"That's it. Let's put some hot water in."

That's what I told the three men behind me, and I turned my hand to the bathtub.

From the palm of your hand, hot water made from the application of water magic and fire magic is blown and poured into the bathtub with a loud noise.I feel as if my arm has become a plumbing, but I'm used to it.

Instead of using a large bathtub as an object, the hot water accumulates more and more.Eventually, it was mixed with the hot air that began to get in, and the unique scent of the Spirit Tree floated.


"It smells good...."

Camila and Pamela moved their noses and took a deep breath that seemed pleasant.I'm relieved it doesn't smell bad.But the true power of the Spirit Bath comes from here.

"Pamela, could you put your hand in the bathtub and put some magic into it, like when you use magic tools?"


Pamela was so surprised that she gently put her hand on the edge of the bath and put her magic into it.

Then, for a moment, there was a blurry glow in the dark cabin, which still had no lighted windows.Camila, who was watching Pamela in a hurry and pulling her hand with a smile, murmured as if she had noticed something.

"Oh... has the smell gotten a little stronger?"

"Yeah, that's what it looks like."

Even after the Spirit Tree was cut out, it was found that the fragrance would be strengthened by applying magic like this.

This is the result of having Gosh make a bathtub, and while he was watching, I repeatedly tested the bathtub while bathing half my body.

I was hurt a little in the bath while being watched by the old man, but it's not necessarily in case there are no harmful substances.

So I decided to stretch myself.I have healing magic and potions.The only thing Iris wants you to monitor is the comfort of the bathtub.

Since the material seems to reactivate again when magic is applied, it is Gosh's guess that it is also resistant to corrosion and dirt.

"I'd like to take a bath and get a lot of feelings afterwards...."

"Okay, then I'll get my boys."

"... oh, so many sisters were in the waiting room today?"

"That's right, Mark, if you bring me a bath today, I'd like to get in right away."

When Camilla decided to pachine and wink, she went into the store with Nicolas around her waist, and as soon as she waited, she brought her three sisters back.

This seems to be the first group because everyone can't get in at once.Colette, who was inside, waved her hand in a good mood.

"Hey, Mark, thank you for that. I'll leave it with my bath buddy."

"Nicolas is coming with us!"

Nicolas, who had been wrapped around Camilla until now, was on his way back to Colette's waist.He's like a migratory bird.

Sexual harassment is not recognized as sexual harassment when Camila looks a little lonely after seeing Nicolas like that.It's as idyllic as ever.

Colette shouted at Pamela standing next to me as I stroked Nicola's head.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go in together. Pamela's going in too, right?"


"Hey, let's go in together!And of course, Mark! "

"Oh, no, I'm fine."

"Er, why? First of all, we're sorry if the person who made it didn't get in first. We've been in together before, and now it's not embarrassing, is it?"

"I don't mind...."

When I looked at Pamela, her face looked like a bright red scallop.I have seen Pamela's red face many times so far, but it is an S-grade red face that is no longer available.

"Ma, Mark, if you made it, it's only natural to go in first, and I don't care either..."

Pamela turns her eyes around and strengthens why.Thinking about what happened, Ermena, a familiar sister who was in the group of women Camilla brought with her, set out a rescue boat.

Ermena stood beside Pamela and slapped her ear softly.

"Pamela, you always say that, right?It's also important to be brave and approach you, but sometimes you have to learn to pull.Don't be a cheap woman. "

Is my ear too good to hear Ermena whistling, or is she deliberately listening?

"Ermena, if onee-san says..."

Pamela, who whispered her ear back to Ermena, confronted me and opened her mouth.

"Um, Mark, this time...."

"Yeah, I got it. Let's all have a nice bath."

Colette shouted loudly to Pamela nodding.

"Eh, it's boring. Pamela, don't let them see you and make something called Xaxitz!That's the quickest!... ah, well, have you seen it already? "

When I used to shower in Iris, Pamela got up and had a lot of trouble.Pamela's face was dyed bright red again.

Colette ~?

When Ermena lowered her voice, Colette stood up as if in a hurry.

"Ah, ah, let's just let the girls in today!I'm sorry, Mark, I'll see you later! "

Colette raised her hand and walked into the shack with Nicolas, laughing bitterly at Ermena and the rest of the women, leaving me in the garden.

Call out to the bathroom door.

"I'll wait outside, let me know if anything happens."

"Yes, yes, Ryukay.... hey, Pamela-chan, I'm sorry I said that a little too much.I'll clean up every corner of your body for the sacrifice!I brought a little expensive soap ~ "

I heard Colette across the door.And when you stand there for a while, Nicolas sends you a message.

