I used my free time on the move to teach Celine how to levitate.

The trick, of course, is to sense and utilize the mana of the surrounding wind attributes that I learned about dying.

If you use the surrounding mana well, the magic you consume when floating in space will be reduced and the sense of stability will be increased.This should apply not only to flying but also to levitation.If you understand this and wear it, Celine will definitely be able to use levitation.

However, since there is also a problem with the original magic output of the magician, I think it is difficult to master flying.This is because flying consumes more magic than levitation.

Nevertheless, the output when using magic is never higher.Therefore, Nicolas, who consulted on a plan to learn levitation, proposed to supply Celine with magic.

As I knew before, Celine's fire magic output was much higher than before as a result of even supplying mana with fire attributes when making portal stones.

So if you do the same thing with a mana with a wind attribute, Nicolas's valve is sure to help you learn levitation even for a few days back to town.

I don't need to be told by Nicolas, and I think that's true...

... but when I think about sleeping under one roof.I remember the night Celine attacked me.

Celine was in a critical condition that night.Apparently, the danger will increase on the day of the magic supply, and I can't repeat that event.

More importantly, Nicola's face when she was proposing a magic supply seemed to be expecting an erotic happiness.Therefore, the magic supply was put on hold as a last resort.

― ― For a few days afterwards, Celine, who had learned her tricks from me, was not only on the move, but also spared time while she slept, and seriously dawned on training.It always looked a long way from my sister, who couldn't afford to lose her attitude.

Speaking of which, my mother Eclaine said Celine was a hard-worker in the village.As I learned new magic, I must have glimpsed myself in the same way as I did then.

As Celine can see from her superior control of the fire arrow, her delicate handling of mana is much better than mine.After grasping the trick, I gradually replaced the surrounding mana with a careful spinning motion, increasing the amount day by day.

As a result of the training, Celine succeeded in acquiring levitation the day before the scheduled arrival date in Fathia.Celine is amazing after all. Looks like you didn't have to think about magic supplies.

Incidentally, when Celine succeeded in levitation, Nicolas was doing a clever thing of crying in her thoughts as she celebrated it.You wanted to see the magic supply so much...

That night was my last stay, so I spent a lot of time talking in the container house until late at night, and at Nicolas's request, the three of us slept in a river.

I didn't want to say no to the last memories of my stay, so I also agreed.In the middle is Celine.

Seeing Celine's gaze, it seemed that the child who had been staying up late for a long time wanted to sleep and fell asleep in a hurry.Of course, it didn't happen as Nicolas had hoped.

I'm sure that night was an accident with a lot of bad luck, and I thought I'd have to trust Celine a little more from now on.

◇ ◇ ◇

It was after noon the next day.Celine, who was floating high in the sky, suddenly shouted as she entrusted me with the carriage rope.

"Marc, Nicola!I can see the town!

Nicolas in the carriage opened the drawstring vigorously in that voice, and jumped out to the podium.

"Really!? Celine, sister!


"Come on, come on, oniichan.Let the horses run faster!Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

Nicolas said with a good push on my back.There's still plenty of room for this guy...But I can't fly the whole carriage.

Take it easy.We're almost there, so just hold on a little longer. "

That's right ~. It's so slimy...

Nicolas stands on the podium and gazes at the town that we still can't see, but I don't know how it feels.But it's not a good idea to force the luxury carriage that I've taken care of so far.Drive safely to the end without accident.

As I paused Nicolas for a while, I saw the walls surrounding the city in my eyes.It's not as expensive as the territorial capital, and it's not as splendid.It's a mediocre exterior wall that doesn't have any of these features.

But I've been watching it ever since I was born, so I'm sure of it.That was the outer wall of the town of Fathia, where I was born - the moment I thought about it, I was attacked by the urge to hurry the horse.However, I suppressed that feeling and once I exhaled, I looked forward.

Carefully, Celine, who had come down to the podium one day, hugged me and Nicolas on the shoulders and whispered.

"You really kept me waiting because my prospects were too sweet.I'm sorry. "

Celine apologized to her parents over and over again for us and for the resonance stones, and I wanted to make her portal stone for a long stay in the first place.Still, Celine, as our guardian, may not be able to help.But...

"Yeah, I appreciate Celine.Thank you so much for your time. "

I had an experience that I could never experience in the town of Fathia.Something unexpected happened, but it was a fruitful journey when it was over.

"Nicolas had fun too!

I've seen a lot of pornographic Celine thanks to my overnight stay.I have no regrets. "

Although Nicolas is such a normal driver, his gaze has been nailed in the direction of the town for a while now.Celine smiles at Nicolas.

"Fufu, I have to clean up the carriage so I can get home soon.I'm moving the horse, so can you two keep the carriage tidy?


When Nicolas and I answered in unison, they rushed into the carriage.In this way, for the first time in months, we returned home with family and friends.

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