"I'm not your sister, and you can call me Camilla or Camilla Mom. So what do you do?

When Camilla asks an intriguing question, Gil answers in my place.

"Let Marc boy handle it for now."

"Well, if that's what Gil said...."

You don't seem to understand it well, but it would be easier for you to see it than to explain it.

I look over the roof and think a little.

We'll reinforce the floor first.

I was asked about the wall surrounding the roof, but first I decided to make it magical from the floor. If people gather on the rooftop, please forgive the ceiling crash.

Well, it's a magical world, and it may be tougher than I thought, but I don't feel like doing this first. It's not enough to be able to ride a hundred people like some kind of storage.

This is plain, but it needs to be done with care. When I crouched on the floor, I walked on my knees, condensing and consolidating the stone on the floor with a mana.

I spent plenty of time throwing mana around the floor. I think the floor strengthening is now complete. It looks a little glossy on the floor, so Camilla just leans her neck and watches.

The next step is to create a fence.

I don't think it would be that noisy at night, but it would still be dangerous at the current height of the wall considering drinking alcohol. I would like to have 1.5 meters if possible, but I don't think it would look any better if it was a tight wall.

A cylinder of about 10 cm in diameter and 1.5 m in height was magically created on the face of the wall. It is arranged at equal intervals of 20 cm along the wall. At the top of the columns lined up, he handed over a kasaki made of earth magic and connected it.

The earth magic fence is now complete. I think it would be a little better than a wall. Camilla asked Jill anxiously as she walked around the roof making a fence and took a breath.

"Gil-san... I've seen you use earth magic in architecture, but I spent more time making it slowly. Are you okay so soon?

Mmm, looks like you're questioning the strength of my earth magic. All right, then.

"Uncle Gil, kick this fence as hard as you can."

"Whoa, that's good!

No, Gil walks to the rooftop edge and dashes all the way to the other end! He kicked in front of the fence.

At the same time, the sound of a thump and impact echoes on the roof, but the fence is not too loud.

"What do you think?

What do you think?

When Gil and I smiled at Camilla, Camilla raised her hands and surrendered.

"I'm sorry I doubted you. Marc, that's amazing."

I nodded to my satisfaction, but to be honest, I didn't expect Gil to dash, so I kept quiet. I'm glad Gil trusts my magic.

"So what about the table? Should I make it? Or do you want me to bring you a copy of the shop?

"That's right... Can you make one for me and show it to Camilla?"

I nodded at Gil's words and decided to make a table for now.

Remember the table in the store and try to make a table of similar height. It's very easy because I'm used to making tables.

A light brown table with a slightly rounded corner design appeared in front of Camilla. I can only choose the color of the table while the mana turns white from the original soil color, but I also want to try to do something about it in time.

"How about this? You can't make a sofa like that, so bring it."

"Yeah, yeah. I will....."

Camilla opened her mouth and answered as she stared at the table. And I shook my head a few times, and I put my arms together and had a serious expression. Looks like we've really started thinking about the rooftop beer garden.

So Camilla and Gil started talking about the rooftop restaurant. They're talking specifically about where to get the couch to bring in and how to decorate the rooftop. I was looking at it in silence, and Camilla looked at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Marc, you were so hot.... yes! I'll get someone to talk to, so just give me a minute."

That's my mom at the store. I thought it might be a little awkward, but he was sensitive to my mood. Camilla quickly went down the stairs into the private house adjacent to the garden and brought her children back.

About the same age as me? No, he's taller than me, maybe older. A girl with the same blue hair with a look that closely resembles Camilla.

"It's my daughter Pamela. It's nice to meet you."

Pamela leaned ashamed of me.

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