A few days after Delica gave her permission to accompany her.

The four of us, Delica, Nicolas and Diadora, stepped into the woods near the town.First for Celine and the Adventurer experience, second for missing Jack, that forest.

"Fluffy... the smell of the forest... I like it, I like it..."

Having returned to the woods for a long time, Diadora is in a better mood than usual.Normally she walks when she comes to relax, but now she walks forward to skip lightly.

Delica tells Deirdre so hard to say.

"Um, hey, Diadora-san... Don't come out too long ago, okay?My sword training..... "

"Yes, Diadora. Don't disturb Delica.Besides, if you're first, you could be attacked by a goblin. "

"Ah... I'm sorry... Goblin, I'm scared..."

Delica and Diadora, who stood perfectly at my word, slipped back and pulled her neck down.And barely hold my hand.

"Marc... if you grab me, I can't come forward, I can't come out...Hands... connected? "

I feel more like having a wanker's lead on a walk than somehow holding hands together.But it's better than getting out before.

"Very well, let's not disturb Delica."


"Diadora, hold hands with Nicola!"

"Yeah, that's fine...."


"Slip and get it!"

Nicolas heard me talking as usual.Indeed, because Diadora's body is based on mana, it feels very good to touch it with a strange feeling that is different from anyone else's.

And when the three of us got along and tied up around Diadora, Delica dropped her shoulders cheeky.

"Ugh... I guess I was wrong to allow you to accompany me on special training..."

Well, this isn't exactly a goblin-cut vibe, is it?It's totally picnic air.Thinking so, I felt a little bad for Delica.

"I'm sorry, Delica, but... how about this?"

I'm holding hands with Diadora, and it's perfect.I tried to activate the gift "Secret" on the spot.Surrounded by a mysterious feeling that the boundary between us and our surroundings will soon disappear.

Delica, who was looking at us, blinked again.

"... eh? What? Marc and Diadora...?You're here, right? But it's weird.... "

After all, it doesn't seem to work for Nicolas who hasn't touched her directly.But it would be better than not.I'll explain it to Delica while I activate Secret.

"I used a gift to get rid of the signs.I wonder if this could focus on special training. "

"Eh, a gift to get rid of the signs? Did you even get that kind of mark!?"

"Ah, yeah, I guess so."

It was actually taken by chance from Bandit Lumon, but only Nicolas, Celine and Esther were there.It's not like you don't trust Delica, but it's better to know fewer people.

I gave a vague reply, but Delica doesn't seem to care.

"Well, Marc's been amazing since I first met him, and he's got a bunch of gifts.... alright, now you're watching my special training behind you! "

Delica draws her sword out of her sheath and waves.And as he turned to the front, he walked slowly down the road.

◇ ◇ ◇

As we changed our mood, we went deep into the woods.Then suddenly a goblin popped out of the shade of the tree.


But before Goblin could shake the club in his hand, Delica's sword slit Goblin's torso.

Hmph, surprises are so sweet.

Delica murmuring with her sword in her sheath.Well, I saw half my body from the shade of the tree and found out.

Nevertheless, it's been a long time since I've seen Delica take it seriously.Ever since I saw you slaughter a dying Glaswolf on your way to Sadra Mine Settlement.

That's Delica's skill - Jack's older brother Rack once showed me where to slaughter Cobolt.

In comparison, Delica's swordsmanship is not as powerful as that, but she seems to have something quite good such as leg stabbing and the speed with which she swings her sword.Well, it's amateur + amateur.

By the way, Esther's dagger was faster and more eggy than Rack's.And it is Mia who goes further above it.

... I wonder if those two who became mentor-and-teacher relationships are getting along in the Territorial Capital - you shouldn't.We need to focus now.

"Hey Delica, how far are we going to go today?"

Speaking of special training, I called Delica while she was mowing the ears of a goblin that would be pocket money.I asked before I went into the woods, but they only said, "It depends."

"Yes... Dad told me to go to the woods of Goblin when I was alone, but he told me to go to the woods of Cobolt because he had Mark today."

The Covolt Forest is even deeper than the Goblin Forest.Rack once told me that there is a covolt who is good at group fighting, so that beginners don't step in.

Gosh trusted me to go if I was in such a cobalt forest.

... Speaking of which, the day after Gosh decided to accompany us to the woods, he came to greet our parents, and it seemed that Celine, who happened to be in the cafeteria at that time, was also talking enthusiastically.

Sometimes I was looking at this, and I was wondering if you were complaining about me at that time, but maybe you were asking Celine about something like my skills.

Delica packed Goblin's ears into a leather bag and stood up with a smile on her face.

"So today, I'm going to reach out to the fountain that Diadora likes."

When I went to the fountain, Diadora's expression glowed.

"Wow... are you going to the fountain? Delica, I love it!"

Diadora let go of my hand and hugged Delica on her back.Looks so happy. I wonder if it was a delicate surprise you didn't tell me before. That was a huge success.

"Hey, Mr. Diadora! Ahh, it tickles already!"

Delica in agony.

Diadora-chan is quite capable of mastering the mystery of hugging under the guise of innocence....

Nicolas is impressed, but unlike you, she's really innocent.

But as soon as Diadora stopped moving, she left Delica and returned to me.

"What's the matter, Diadora?"

"Delica, it smells like goblins...."

After hearing that, Delica pinched the neck of her clothes, smelled Sung Song and the smell of her body, and scratched her face.

"Hey, everybody, stay away from me...."

Delica murmured sadly. Fighting against the Goblins will scatter a lot, and I can't help it.

When you tell me not to come near, I want to sniff too much, but should I attack here...?

I have a message from Nicolas who is disturbing my sexuality, but I think you should stop it because it looks like she's really mad at me.

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