After appraising the poison arrow, Celine defeated the goblins she saw several times before returning from the forest to the grasslands.

In the woods, I think it was a valuable experience to crush goblins with stone walls, shoot bullets, and evaluate them in item boxes. Thank you, Celine.

Nevertheless, the vocational experience course has not yet been completed. And finally, report to the Alliance.

After walking for a while, I saw the gates of the town of Fathia. There's Brian the doorman, just like in the morning. Looks like they noticed us too. They waved their hands lightly, so I look back.

Nicolas approaches Brian early enough to greet him well.

"Uncle, I'm home!

"Hey, miss, welcome back. Hmm, I see you came home safe and sound without injury. How's the boy?

Yeah, it was fun.

"Well, that's better than that. Celine, too."

"Fufu, you're okay, right? Well, I'm a little tired in another way ~"

Just as she left town, Celine waved her hand through the gate. We followed with a wave of hands.

I'm back in Fathia town. It is a view that I watched every day until yesterday. But I've only been out in the woods for a few hours, and I kind of miss it. I felt like I understood the feelings of the neighborhood's children who boast just by going out of town.

"Your house is closer, but I'll go to the guild first."

I'm going to get in trouble somehow when I get home. You should get it done first. There is no objection, so I nodded and followed.

Walk down the Boulevard and enter the Adventurer Alliance. I looked at the dining space a little, but the drunk old man couldn't stand it. I wonder if he woke up drunk and went to work, or if he forced me out.

I don't have to wait in turn before the reception counter to see if it's a sparkling time after noon. A receptionist with the same black hair as in the morning is in charge.

"I've been hunting goblins. Mark, give him the leather bag."

Remove a large amount of goblin-earned leather bags from the belt and hand them to the receptionist. I didn't feel that much when I put it on my hips, but it was very heavy when I took it in my hand.

"Yes, I did. I'll check the number."

The receptionist hands the leather bag to the male employee behind the counter. And I smashed the contents of the leather bag on a stone table that I could see from here.

Oh, even though I'm getting used to it, that huge amount of ear has an impact. And that's why the Guild staff won't move. I started counting my ears without changing my complexion.

A few moments later, the staff came to the counter. Then he handed the leather bag to Celine and asked her.

"I checked here and found that the number of Goblin crusades was 25. Are you sure?

"Yes, I'm sure."

Celine answered and the staff returned to the table, put their ears in a different bag and walked to a different room. I guess I'll throw away my ears or something over there.

A black-haired receptionist bends her back and looks at us.

"One goblin, four pieces of bronze. How many pieces of bronze are there for 25?

She asked me and Nicolas. It's a math problem. It's arithmetic...

"Um, a hundred!

Nicolas answered cheerfully.

"Well, that's right! It's amazing ~"

You weren't expecting an answer. I was surprised when I put my hand on my mouth. At the age of six, multiplication is a fairly mastery level even in the education of the previous life. I can't tell you about people, but Nicola doesn't take her weight either.

I couldn't show you anything good in the woods. I found a good place around here... Ah, I cut off my ear before my bitch brother. "

It arrives with a long story. It is quite embarrassing to think back about the ear case now. Let's hope they don't call us nettings in the future.

"Isn't that amazing? She took out two goblins today."

Celine strokes my head and tells the receptionist how proud she is of my child.

"Eh!? Is that true? How did you do that?

Hmm. That's impossible to say. You don't pry into adventurers, do you?

Celine answers with a smile.

"Oh, that's right. Excuse me.... I'm really curious."

The receptionist sees this as flickering. Celine was terrible at shaking things up. Well, I don't think it's a good idea to spread the word strangely, so you should keep your mouth shut.

While talking like that, the receptionist who was working with Techipaki keeps her reward at the counter. Ten silver coins.

By the way, there are ten copper coins and one silver coin. Ten silver coins are exchanged for one gold coin.

My rough calculations say it's a thousand yen a silver coin, so you hunt goblins from morning till after noon and get 10,000 yen a day. Well, it may not be helpful to apply it to the prices of the previous life, so it might be better not to worry about it.

If you stay at my place with five silver coins with breakfast for one night, it's enough for lunch and dinner for two nights.

I think it's cheap if it's life-threatening manual labor, and not all goblins are hunted the same every time. Thinking so, I don't think it suits the walnuts to only hunt goblins. That's an unpopular request from the Alliance.

I think it would be just right to hunt a goblin and exchange it for cash. Speaking of which, Celine went hunting for Goblins after receiving a request, but if she didn't, she wouldn't be able to redeem it. I asked because I was concerned.

"Sometimes I see them hunting, but they've never turned me down for cash. I thought it would be your experience this time, so I decided to accept the request."

Celine's answer is supplemented by the receptionist.

"This town's goblin slaughter request is to keep the city safe, so would it be a problem if you could bring the goblins you hunted in other areas? So, obviously, I will refuse to exchange for old ears or any kind of goblin subspecies that shouldn't be around here. Goblin's ears aren't a material either."

I see. If we don't commit fraud in the meantime, we'll be able to buy it in this town. Also, it seems like monsters like materials can be bought without a request.

"Yes, thank you!

When I thanked her, the receptionist smiled and stroked my head, saying, "How cool is it to say thank you properly?" I was used to it in Celine, but it's not like the first beauty to stroke me! I think I understand Nadepo's feelings a bit.

Well then, let's go home.

Nicolas was also stroked, and Celine opened her mouth. No one is waiting behind, but it won't be a long story at the counter.

I said goodbye to the receptionist and left the Adventurers Guild. Looking at the sky, the dazzle of the day lurked, and I felt a faint sign of dusk. He stayed longer than I thought.

Celine bends to the side of the Guild building and calls us.

"Yes, Marc. Enemy of two goblins. I'll give you eight real bronze coins to celebrate your first crusade. I'll split it with Nicolas. The distribution of rewards is important to adventurers, so think about it.

"Thank you, Celine. Okay, Nicola."

I handed Nicolas half a bronze coin.

Celine smiles without saying anything and stretches out when she stands up slowly.

"Hmm. Well then, let's go home. Let's get you ready for a bath."

Thank you for your help today, and I will serve you the bath free of charge.

"Celine, can you come in with Nicola?

"Fine, Marc. Want to join us?

Stop it ~

I started walking toward my home with such a conversation.

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