The next morning, I went to see the flowerbed that was shining last night.

Then a small flower was blooming in the celisian grass. This flower must have shined slightly yesterday.

Is it because it's grass that absorbs mana in the ground? But then, I wonder if the magical tomatoes planted in the vacant land were glowing at night, but I've never heard such stories.

Hmm, I wonder if that's the reason why it has a high affinity for light mana because it's a medicinal herb used for potions. Anyway, if the flowers bloom, they'll be able to harvest the seeds in a while. Cesilia grass cultivation was a complete success.


Another week passed. Harvest the seed and sow it freshly on the flowerbed. Cesilia grass was harvested for the first planting. And I decided to make ointment for this harvest first.

I went to the kitchen and borrowed a bowl and a razor stick. Then scrape it down in one corner of the kitchen. By the way, I have Nicolas with me today as a special advisor.


"Marc, what are you doing now?

My mother is peeking into the bowl with great interest.

"I'm crushing the herbs I planted the other day."

Speaking of which, there was a flower bed. I was wondering what kind of grass it was, but it was herbal ~ "

No, you forgot to report it. Nevertheless, it is difficult to explain the origin of medicinal herbs when asked, so let me be vague.

"Yeah, I got herbs, so I tried growing them."

"Wow. Marc is so good at everything. So what is this medicine going to do?

The hand holding the sharp rubbing stick stops. No, I wonder what it will do.

It's a medicinal herb that contains mana, and I think minor injuries like burns and scratches will heal in general.

Nicolas left the rescue boat, so I told my mother.

"Well! Maybe we should leave it in the kitchen. If you can do a lot, please share it with your mother ~"

Dad doesn't, but mom occasionally gets hurt in the kitchen. At that time, they turned me into a magic bench for healing, but given the injuries I get when I'm out, I'd better have some medicine.

"Of course. But be careful with your injuries."

"Ha ha. Marc is a nice girl ~"

"Mom, where's Nicola?

Nicolas is sweet as she hugs her mother.

"And of course Nicolas!

My mother strokes Nicolas' head. While doing so, the contents of the bowl turned into a thick green semi-solid object.

In the meantime, I'll take the contents of the bowl into the item box for evaluation.

Ointment Cesilia grass

are denoted. Judging from the evaluation, it seems to be a solid medicine. But I don't know how effective it is. I'd like to see how the medicine works, but I'm a little scared to cut my fingers on the lab.

Thinking about it, Nicola shook my arm.

"Onii-chan, if you're done with your work, why don't you go play in the vacant space?"

I asked her cutely. I see.

So I packed the ointment into a small pot about five centimeters tall that was made of earth magic. Imaginatively, it is the S size of a white ointment that I have often seen in my previous life. The lid is not a screw-in type but a snap-in type.

Then I decided to store the small pot in the item box and go to the empty space.

When she arrived in the vacant space, the young lady laughed and the children were running around playing in the park space.

Ask about the park while playing with the fields. Then a blonde boy fell flashy among the two children who were hanging out for a while. It's a sight I often see in the park.

The young lady who noticed something unusual rushed over. And I went to the boy.

The boy seems to be one step closer to scratching his knees and crying, but the young lady has managed to put up with it.

"Um... are you okay?

The young lady turned to me for my call. The young lady's eyes are shiny and she is not yet twenty years old. It seems that many people get married from a young age in this country, and it is not so uncommon to have children at this age.

"Oh, Marc and Nicola. Come on, Ricky. Oniichan and oneechan are here. Do I have to show you something strong?

Ricky nodded and wept.

"Would you like to use this? It's a scratch pill."

I removed the pot of ointment from my pants pocket.

"Are you sure? Then let me use it."

The young lady's unconditional belief in the strange things given to her by her children may be attributed to her being recognized as the creator of the park.

I'll wipe the sand off the affected area with water magic before applying any medicine. Later, the young wife gently applied a green ointment to Ricky's wound.

Then the effect immediately appeared. The bleeding has stopped and the wound is starting to clog.

"... I don't want to be here anymore! Mom!"

"Well, Ricky's a strong kid.... eh, are the wounds already blocked!?

The young wife was surprised to see her eyes rounded. It seems that the ointment worked well.

"I've made a lot of them. Can you take them if you like?

Actually, there's only one, but thanks for turning me into a test bench. A parent with a child of his age would be a substitute for whatever it is.

"Did Marc make it? You're such an amazing kid... Then don't hesitate to ask. Thank you."

The young lady strokes my head. The young lady, who noticed Ricky looking at us with an envious face, stroked Ricky's head, saying, "It was great not to cry."

I think about it with a dusty view. The ointment seems to have succeeded. Because Cesilia grass is of better quality than ordinary medicinal herbs, I think perhaps the potency has become quite a high-quality substitute.

And with this effect of ointment, I wonder how effective it would be if it were a potion that kneaded the light attribute mana. I'm getting kind of excited.

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