"Marc, you had a lot of fun at the tavern yesterday, didn't you?

Breakfast time. Trian arrived at his seat this morning, seemingly without hasty work, and he threw a clinky word without stopping laughing. You're telling me you couldn't eat yesterday's dinner in the dark.

Celine and I are sorry about this, so we can only apologize for our low profile. No matter how much Trian is at ease, the aristocracy will take care of the pride, and I feel like I'm going to fall anyway depending on my mood. I'm afraid of nobility.

Incidentally, Celine doesn't seem to be standing in front of me anymore. She was drinking with Mia until late last night and fell asleep in a deep drink.

When I went to pick her up in the morning, Celine, who was lying in bed with a blue face, was given a potion, so the hangover quickly got better. But it will always be difficult to be our guardian, so why don't you relax for as long as today? When I recommended it, Celine agreed. I fell asleep in bed.

That's why Celine isn't at breakfast. Trian took my seat to stand up and said an apology.

"Ha, we're pushing you into this castle because we can't. You don't have to apologize. [M]... well, I suppose I'd appreciate it if you could tell me in advance? Before I cooked for you, I was sorry for the cooks. Now, please sit down."

Trian urged her to take a seat with her palm pointing. When I sat down, I advised everyone around the table to eat and managed to start breakfast safely.


"Fufu, speaking of taverns, I remember the encounter between me and you. The potato salad I had that day was very delicious.... oh, yes! Do you remember when I asked you to tell me the recipe for the potato salad? Would you please tell me the recipe today? [M] Of course, I will be grateful, and the cooks of my castle will be so happy to know about the unknown recipe that yesterday's events will blow up."

You've spontaneously connected to the potato salad. I wanted to return the Silver Eagle's talisman, and I was willing to teach it without offering a gratuity or instigating guilt towards the cook. Do you want so much potato salad for this handsome guy?

But, anyway, Celine is down today, and I don't think she'll be able to go out with me, and it might be a good opportunity.

--But I thought it would be kind of shabby to talk to a Trian who could float a leisurely mile if I didn't say no. I'll show you how ordinary people feel.


"Oh, will you tell me!? I'll show you to the pantry later."

"No, that's not necessary. I'm going out to buy food today."

I know you don't want us out much. That's why I decided to go outside.

"Hmm? I already have about all the ingredients I can get. All you have to do is tell the pantry keeper."

That's a good thing to do. It is possible that I was preparing the ingredients for this. But apart from the commoner's feelings, sometimes I want to go out alone.

Celine is off today. Speaking of Esther, Mia seems to have gotten a little acquainted with the girls' club, but after dinner, she was taught a lesson in the training hall, but Mia, who was more skillful than Esther, did it well, and now she's resting in bed again.

I've been on a little tour, but I thought Celine had something to see at a glance. I dragged Esther into the challenge with joy.

And Liane will never leave Nicolas, and by chance, I have a unique opportunity to enjoy myself for a long time.

Of course we all don't hate to walk with pathetic people, but we honestly admire walking alone in an unknown town. You can't miss this opportunity, can you?

"I'm sure there are luxury ingredients here. However, the potato salad that Trian once ate was made with ingredients that the common people usually eat while fearing. I don't know what tastes like when it comes to luxury ingredients, so let me make it with my usual ingredients first."

Of course it is convenient to go out. In that case, it would be troublesome if the servant told me to go buy it, but what would happen?

Trian shrugged his shoulders and exhaled lightly to open his mouth.

"Hmm, I see. Then Mia."


Mia answered, standing with her spine stretched by the wall.

"Can you follow Marc?

"Yes, I understand."

Ugh, it looks like you won't let me walk alone. But this is what I said from the beginning and I can't help it.

But if there's anything I can do, I'd like to ask the surveillance officer to do it outside of Mia. I was really scared of Mia who was putting Esther to pieces yesterday...

"But Miya-san has Liane-sama's escort, right?

I asked her what she wanted, and Liane shouted.

"I'm studying in my room today. I don't need an escort."

That's how I swollen my cheeks. Conversely, Nicolas in the adjacent seat smiled.

"Oniichan, Nicola's gone too! Isn't that great?

I had a bad night's sleep and I felt sick, but last night I slept in the same bed as promised, so my sleep was perfect. If Liane were to be released from her bondage, Nicolas' tension would have to rise.

But it was unusual for Nicolas to want to go out. I'll send Nicolas a message.

What's wrong? If you don't have to go outside, why don't you just hang out in the room like you always do? "

Even if you're in the room, I don't feel like thinking about when Liane will come. The castle doesn't have a place for me to live... You can follow me, right? Or is oniichan abandoning me so cute?

Nicolas stared at me with the light gone. In this case, I can't refuse.

"Okay, okay. Shall I come with you...."

"Wow! Thank you, brother!

So I left the castle with Nicolas and Mia to go shopping.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Mia, are you still connected?

Ah? Humph, that's good.

Because of Liane's absence, rather than the usual polite tone, in short, Mia, who was a bad guy, reached out and grabbed Nicola's hand.

The guard is loose thanks to the absence of an escort named Rear. First contact successful! Fuhihi, even if you can see that you've been diving through the Shura Hall, this is sexy!

Nicolas waved her hands as she skipped a disgusting sudden story. Then Mia stretched her free hand towards me.

"Huh? What?

"I don't know what it is. It would be unfair not to connect with you just by connecting with my sister. Come on, don't be shy."

That's how he grabbed my hand. My palm was as hard as Nicolas said, and I found that there was a thick sword octopus. I guess I've been training ever since I became a maid.

"Hey, walk the edge of the road more."

"Ah, hi...."

A carriage passes along the main street, and Mia pulls my hand. I know you care about me, but I get nervous all the time because I saw Estelle in a coma yesterday. I've never seen anyone who's better than Esther because of her physical abilities. The world is wide.

And even such a frightened woman tried to distract her mood by looking sideways at Nicolas, who opens up her sexuality as usual.

Well then, Miya-san. So can you show me where you sell groceries?

Didn't you know?

"I don't know anything about it. I'm sorry."

"You didn't know where the store was, so you gave Trian your opinion. Ha, that's a lot of nerve, isn't it?

"I wanted to go outside...."

Expressing my candid feelings, Mia bent her mouth sharply.

"Well... a kid like you wants to play outside. Shh, I'll shut you up. Hey, this is the street where the groceries are sold."

Just at the crossroads, Mia pulled my hand and turned left at the crossroads. Apparently, Mia is someone who can talk.... you said Celine was a good person to take care of. It may be rude to be scared too much.

Well, I didn't go sightseeing by myself, but Mia was basically silent and Nicolas was obsessed with Mia. Think of it as missing and enjoy shopping.

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