When I ran over, Rack put his hand on his hips and looked like he was saying something.

"... protect yourself."

Speaking only those words, he began to walk toward the forest.

Rack's early walking is tough for a six-year-old, but it's not a situation where you can tell him to slow down. Chase him desperately.

I went into the woods after a while. The grasslands were bright enough to be dazzling because it was still daylight, but in the woods the leaves that grow in the trees block the sun and feel a little dark.

You will proceed cautiously from here. The Goblins are there, but perhaps Jack is also nearby, so it will be a search trip.

When I tightened my mind, I felt some uneasy calories and looked behind me. Nicolas was sweating and breathing on her shoulders. You're not going out there like me, this guy.

Remove the towel from the item box and hand it to Nicolas. Nicolas began to wipe her sweat when she received the towel silently.

"Do you have an item box..."

Turning around, Rack looked at us with his mouth half-open. And he tightened his mouth as he returned to me, and began on the path of the beast, saying, "It's time to go."

Well, wait a minute.

Nicolas spoke a little further. She is still holding a towel and breathing.

Rack looked back and talked to Nicolas.

"Instead of taking a break, now we should both go back to the forest entrance and wait. I'll get it back when I get back."

Nicolas answers nothing and points to the bushes on the right behind the rack by a dozen meters.

When Rack and I looked closely at the bushes at the tip of our fingers, we found a goblin there. If we keep going, we'll be in a potted position.

"Goblin's lurking."

Rack attempts to enter the system with his sword in one hand.

"Fine. I'll do it."

I create nine stone bullets (Stone Barrett) in three rows and shoot them at the goblins.

Because it penetrates, it will not die instantly in some places, but if some of the nine hit properly, they will die. Because it depends on my own safety, I want to take care of it.

The bullets hit all nine as intended. It seems that the practice I was secretly practicing in the empty corner has borne fruit.

That's right. If you hit all the bullets, they'll be pretty powerful. After a pounding sound, Goblin blew his lower abdomen from his right chest and rolled flashy, and eventually stopped moving.

Rack looks at me and Goblin's body alternately and then opens his mouth in a daze.

"Oh, wow. Wow. I'll tell Jack not to piss you off...."

When it comes to Celine, I can't figure out the assumption that I'm going to hit Jack.

Nicolas stopped again after a while. There was a bowed goblin in the direction indicated by his fingers.

Shoot the Stone Barrett and take down the Goblin. I've heard it's routine to retrieve a bow, but this time I've decided to leave it to save time.

After that, Nicolas found Goblin and proceeded with me shooting everything. I think it went a lot easier because it was all unconscious discoveries and snipers.

I brought you here because I thought it would help, but Nicolas did this. I don't know how.

And Nicolas pointed forward again.

There's a dead Goblin over there.

As I walked along, I saw the body of the Goblin. We nodded to each other and approached the body.

Goblin's stomach was ripped and his right ear was cut. I don't think it has been that long since I died because it is not so dirty with soil, but there is a lot of white powder on my face, and it is as if I stuck my face in the powder in the candy competition. What the hell is this?

"That's Jack. Looks like he was on his way."

Remove the white balls from the accessory compartment on the waist of the rack.

"This is the ball I use to crush the monster's eyes. When I hit it on my face, I couldn't use my eyes for a while. I had Jack have some."

And he looks forward with a bitter, crushed face.

"Shit... let's go"

We will resume our journey silently. After a while, we arrived at a shared rest area near the river we had previously used with Celine.

Beyond this river seems to be the territory of Cobolt. And there's a herbal colony there that's better than your usual herb, which Jack leaked to Jack before.

"We're going across the river. Be careful not to slip your feet."

Rack tried to walk the shallow part of the river, so he stopped. If the shoes get wet, there may be a slight hindrance to further action. He exercised earth magic in front of a suspicious rack.

Raise stones in the river and make rocks about 50 centimeters in diameter. It is arranged at equal intervals across the river.

Rack bobbed across the rock.

"When I asked Jack, I was halfway through the conversation, but you guys are nothing...."

Not only did I shoot Bang Bang and Goblin, but Nicolas was one of them. The ability to sense monsters seems to wrap their tongues around adventurers. I think Celine could have done the same thing, but she's a Class C adventurer.

Normally, I don't intend to weigh myself especially, but this time, I will do everything I can to go further. I think Nicolas felt the same way when she stopped her usual rough acting and showed her one end of her abilities.

"How much do you know about Covolt?

Rack asks as he climbs onto a newly made rock.

"I hear it's a dog-shaped monster stronger than Goblin."

"They're stronger than Goblins, but they don't have weapons. They seem intelligent enough to use weapons, but their teeth and nails are already weapons."

"And I'm better at moving as a herd than a goblin. I often hear you hunt me down, but you're surrounded sometime. Always be vigilant."

While listening to Rack's advice, I arrived across the river. This is how we crossed the river into the territory of Cobolt.

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