--Garahn... garahn... garahn...

A time bell rang in the classroom throughout the town.The loudest noise is because the bell rings in this church's bell tower.

Sister Lina, who was teaching arithmetic to a 12-year-old group, closed the textbook patently and raised her voice after the bell completely quieted down.

"That's all for today's lesson.Ladies and gentlemen, please go home carefully. "


I heard the students' energetic voices from all over the classroom.

Looking at the child who hurried out of the classroom first, the child who went to ask Sisterina a question, the child who was lying down on the desk and asleep without even noticing the sound of the bell, I pulled the bag I had placed at my feet over my shoulder.

Looking back at the beating footsteps, Pamela approached the runway from the long desk of the 10-year-old group.

"Mark, Nicola. Why don't you come home with me?"

"Yeah, let's go.Come on, Nicola, wake up. "

"... hmm?"

When the bell rang, we woke the sleeping child up and left the church behind.

◇ ◇ ◇

Walk in the middle of the day with the three of you talking about something you don't love.Yes, three. This is a change from a journey back.

Delica and her brother Yuri, who used to go to school together, are no longer there.Delica is a natural graduate, but my one-year-old Yuri is still at school.

Yuri went to school three times while Delica was there.But when Delica graduated and there were only two of them, it seemed that group school had spontaneously disappeared.

Well, I know why somehow.Yuri is quite a stranger.It's probably about time you and your classmate realized each other.Pamela is Pamela, and I still don't like boys other than me.

That's why Yuri dropped out of school with the Wolf League members and Pamela with the same generation of girls.And when we got back, Pamela started going to school with us, just like lunch.

By the way, if we come back, will Yuri join us again?Though I thought about inviting Yuri, it seemed easier to just go home with a male friend, and she refused somehow.The absence of Delica would also be significant.

It's a shame we can't go to school together just because we have a few friends who can share the book's thoughts.From now on, we'll have to talk to each other at the resurrected Wolf Regiment's secret base.

Looking back on that, while looking at the clothes lined up at the store of the old clothing store, looking at Nicolas and Pamela talking about it, I stumbled upon Delica in the shape of a maid's clothes.

As the costume shows, I'm supposed to be working at my shop today, but apparently they asked me to use it a little, and I'm lowering the shopping basket on my shoulder.

"Oh, Marc, we met somewhere nice."

"Hey Delica, what's up?"

"This morning, my father said, 'Come to my shop once I've checked the tree.'I was going to tell Marc when he came back to the kiosk, but why don't you just go back to our place? "

Looks like we finally got an appraisal.

If that's the case, let me stop by.

"Yeah, I'll tell the general I'm a little late.See you, Nicolas and Pamela. "

Delica waved at us and quickly turned her back on us.She's as tight as ever, and such a cute little sister.

When I was dropping Delica off blurry, Pamela pulled her sleeve.

"Marc, are you coming to Miss Delica's house?"

"Yeah, but I'll send Pamela home first, so it's okay."

It was customary to send Pamela home when we came home together.I didn't promise anything else, but the first time I did that, it's still going on.

Pamela silenced her thoughts slightly and eventually opened her mouth.

"Well, then I shouldn't go to Delica-san's house either?I haven't walked much in the South Side, so I'd like to walk a bit. "

Oniichan, this is an invitation for a walk date disguised as a town rug!You can't say no to this, right?

I wonder if we're going on a date together...Well, there's no reason to say no. "

As usual, while passing through Nicolas's radio waves, who wanted everything to be attached to love, we agreed to Pamela's request and headed straight to the Gosh Workshop.

◇ ◇ ◇

Walking slightly around the southern district and introducing Pamela to various townscapes, he eventually saw a Gosh shop.

From my point of view, it's a familiar building, but while there are a lot of stone buildings, when it suddenly appears in the alley, it's a smile that Pamela opens her mouth like a surprise to a conspicuous wooden store.

"Here we go."

As he urged Pamela into the Gosh shop grounds, he stepped into the courtyard where he could hear the chalk chalk and the light sound of the saw.

This is the workshop, and the roofed material storage area at the edge of the garden is packed with lumber.

There was Uncle Macho - Gosh - who was pulling the saw with a familiar technique while stepping on the wood with one foot in the workshop.Did Gosh notice our signs? He immediately stopped and raised his face.

"Oh, Marc. Yuri came home earlier, but it's too soon for Delica."

I met Delica on my way home.

"What do you mean?... and Nicola and Pamela.It's unusual to come to us. "

"Hello, Uncle Gosh!"


Next to Nicolas, Pamela went crazy and lowered her head.They had no connection, but it seems they first spoke at Nicolas's welcome meeting with me the other day.

"Haha, Pamela is very different from my delicacy.Hey, which one does Marc like?I don't know, I'm not going to tell you either. "

"You mean your preference? Tell me more about the Spirit Tree."

When I stroked Gosh while loosening up my mouth, I blurted my head in a boring way.

"Oh dear, I'm still a kid with no need to tease me.My kids have such an interesting reaction.... hey, that's where I put the lumber. "

At the tip of his jaw, several lightly colored lumber was hanging on the wall.Gosh said as he approached the wood, rubbing the surface up and down with his hand.

"Look at that, right?And what a beautiful hue. It's been a long time since I started this job, but I've never seen a tree like this.You made this tree magically, didn't you?It's still unrealistic. "

That's right, let's do this.

I have grown a tree in the corner of the courtyard with the magic of a tree I've been used to for the last few days.If you send a mana from the ground, the effect range will increase considerably.The long tree reached the roof of Delica's house.

"Uh-oh, really...! I mean, don't grow trees here!"

It's in retribution for making fun of me.Satisfied to see my amazing face, Gosh stopped me as I approached to store the tree.

"... no, wait, just leave me alone.I'd like to see the trees and observe them. "

Gosh looks up at the Spirit Tree with interest.It seems to have been accepted by the outsider.

Gosh smells like Delica the other day.I suppose this is the original one.

But I can't help looking at it, so I'm going to move on.

"So, Uncle, what do you feel other than the touch and the color?"

Gosh answers my question with his face facing the new Spirit Tree.

"Oops, it's sturdy anyway.It was tough to hang up until I got the hang of it.But it's sticky, so it looks good for processing. "

It seems that stickiness refers to the elasticity of wood.With this, it's hard to (...) break.

"How was the water resistance?"

"You said so, so I checked you out.The amount of wood that contains moisture varies depending on the type, but doesn't it need water because it's made by magic? Anyway, this one has little moisture and almost no suction.It's also water-resistant. "

I see.

Think while hammering. Wood that is suitable for processing and resistant to water, and has a good smell.Apparently, it's the nature I expected.... this is the only way to make it anymore.

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