Has it been about an hour since we resumed our journey? I saw something that looked like the water in the distance. I heard there is no sea around here, so is it a pond or a lake?

The water is sparkling, reflecting the light of the sun. Beautiful. If you have a sightseeing hand rowing boat, I'd love to try it.

Looking at the water with that in mind, a voice came from next door.

"That's Lake Sekal. The monster meat that can be hunted in that lake is a thing of the village of Sekal."

Delica talks about monster meat with the same disgusting face. If there are monsters living there, I don't think I can enjoy watching them on a boat. Too bad.

According to the explanation afterwards, the monster meat is not suitable for preservation, and it seems that it is only eaten in the village and it is not available to the public. Nobody wants to buy it because it looks gross.

After a while, I saw the house surrounded by a wooden fence with logs. That looks like Sekal Village. It's a village built by the lake.

There is a fence, but there is no gatekeeper, so you enter the village without a carriage. First, he went to say hello to the village chief, and then he went to work.

Is it quite unusual for a carriage to enter the village? The villagers who were working in the farm nearby looked at us, but when Gosh waved his hand, he went back to work. Looks familiar to me.

"I've come to work in this village many times."

Delica taught me with a little pride.

"I usually sell lumber for village repairs, undertake home repairs, carry furniture ordered, and so on. So I talked to the village chief about seesaw, and he asked me to install it because I would buy it."

If Gosh needs to visit often, is it a village without a full-fledged carpenter? Besides, it seems like a village chief who likes children.

While I was talking about it, the carriage stopped in front of a house that was a little bigger than the others. Looks like this is the village chief's house.

Gosh lay a carriage at the mayor's house and put the horse in a simple cabin. There was not one other horse inside, but it was cleaned up beautifully and probably cleaned up beforehand in anticipation of being used today.

And Gosh knocks on the door.

"Thank you. It's a Gosh shop. I'm here to deliver Seesaw."

Then I wondered if I could hear the footsteps, and the door opened with great momentum, and a folding grandfather came out from inside.

"Oops! Welcome, Mr. Gosh. Thanks for your help today!

"Yeah, I'll take care of it. Besides, I'm bringing my child's friend today, thank you."

And punched me in the shoulder.



"Oops! Those are my kids! What do you say, candy?


Nicolas replied sooner than I reacted, and as soon as the village chief pulled into the back of the house, he returned with candy balls. Then he handed Nicolas three candy balls.

Probably for three children, Nicola quickly put it in her pocket and smiled nicely. I'm sure Delica and I won't get the candy balls.

"Thank you!

"Yeah, yeah."

After the village mayor was caught and made an irresistible face, he turned his gaze back to Gosh.

Well then, these kids are staying here today, right?

"Yes, thank you. Marc, Nicolas, me and Delica are going to set up a seesaw, so I'll take a tour of the village. Then come back to the village chief before the sun sets, even if it's too late. I'll take care of you here today."

Looks like you're staying at the village chief's house. From the village chief, there will be two more people suddenly, but is it okay?

The village chief caressed my head.

"Don't hesitate to take it. There's nothing wrong with having as many kids as you have! Come on, play outside!

He pushed the van and our backs out. It's a little rough, but I'm sure he's a childish old man.

After the village chief has pulled into the house, Gosh rents a van from the hut outside to pack up seesaw materials. While pulling it rattling, we first went to the square together.

We arrived at a square near the center of the village. The children are running around and chasing after each other nearby, but there seems to be nothing like playthings. Gosh is talking to a nearby villager. Apparently, they're talking about where to place the seesaw.

After a while of talking, Gosh came back and moved the truck slightly towards the end of the square.

"Now, let's set it up here. Delica needs your help. You can watch Marc and Nicolas here, but why don't you come visit the village?

I have seen Seesaw installed in town several times because of the supervision. It won't be interesting to take a closer look at it now, and we'll have a tour of the village.

And before that.

"Uncle Gosh. Can I make a slide here?

"Hmm? Oh, isn't that nice? They use it in the middle for village gatherings, so the ends won't be a problem."

Gosh also gave me permission. I wanted to thank the village chief for hosting us, and I wanted to wave my arms as the creator of the town's park.

After checking the surrounding space, activate Earth Magic. The design would be fine with Mr. Elephant's slide. I don't know if there are elephants in this world.

Build the foundation by kneading the soil created by your magic and the original soil, and shape the slide. Create a tail on the side where elephant's nose slips. Tunnel your feet so kids can play around.

Then carefully consolidate the strength and smoothly finish the sliding side. Finished.


I heard a groan from around me. Looking at the voice, it seems that the villagers who were looking at us from afar are pointing to the slide and talking.

Whatever she was building in the town's park, she was only watching with warm eyes, but she still seemed to have some surprises in the village. I'm a little happy.

Then one of the surrounding villagers, a girl who burned on a day that seemed older than Delica, rushed in.

"Hey boy, this is magic right now!? Wow! You are the children of the town of Fathia!?

Oh, oh... I couldn't deny showing my magic and showing my face a little bit, but I didn't expect to be eaten this far.

"Yes, that's right. You're from the village, aren't you?

"Of course I am! Hey, let me talk to you more if you want!

When I saw Gosh and Delica, they just waved at me to come.

Fine, but tell me about the village.

"Of course! Let me show you how to do it! Over here!

The girl waves at us. It was kind of sudden, but it might have been just right. Let the local conductor show you a lot of things.

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