A few days have passed since I heard about Delica's troubles.Gosh, who was taken out of the shop by me, leaned his neck as he walked down a totally dark street.

"Whoa, Marc, that's a long way from here, right?If you're going home, it's this way. "

"It's okay, uncle. Follow me for now.... and you told your aunt about tonight, right? "

"Oh, I have to tell you this first, because I'm afraid of Carchan later.Still, it's polite of you to bother eating alcohol and food at home, even though you pay enough for the bath.Well, your mom cooks well and thanks for everything! "

Gosh laughed, as if she still mistook her mother for cooking.

Anyway, I did invite Gosh to a dinner party at the tranquil pavilion to thank him for the bath.But I'm heading somewhere else.

We'll walk through town at night for a while.Gosh complained about leaving my house, but he managed to take her away and finally got to her destination.

"Yes, we're here."

"Hey Mark, this is...."

Standing before us is a chic stone building that feels elegant.

Yes, the weekly beer garden on the veranda is a popular topic, and it's now Iris, the city's best pub at night.

"Oh, my God! Why did you bring me here!?This is not my pocket money, it's a shop that can't get in first. "

Gosh roars, but I knock Iris' door through it.The knock came right back from over there. Looks like we're good to go.

"Well, that's fine. Come on, come in."

When I open the door, I push Gosh's hard ass forward.To my unexpected strength, Gosh stepped into the store one step, two steps.Then, in the usual dark shop, the entrance lights up.

"Welcome, Mr. Gosh!"

Iris' sisters, who were standing by to surround the entrance, greeted Gosh in unison.Gosh stood up to receive a sudden welcome from the Beauty Corps.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Welcome to Iris, Marc has been hearing a lot about Gosh.You're a very reliable man?Fufu, please enjoy yourself tonight. "

When Iris No. 1 Hermena called out, Gosh finally understood the story and looked back at me as he stretched under his nose.

"Fuhihi, is that what this is about ~? Marku ~?"

"Well, my uncle was a little sad the other day.Speaking of thanking me... "

"Hey, this is it. Do you know how expensive this store is?"

"Iris' sisters also want to thank his uncle for making a fine bath.That's why you made it cheaper, and don't worry about it.And I'm sure I have more money than my uncle's pocket money. "

"Of course you do, but if you say so again, don't hurt the plain..."

Gosh pointed his face at me, but I don't want you to be too careful, so I'll appeal to you to hold the money here.

Besides, when I consulted with Camila about this case, it was really cheap.Having so much money has never been cheaper.

"I don't know what it's like to be luxurious to a kid, but I don't need to be more common sense about you now.... well, thank you so much for the fun!Oh no, I wish I'd worn better clothes if I were surrounded by these pimps!Wahahaha! "

"Ufufu, what are you saying?You're still manly enough.Let me show you to your seat. "

"Okay, I'm going. So I'm going to..."

Ermena smiled softly and Gosh loosened her face.I'll leave the rest to her.

"Uncle, I'll have dinner with Pamela.Enjoy yourself without worrying about time. "

"Whoa, whoa! Thank you, Mark!"

When Gosh waved at me, Ermena guided him to the VIP seat in the back.... at least now I want you to forget everything and have a good time.

"All right, welcome aboard! Mark, I'll see you later."

When Gosh left, Iris's sisters, who surrounded him, waved back to the waiting room with a small wave to me.Before I could go there many times, I became a child I didn't know at all about Iris.

Looking back at the area, who are the people around who were already enjoying alcohol in their seats, the man who was graciously welcomed?She was asking in a noisy manner.The sisters sitting next to it seem to be laughing and deceiving themselves properly.Well, I don't have time to explain.

Looking at the sight, I went to the counter and lowered my head to Camila, the owner of the store.

"Mr. Camilla, thank you for your help tonight."

"It's okay, Marc. I owe you a lot.Well... I'm a little sorry for Mr. Gosh, but it's for Delica who's taking care of Pamela... "

Camila lowered her eyebrows and buttocks to the VIP seat.There was a gorgeous figure who was immediately sandwiched between the two sides by a beautiful woman and looked delighted as she drank.

Ahh, I want to be entertained like that too.

Nicolas, who had been in the area before, puffed his face out of the shade, and Pamela appeared from behind.

"Good evening, Mark.... are you going home already?"

"That's right. If you stay here forever, your uncle might care."

"Yeah, let's go.... you know, maybe it's a little messy, but don't worry about it. "

"I said," but I was cleaning the room until my brother came.Ufufu, it's so cute. "

Keep your mouth shut for that.

I was guided by Pamela and walked out the back door of the shop into the garden with Nimanima and Nicola laughing.

In the corner of the garden is an example of a bathhouse, with a small house just opposite it.Camilla Pamela's parents and children sleep here.

We quickly entered the house through the door Pamela opened and quickly closed the door.

I've never been inside Pamela's house before.A small table is placed in the middle of a room that is modest but calm.I wonder if the smell of a round of flowers decorated on the table drifted up as soon as I got in.

He (...) woman (...), who was sitting alone in the room on the chair, stood up momentarily as she couldn't wait to notice us.

Now, Gosh's entertainment starts here.But first, we need to calm her down before we go hungry.

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