I went downstairs in response to my mother's invitation. In the kitchen, Dad is pulling his face in front of a new dish.

Our inn is one of several in the town of Fathia. The inn is located near the end of the town and is not as prosperous as the fine inn in the center, but it is close to the gate leading to the outside of the town, where seemingly travelers and adventurers visit. It seems to be profitable to the extent that it won't be so crushed even if we keep going like this.

My father was the second generation to inherit the inn from his grandfather. She said that her mother was a childhood friend of the neighborhood's armor store.

And when I say why did such a father have a one-person weird face grand prize.....

"Come on, Marc, Nicola, let's try it!"

Mother suggests the plate in front of us with Nickonico's face. There is a white soup in the plate. Is it potatoes and carrots...? There is no meat.

Incidentally, it seems that there are quite a few vegetables in this world similar to the previous life. Vegetables that resemble the effects of other world language translation skills will continue to pass under the name of their predecessors. It's convenient. That's why it doesn't look so bad. But my father's face tells the whole story. Oh, this is Akan and Tsutsuma.

Our lodging is basically cooked by my father, and my mother and aunt help me clean the lodging room and serve customers in the cafeteria, which accounts for about half of the lodging floor.

I mean, my mom doesn't cook at work, but she still wants to cook. Incidentally, since he was the second generation of the inn, he was good at cooking from childhood, and his mother grew up as a childhood familiar couple while being fed by it.

Because of this process, I married the inn without learning anything about cooking, and now I am supporting the house as a cleaning and waitress, but it seems that the complex was the one that I couldn't cook. It seems that it was the first time a child was born that she wanted her child to eat her own food.

Even as a father, he seems to be happy with the feeling, and he seems to be teaching his mother how to cook now, but the result is not very good.

As a result of my efforts, home cooking seems to have become quite inferior to that of my professional father, but somehow he wants to make creative dishes that add a bit of flavor.

My father is watching, so it shouldn't taste that bad, but it seems that the moment I take my eyes off, I put in the hidden flavor that I thought of.

The person said, even if you do what your father says, you can't exceed your father's taste. In that case, there is no choice but to make a difference with the concealed flavor that I devised. I don't know if that's true, but I'd like to keep an eye on it with a smile if I can.

This is my mother's cooking, which is raised in such a warm environment, but I am sure that I was mixed with Nanica in the gap that I took off my eyes to see my father's face. The question is how destructive the sole is.

"Hey, did your mom taste that?

"Yes, I did. It tastes like something I've never eaten before, and I think I can do it!"

That's right. My mother has a good taste. And because my father is somehow sweet to my mother and poor in speech, I can't say anything harsh. In other words, the taste is on both of us.

If we are going to say compliments to you, this dish may be arranged in the restaurant as an inn dish. It is a fairly good inn now, but this could be the first step towards decline, and it is no exaggeration to say that our lives depend on it. There is no heavier strain on the shoulders of a five-year-old.

By the way, my aunt has been tasting and giving us accurate advice, but the recent tasting role is shifting to us because we have grown to some extent. Because of my mother's goodwill to have my child eat first, or because of the timing of my aunt's absence.

Well, trouble doesn't start. First of all, real food...!

... it seems that milk is still the main source of white soup. The milk soup itself is not unusual. The soup carefully melted with ingredients such as onions has a very gentle taste, and I occasionally received it as a closed drink as a hidden menu from a tavern that I used to go to in my previous life.

... but! This is something different! The taste that should be gentle is bitter anyway. What is this... what would make it taste so ruined?!

Oniichan, please give me the guide quickly.

Nicolas sipped the soup with a lost face and told me the story. He's a good kid, so he hates bothering his mother. That's why it's my job to give the lead. When it was so delicious under my father's supervision, it was faster than I said, "Delicious!" with an angel smile.... anyway, now let's be frank.

"Mom, this isn't good. What did you put in there?

Yes, just to be clear! Father looks up to heaven with one hand behind his face, and Nicolas disappears. Wow, I kind of see Nicolas snatched away. It's not some kind of skill, is it?

"Huh? Doesn't it taste good? That's funny. I tried crushing the doughnuts into a hidden flavor. Can't the bitter taste of that fruit make the milk sweeter and sweeter?

Yes, I'm here! The ingredients cross the translation wall! This is a unique ingredient. I don't know, but it seems like bitter fruit anyway. That'll taste like this.

"I don't think adding bitter taste to the sweet taste will enhance it. It's only bitter because I put too much in it."

"That's right, you did it again... Now I thought I could please you guys... Sorry, right?"

Mother apologizes by lowering her eyebrows properly to her. I feel guilty about saying NO because it's really a cooking of goodwill and love. I can't even say that it's delicious, but I'm troubled by the performance of the inn in the future. I want you and Nicolas to understand a little bit about this guilty plea.

When I looked at my father, I raised my hand vertically in front of my face, Suman! I was gesturing. That gesture makes sense in this world.

Well, it's not bad, but I can't eat it, and above all, it's a waste of ingredients.

"But I won't be able to eat anything, so I'll eat everything. Now make something delicious!

Don't forget to follow me. I think I'm really a handsome son.

And finish eating.... uhh, my mouth is still bitter, and I feel sick when I think my stomach is filled with bitter soup. This requires hungry exercise as soon as possible. Let's go for a walk around there for now.

"Welcome to the vacant neighborhood!

I left my sister a machine to sip soup and headed to the empty land.

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