The talented silver bird stares at me with interest as it stays in the branch of the tree.

The body is bigger than the phenyl that I rescued the other day, and the thick branch that stays hangs hanging down, it's not strange to break at any time. I mean, why can't it break?

and so on, and when I looked closely, I saw that the green mana was slightly covering the area around the strange bird. Apparently, a strange bird is using some sort of magic.

I wish I had gotten off the ground so far as I could get on the branch - we'll have to analyze later and respond first.

"Well, if it's about Fernil's kid, it's probably me...."

Heh...... Do you understand my thoughts? You're a rare child.

I noticed when I was told, but when I calmed down and asked, this was certainly a reminder. As usual, I have a conversation with Nicolas, so it seems like I couldn't tell the difference at once.

"I understand... what's unusual about it?

If the other person tries to talk, I think it's only natural that it arrives at me. When I asked her that, she pulled the cube and the sleeve. Celine.

"Hey, Mark. Do you know what that bird said...?

Celine pulled her cheeks as she alternated between the strange birds and me.

"Yeah, I know, but... What, Celine doesn't know?

"Wow, do you really understand!? I thought you weren't surprised about Marc anymore, but I've been surprised for a long time. You're really... I want you to stop making me so excited ~"

I am troubled even if they say that. I ask him to change his story.

"So what does Celine sound like?

Celine looked at the inquiry disgusting.

"As for me... I don't know, it's just a gruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu in my head. I've been listening to this sound for a long time, and I think I'm going to lose my mind."

Apparently, the hearsay has reached Celine, but it doesn't sound like a human language. So the strange bird starts talking again.

Most people feel like that woman. But some people speak like the Walt Trails. That's why I tried calling... Surprise, you seem to recognize and understand my words. The Walt Trail family now only speaks in one word. "

It seems unusual for strange birds to say things like mine. But in the first place, I usually hear the words of this weird bird. What do you mean?

So I thought if Nicolas was accustomed to talking, she might sound just like me. Soon I'll talk to Nicolas, who had his face out of the gap between the leather drapes.

"Nicola, do you know what Nicola said about that bird?

"Mmm. I don't know. It's just a strange noise in my head."

"Gunu, that strange scream is a rude girl...."

A complaint was received from a strange bird, but Nicolas' story arrived so that she could wear it.

This is speculation, but isn't it the influence of your brother's gift of foreign language translation?

Ah, speaking of which....

It is true that I received such a gift from God. Anyway, when I was born, I forgot to exist because I haven't been able to use words at all since I normally learned them.

Another gift, the item box, is a shadowy gift, but you've unexpectedly claimed to exist.

By the way, I didn't get the gift from my boss. I was forced to remember the words of this world by packed learning before I was reborn.... when I remember the days of hell back then, there was still tremor in my body, baba baba baba... "

I want to say that it's a hell of a day in heaven, but I don't think there's any more traces of Nicolas digging into some trauma and peeling his white eyes. The question was solved, and I decided to go back to the main line.

"Um... I don't know, but I seem to know the words. So... you're a silver eagle, right?

He said he saved my child and the Walt Trail family, and there is no doubt that this strange bird is a silver eagle that is enshrined in the Walt Trail family. There's a great aura coming out, so let's call it a samurai for now.

Then the strange bird shook its neck vertically in the hawk (good morning), worthy of the dressing.

"Hmm. I live in this land and am called the Silver Eagle, who is responsible for protecting the Waltrail family. I know who you are, but let me ask you something."

"I say Marc. So, what can I do for you?

It's about this incident around my child. A hundred or six days ago... my child was kidnapped by thugs. But the fernyl seed must be tough, and strong. I did not rescue my child myself, and decided to leave my child and his family alone to try the Waltrail family for a while. "

I can't think of leaving my kidnapped child alone, but it seems like a famous race for tough parenting. The lion pushes my son into the valley of Chihiro.

The silver eagle who had spoken so far shook his neck sideways, even though it was sad.

"But instead of moving immediately, the people in that house didn't notice at all, and my child would never come back on his own. I thought I had no choice but to go out on my own, and my child was finally rescued."

The Silver Eagle throws harsh words, but in fact, I think it is quite harsh for the Walt Trail family to notice this anomaly, which is only visited once a year as a rule. Silver Eagle keeps on talking without noticing my thoughts.

Though I was stunned at that time, I thought I'd managed to reach the point... But when I asked my son for the details of his rescue, he said, "What a young boy has helped me." There must be only girls in that house. A non-Walt Trail outsider saved my child, and a contemporary Trian came to apologize for the familiarity of the house. And I heard about you. "

Trian was afraid of making friends with the Silver Eagle, but he just came to apologize. Well, if they find out anyway, it would be better to apologize sooner.

Absolutely... The first Walt Trail I contracted with was a promising man. I thought it wasn't bad in modern times compared to that, but apparently my eyes were cloudy. It is true that in our youth, we were said to be prodigals, but still I... "

The silver eagle continued to complain after that. I thought it might be a troublesome creature from before we met, but I guess I got a hunch. I keep my mouth shut because I can't talk because I'm just complaining.

"Um, so why are you telling me...?

Oh, that's right. Anyway, it's easy. My kid told me you know the magic of floating, right?

The silver eagle's eyes glittered. Sure enough, I used flotation to help the kid. Of course you knew.

But do you go out of your way to ask that, or is there a sense of territoriality in the birds that run through the sky? I'm afraid to answer.

"Yes, I can use floating magic...."

My kid laughed that he was an uglier way to fly than when he was a chick. I thought I'd have to reward you for wiping Walt Trail's ass, but I think I can help you. "

Sure, I can only jump vertically or fluffy, but that Fernyl. You're a terrible rhetoric for trying to save your ass.

But I'm interested in helping you. What the hell are you doing?

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