While watching Nicolas with half an eye, he broke down the stone wall and turned the sand into an item box. The neighborhood will be annoyed if you leave it there.

Liza opened her mouth like she was impressed.

"That wasn't a long time ago, but Mark is pretty good at magic. I think I detected signs of tailing, earth magic, and even item boxes...."

I don't know what else, but I think Nicolas is much better at sensing it. I'm afraid I'm able to tell the enemy's side.

I'd like to ask you in detail, but you didn't tell me that it would be troublesome to be relied on when I asked you about the gift before, and it would be useless to ask.

But I don't understand the idea that it would be less responsible for not saying extra things. I laughed vaguely at Lisa's murmur and walked back to my parents' house.


I returned to my parents' inn, the Travel Travel Pavilion. When I entered through the entrance of the store, my mother came out of the reception counter.

"Oh? Marc and Nicola, you're early. You didn't come to play?

"I brought customers to the Adventurers Guild."

I'll introduce Lisa to my mother.

"Oh, welcome. Would you like to eat? Or would you like to stay?

"Please eat."

"Ha ha. So, Marc, can you show me to your seat?

Look over the cafeteria for an empty seat. Celine was eating alone and waved at us. I think it would be better if I knew Lisa as well.

"It's a rare combination. What's the matter with you?

Celine, who said she was off today, always looks like a white dress instead of a black dress. I prefer white to adventurers. Why is this extreme?

"I got yesterday's bandit bounty from the Adventurers Guild, but it was a lot of money, so my sister sent it to me.

"Speaking of which, I didn't ask you in detail, but you said you were attacked by a bandit. How much money did you get?

"Celine, it was a trio of snake wolves. Ninety gold coins."

"Eh, were they them? Marc, you earned it when you were raided!

Even though I was desperate, it was easy to get it from being raided.

"I see why Celine likes it. I made stone walls in an instant, and it was kind of amazing."

Isn't that right ~? Because it's promising in the future.

When Celine stroked my head, she prompted Lisa to sit down.

Well then, shall we eat together? My recommendation is a new menu of okonomiyaki tentacles. "

"Tentacles are lake monsters? Can you eat that?

While sitting in her seat, Lisa looked suspicious. As expected, only the Adventurers Guild staff know Tentacles.

"Ufufu, you should try it once. I work for the Adventurers Guild, so I don't need to know anything about monsters."

"That's right... Beasts and monsters do exist, even if they look strange, and I will try them. Marc-kun, please have one of those okonomiyaki tentacles."

"Okay. Then I'll order it."

That's how I left my seat. Did Nicolas think she would help her work in the end, or did she already sit next to Lisa and try not to move? Would you like me and Nicolas to have lunch?

"Mother, I ordered one with an okonomiyaki tentacle. I'm going to eat with Nicolas, so please do the same."

Walk to the counter and tell the mother the order.

"I see. Oh, Marc, take this plate to the table over there ~"


I knew it was like this.

After helping the cafeteria for a while, I brought the okonomiyaki I ordered to the table. I will sit at the same table and have lunch.

"I've seen okonomiyaki on the street lately, but I've never eaten it in a store before."

It is the impression of Lisa who saw the okonomiyaki. Instead, I think it originated here, but I don't want to insist that it's the same as the previous life.

"I'm putting a tentacle cut into an okonomiyaki. Try it."

When she nodded, she cut the okonomiyaki with a large knife and took a bite.

I opened my eyes and thought I raised my voice, and I started eating with great momentum.

Rattling, rattling, rattling, rattling, rattling...

Rattling, rattling, rattling, rattling, rattling...

--I finished eating in no time. And when Lisa exhaled with her ecstatic expression, she turned to me and held my hand.

"Fabric, meat, sauce, everything is a completely different food from stalls... Even without the tentacles, it is exceptionally delicious, but it goes well with the tentacles. This bite, bite, and taste. Everything adds depth to the okonomiyaki, and the synergistic effect leads to even higher flavors.... I'm filled with gratitude for this encounter today. Thank you, Mark."

Oh, oh... Looks like you liked it better than I expected.

Speaking of which, Liza was a hobby for eating and walking. And it's a surprise that this store was no-mark. "

"With all due respect, I thought the inn was the main one... In the future, we will have to recheck all the lodgings with cafeterias...."

Lisa was burning with renewed determination. Well, you were kind of paranoid and didn't eat your own at all. It's time to eat.

Then I felt my gaze, so I looked next to her and she stared at my plate of okonomiyaki. Maybe one wasn't enough?

"Oneechan, don't you want some more okonomiyaki?

Well, I guess I want to eat it. But if I order now, I'll have lunch break..... "

Liza unfortunately lowered her eyebrows.

"Would you like some of mine?

"It feels good, but it's Marc's lunch, right?

"My mother made my share the same size as that of an adult, so it's a little big. That's why I'm so glad oneechan ate it."

"If that's the case...."

Cut into quarters and place on a plate of Lisa.

Liza said thanks with a bit of redness, but now she slowly brings it to her mouth.


I smiled. Good, I'm glad you're a regular now.

At that moment, I received a sudden story with a wave of anger.

Oniichan! Oh, my God!

"Huh? What? Why didn't you split it?

No! That would have been a success if it had been a hundred par! What are you doing?!

No, you don't have to do anything, do you? I'm embarrassed, too. "

Nicola looked like a good-for-nothing.

"Moving between appetite and shame, as a result, I went down to the army gate of appetite and blushed my face, opening my mouth shamefully in front of oniichan's fork. You'll never see that face again. Do you have any idea how much loss that is?

Eh, was it that much?

It was so much. Haa, oniichan is still completely different. Should I be educated in earnest? "

I just want you to give me a break. And Liza poked me on the shoulder.

"Nicola, why are you staring at each other? If you don't eat soon, it'll get cold."

Oh, yeah, I had to eat an okonomiyaki. I decided to go through Nicolas's continued foolishness and eat okonomiyaki. Yeah, it's delicious.

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