love it! Leave those kids alone and have fun with me till morning!?

"Hmm. The best way to get rid of a man is to..."

Celine murmured in a good mood as she watched the nampa man roll at her feet with a round burn and drank a glass of wine.

And at the edge of my sight - I think I was eating light here before I went to the store at night - Machel and Cohai were bluishing their faces as they looked at Celine. Please don't call me.

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