Dalkan stared at us as we stood near the table and distorted our mouth lewdly.

"Guhi, capturing four people is a wonderful achievement ~"

"Yes, I think so too!

The doorman standing beside him raised his voice. It was a slightly overflowing gatekeeper in front of us, but now it's a lot different. Well, employers who work in the dark are usually scared. Instead of being made to cry when you're feeling better, you're going to be physically fired.

"Ufufu, I hope this happens every time, but they're too careful with their work. Shall I color this reward a little bit and let you work harder in the future, huh? Now... you go back to work."


When Dalkan waved lightly, the gatekeeper quickly ran away.

If there's only one Dalkan left now, it's going to be quick if we contact Morrison with all four Dalkans in full swing, but that's not going to happen.

Because two guards with swords are silently holding Dalkan between them. Dalkan, who chased away the gatekeeper, looks at us again.

"Ufufu, that's good, that's good. All of my daughters have top balls. And it's really good that my breasts don't like me! My breast-filled daughter will spare you the opportunity to sell it ~"

Looks like Dalkan likes Mr. Big Boobs. Speaking of which, you were obsessed with Celine. By the way, both Mia and Ester are of normal size.

Dalkan, who led the escort, came one step closer to us, two steps closer, shaking his full body. I wonder if there's anything I can do to surprise Dalkan here right now? I looked up at Mia, but she said, "Stop it."

I'm still concerned about the presence of the guards on both sides. The timing of this setup is left to Mia.


Turning his gaze back to the voice, Dalkan's cloudy eyes and eyes stared at me.

I know Dalkan. And Dalkan was looking for me by drawing sketches. If they find out here, the hardship of getting into a woman's costume will be wasted, so now I have to trust Miya's makeup technique.

I swallowed my spit and waited for Dalkan's words. Dalkan, who had been staring at me for some time, nodded slowly and repeatedly and opened his mouth in a pounding manner.

"Hmm, I see... I heard you attacked a carriage in a wealthy shop, but I certainly don't feel the elegance that comes out of this girl's good growing up. Daughters like these sell well as young as they are. Besides, I hope that hobbyists will catch up on the price, huh?"

Hah, good growing up... hey? I am a common man who grew up in a normal family both in my previous and present life. Looks like Dalkan's eyes aren't that big a deal. Speaking of which, the store was the Golden Picca Palace of Sense x.

While I stroked my chest down, Dalkan and Leah, Esther and Mia continued to appreciate each other's subtly skewed lectures, and finally tapping on bread and hands opened their mouths.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to say that it seems like it will sell at a high price. Now, let's put on a slave collar. You may have already heard about the collar from Kati, but if you keep quiet and follow orders, you won't have to feel painful, so you won't be scared at all ~, ufufu.... can you pull out your collar?

That's how Dalkan reached out to the left guard. The collar seemed to be quite heavy, so I suppose the escort had it. The guard pulled the black collar out of the waist leather bag.

It was a decisive gap. At that moment, Mia takes off the rope that tied her arms and rushes in, hopping up the jaw of a man with a leather bag at the bottom of his palm. The man fell on his knees with Gakkun on the spot, but Mia also attacked Dalkan to keep flowing -

- Barringe!

Along with the sound I have heard, Mia's fist, which was thrown down by Dalkan, jumps up like it was being hit. Mia frowned while holding down her bloody fist.

"Shit! Protective talismans!

"Hih, it's so brutal to suddenly get hit! You seem confident in your arms, but I'm sorry! Mr Barg, let me see your eyes hurt a little!

"Ha, Dalkan!

Dalkan raised his voice while sweating from the inside of his face, and the other guard pulled the sword out of the sheath, already standing in the way to protect his employer.

I think it was a mistake for Mia to have a protective talisman. Because I heard that the protective talisman is not generally out there.

Maybe he was producing it himself like an illegal slave collar. I once again realized that it would be difficult to get around the enemy as long as the talisman always helped me.

We failed the ambush, but if this happens, we have to settle it here.

We take our arms off the rope and enter a state of emergency. Then I saw Dalkan lifting his eyebrows. You realized we weren't just victims of kidnapping.

Kati hides in the corner of the room as we discussed earlier, and I take two daggers out of the item box and hand them over to Esther. She said that she was okay with her bare hands, so she didn't keep the weapon.

Dalkan, who was watching me take out my dagger, spat with joy on his face.

"Boo-hoo! Itembox! This is the kid with another high selling gift! I don't know where the assassin is, but wait, I'll call for reinforcements soon!

Dalkan ran away from the cell shaking his body. I wanted to shoot magic in my back without asking questions, but Mia and the guard had already started the fight and Dalkan was in that ray. I can't shoot with this.

Besides, the ambushed escort stood up waving his head. Apparently, he didn't pass out. Mia raised her voice when she saw it.

"Me and Esther will fight them! You go after Dalkan first!

If you keep your distance, we may be able to provide backup, but Dalkan will continue to flee while we wait for a long time in this turmoil. Looks like a pretty tough escort, but we'll have to trust them.

"Don't worry. Go faster than that!

"Leave this to me and Mia!

"Yeah, I got it!

When I answered the two of them and ran away, Leah followed.

"I'm coming too!

"Whoa, miss!?

Mia cries out like a scream, but Leah doesn't answer, and we jump out of jail together.

I couldn't afford to question Leah, so Dalkan ran away in the opposite direction that we came in.

But I can't see Dalkan running fast with that big body shape. Still, it's a main road, so I keep running.

Running through the empty tunnel with all my strength, I had a headache.... I wonder why a nine-year-old girl like me is chasing after illegal slavers. Something's wrong. How did this happen?

I soaked in a slightly sad mood and glanced back. Surprisingly, Leah was snuggling up behind me without being late.

Thanks to the ether I've absorbed so far, I'm fast enough to beat an older child on foot. It seems true that Leah and I are training our bodies as well as magic at the same speed.

Such a leaf raised her voice as she looked forward.

"Dear Marie-san! The road is split in two! Let's split this place up!

Turning back while running, what had hitherto been a one-way street was divided in two. If Dalkan had gone either way, it would have been one idea to split up...

"No, no, it's dangerous!

"That's it!

Though I saw a scale of strength, it was Dalkan who had a protective talisman or hired an escort who could fight Mia and Esther normally. There may still be hidden balls. If Leah pulls the clams, she is worried that the load is really heavy. I'm not that confident either.

It's not good to split up. If I had him at this time of year...

It was as if you were watching me think of it, and I heard a broken voice in my head.

"--Can you hear me... oniichan... right now... oniichan's heart... is calling directly..."

It kind of started with an idiot's mouth, but it was the usual story from Nicolas.

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