If I wanted to do it, I could have pushed it...This must have been your last chance to bathe in Iris.I can't believe I missed this opportunity.

Well, I feel like I want to take a bath with a beautiful woman to overwrite my memories of walking while being watched by a nasty old man.

I used to be so ashamed of myself, and I feel sorry for Pamela.If something unexpected happens in the bath, let me know immediately. "

Thank you. I'm already on standby in the bathroom, but a strange oneesan is coming in here, and I'll live it for you... oh no!― ― All athletes enter!!

No, that's fine, but sooner rather than later, Nicolas put a loud voice in her head.

Shota Killer existed!!More rice balls are back!!!Lori boobs! It's Colette!!!!

Slender Beauty is already finished!!Iris No.1, Ermena!!!

I'll stroke you around once it's assembled!!Your tight ass is charming, Sharon!!!

I'm afraid of this if it's Barry Tood (everything)!!

Iris' Pure Fighter Pamela!!!

Decaaaaaaaaaa!! Bust 103cm!!!Henri!!!

"The mistress is back! Where have you been? Champion! We've been waiting for mom! Camilla's appearance at the top of Iris..."

Nicolas's enthusiastic remarks made me have a headache.What makes him so hot?

─ I'm sorry, only if something goes wrong inside the report.I'm resting a little away.

I can't believe it's so exciting from here!

I sat in the shade of the garden and leaned my back into the trunk.It might be time to develop ways to deliberately prevent distractions.

◇ ◇ ◇

I woke up with signs of people coming out of the bathhouse.Apparently he fell asleep at some point.

I get up and speak to other women in the water.

"How was everyone's bath?"

The women looked at me and shouted at me.

"Ugh, it's awesome!"

"It felt so good!"

"I want to stay inside forever!"

Pamela, who didn't speak up, was shaking her head vertically.This time, I felt like I could enjoy the bath properly.Camilla asks for precautions.

"Marc, you didn't put any potions in this one, did you?"

"Yeah, I tried to concentrate on the bathtub this time, but the hot water was usually just magical."

Although the ingredients may be slightly different because I put it out with water magic, even if ordinary water is boiled with magic tools, it won't change that much.Of course it has been tested.

"Does that mean something good is coming out of that tree?It feels different than before. "

"Yes, if the previous one feels like something is getting soaked through your body, this time it looks like you're getting a little tired and getting out?"

"I get it! This time it would be better if we went in for a long time!"

Oneesan talks to each other about her feelings.

In my case, I only felt stress because I was walking in the water while being watched by the old man, but it seems that the oneechan felt different from the potion bath and felt like it had a fatigue recovery effect.

Looking back at my popular opinion, Camilla exhaled with her hands on her burning cheeks.

"Hmm... that feels really good.This is going to be business.How about a bathhouse? "

Camilla, when Mom says bathhouse, I kind of imagine another service. Fufu!

Nicolas, who looked so happy, arrived with a sad reminder.Wasn't he a former angel...?Recently, I feel suspicious about even that.

As I sighed unknown, Colette snapped at me as if it was hot.

"No, it's really amazing, Mark.I'm sorry about Pamela-chan, but I think I'll run for Marc's girlfriend because I'm next to Pamela-chan.Ah, but I don't think there are any other rivals. "

When Pamela asks for her sister waiting for the bath, she looks red again...Colette, who is establishing herself as a lost sister in me, slapped her hands as if she remembered something.

"Oh, yeah, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, but maybe Mark is a delicate child, right?"

"What, you know Delica?"

Instead, I was surprised to have contacts with Colette.

"I know. I went to the shop in the South District a while ago to buy it, and I got caught up in persistent Nanpa, and Delica helped me.Since then, I've become close and occasionally talk to people when I see them face to face.Marc, I was surprised when I found out you were a childhood friend. "

Did such a thing happen?Well, Delica is also training in the dojo, and I'm sure she'll be fine enough to decorate the amateur.Even so, it was unusual for me to patrol the Wolf Regiment and never get into trouble.

"Speaking of which, Delica, you're going to try the guard exam this year, right?It seemed like I was a little worried about the content that seemed quite difficult, so if you're familiar with it, could you support it? "

"Eh, why are you worried?"

I've never seen Delica pretend like that.Even if I asked about the guard exam, I didn't think it would be a problem.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't have said that."

Colette rushed to shut her mouth, but it was too late.Then I decided to ask Colette more about the guard exam.

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