When Mia tore off my clothes, I was forced to wear Liane's outdoor clothes and sat in front of a dressing table in the middle of makeup.

"Um... For now, if you just want to show me your disguise, you don't have to go that far. You're not infiltrating right now, are you?

Mia stares into the mirror at me.

"Stupid, don't talk, you're out of your mind.... if you're going to do it, you'll have to do it thoroughly and convince your surroundings. Especially after you've had sex with your daughter, and I'll do everything I can to get her to come with you."

Yeah, that's right. I completely forgot about the shock of the ladies' costume, but it turned out to be a bit of a nasty mood with Liane. You may be more concerned than helping the undercover investigation with momentum.

Was that feeling on my face? Mia stuck her hand in the back of her hand and hit me in the head.

"I've heard from Trian too, but you're telling me to be friends with my daughter, right? Then it's common for children to hang out with each other. I don't really care."

"Is that what this is about?

"That's right. Wow, I'm going to finish this really cute."

Mia resumed her makeup work while showing her dog teeth in a mean manner. That was only the maid with the Countess, and the work was very delicate and polite. Celine told me she used to dress like a barbarian without makeup, but I'm sure she trained quite a bit to be a maid.

Think about Liane while wearing makeup.

Trian arbitrated with me earlier, and I wonder if it would be all right to see how things are going with Liane if we were talking about children hanging out with each other. Talk to Trian if they want something to shield the nobles. All right, here we go.

I was relieved that I had noticed Liane in my brain, and I was heartened by the momentum and the fact that the undercover investigation was easy. And when she took a deep breath, she took a cock and a tight fist from Mia.

◇ ◇ ◇

I walked back to the cafeteria with Mia after finishing my makeup. As usual, my crotch feels smooth and disgusting.

The servant who passed by on the road seems to be well educated, and he did not look at me carelessly, but still, the damage accumulates in my mind.

As she was walking slowly, just staring at Mia's feet, Mia stopped and knocked on the door. Looks like we've arrived at the dining room.

The door opens slowly and quietly, and Mia turns around behind me. When I looked forward from the gap in my hanging forehead, all the gaze around the table was pointed at me. Give me a break.

"Hey, keep your chest up and walk."

Mia whispered with a small back. If we get here, we'll have to reopen it. Such things do less moral damage than grandiose ones. This is the experience I gained at Iris Tavern.... I didn't want to experience it again.

When I set my stomach and went into the dining room, I heard Liane shouting a little. Turning reflexively towards Liane, I saw her staring at us with unusual eyes as she turned bright red.

Yeah, that's right. It is a natural case to leave the place where you had a quarrel and had a ruthless atmosphere, and think that you have come back, such as borrowing her costume and dressing up as a woman.

Because it was so scary, I turned my face back to the front thinking that I should keep my eyes off Liane. And now I saw Trian standing at the bottom of the table.

"Hi, Marie. Long time no see, huh?

He put his elbows on the table and put his chin on his hands with a smile on his face. I didn't think you'd be exposed again in front of this man. When I was scaring my mouth, I heard voices all over the place.

Oniichan, you're so cute ~

Well done! Good job!

"Wow, Mark. So cute!

"Fufu, looks good on you, huh?

I thought I'd tease you, but Nicolas is kind of in a good mood. An ester that is honestly impressed. I think I was lucky not to get caught up in the various reactions with Celine, who naturally had a funny tone. Well, the last one looks angry.

Trian asks Liane, who is so angry, to peek into her face.

"Liane, what do you think? You think it's okay to infiltrate with me?

"Isn't that okay!? Then I'll let you go back to your room!

Leaning with a red face, Liane answered to roll and stand, and rattled the chair and left the cafeteria early enough.

I overheard him murmuring, "Marc is a wall, Marc is a wall, a wall..." Does that mean like a wall blow or a sandbag? I'm super scared.

The servant closes the door when Liane leaves, and I sit in my seat. Then Trian, with his serious face, talked to Celine with the same smile.

"Well, you're the guardian, but can't you agree to Marie's help? Of course, if you insist on no, I'm going to reconsider. Please don't hesitate to express your opinion."

This is probably up to Celine, and there's a reversal!? But Celine shook her head when she sifted.

"Count Waltrail. This is what Marc himself said, so I'd like you to take responsibility. I would like you to learn this kind of thing on this trip, and above all, Marc would never be as unconscious as a little villain. Oh, it's Marie now."

Isn't it? Well, even though I'm good for my mental age, I think I'm getting too hot for a nine-year-old. I want to take this as a penalty.

"So, Marie. Can you help me?


To Trian, who smiles and smiles, I answer without strength. Then all of a sudden Trian stood up.

"All right, let's get this meeting started. Mia, is Morrison in a bunker in the castle?

"Yes, probably. You want me to call you?

"No, I'll go. Mia, please give me a confession.... then excuse me first. I will contact you as soon as this arrangement is made, so I'm sorry, but I want you to wait in the castle today."

Trian told us that on foot and left the cafeteria in no time. When several servants left together, there was only one servant left in the corner of the room with us as usual.

Suddenly in a rough cafeteria, I pick around the chest of my clothes and ask Celine.

"Can't you just take this off?

Hmm. You might want to take off your makeup, but I think you should get used to skirts. You don't want to run suddenly without getting used to it, right?

"Ahahah, a long skirt is hard to move. I don't like it either."

Estelle looks at my glittering skirt and lowers her eyebrow buttocks. I would have liked an ester-like culotte skirt anyway. Mia rejected it because it wasn't in the closet.... speaking of which, I've never seen Estelle in a long skirt.

"You wore a long skirt on the day the portal stone was finished. That suited me very well."

I think the Esther costume on the anniversary day was very cute.

"Ah, forget about that day! Well, I'm glad you said it suited you!

Apparently it was illuminated and Esther said her red face with her hands. And Nicolas was watching the situation as she stroked.

Oh, speaking of which, Nicola.

What is it? Marie-oneechan "

Ugh...... What happened to you this time? You didn't see Dalkan's face either, did you?

Ah...... I'm not even on the list of members in the first place. Unlike oniichan, I didn't show you any magic. "

Indeed, Nicolas has shown no magic to the nobles. He's a type of self-defense and savoury without showing strength. I still don't even know what I can do to Nicolas.

Nicolas kept shrugging her shoulders so that only I could see her.

"Above all, aren't you opposed by Leah, who loves me? I really wanted to go. Hmm! Love me! Whoa!

Well, shall I recommend it?

Please don't do this.


Well... In my estimation, it doesn't seem to require much sensing this time, and I don't usually feel like getting caught in the hands and feet. I'm just an incredibly cute girl without sensing it. "

Oh yeah......

Does that mean that I, Esther, and Liane and the rest of the crew gathered on Trian's side are going to infiltrate? There are many things to worry about, but nothing starts until the operation is decided. We left the cafeteria together when we had a chat.

◇ ◇ ◇

Then I dragged myself into my room and squandered my time. I contacted Fatima's mother on a regular basis with a resonance stone, but I don't think she thought her son was dressed as a woman over the phone.

Nicolas didn't even tease her mother about her costume. I don't know why, but I've been in a strange mood since I dressed up as a woman.

Trian did not attend lunch or dinner. I wonder if the meeting is lengthy. As always, Liane stared at me during the meal, but I didn't hear anything from her, so I went over it as if I didn't notice.

When I was about to finish dinner, Trian, Morrison and Mia came to the dining room looking tired. And the greetings began to outline the operation there. Apparently, the undercover operation is scheduled for tonight.

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