I look over the classroom before class starts.

I wanted to avoid counting on the first day of school if I could, but fortunately I didn't see Jack.

I rarely come to church these days in the first place, so perhaps the next time I come to church is at an "appraisal meeting" when I graduate from church school to have my skills appraised. Jack, like Delica, was looking forward to an appraisal of his skills.

After thinking for a while, Lena came to the classroom. It's the beginning of today's lesson.

The 8- and 9-year-old groups have close seats, so I asked Pamela during the first "Reading" class. I wonder if you're keeping up with class.

That's why I was looking at Pamela for a gap that Lena wasn't patrolling, but strangely, Pamela and I met each other. They'll lose sight immediately, but they'll find out.

I was worried that I wasn't able to concentrate because I didn't understand the content of the class, but apparently Camilla taught me how to study, and the class seemed to have been received without any problems.

Maybe she's sensitive to signs. I decided to concentrate on my class so as not to disturb Pamela's study. Because I have translation skills, "reading" classes are still the most boring classes.

But after that, I was able to perceive occasional signs of Pamela asking us. Maybe she's just a kid who doesn't have a lot of concentration. Well, if you get used to the class, you'll be able to concentrate sometime.


The reading and writing calculation class is over and it's lunch break time. Delica and Yuri returned home for lunch.

Me and Nicolas are Dad's special lunches, and Pamela seems to be having lunch. I think a girl the same age would invite me to lunch even if I left it in the morning, but I promised to have lunch with you today.

Call Pamela, who is chatting with a group of nine-year-old girls. Then Pamela waved at the girls and came here.

You've gotten along so well.

"Yeah, thanks to you, Mark."

Pamela smiled as if she had been illuminated. What a reassuring smile. You won't be afraid to go to school anymore.

The three of us go to the backyard and make round tables and chairs with earth magic. And he sat around with the three of us.

Well, let's eat.



Remove Nicolas and I from the item box and pour water magically into the glass. Pamela also took the lunchbox out of her handbag and placed it on the table with an empty glass.

"Shall I put some water in it?

"Yeah, it's magic practice. I'll make it myself."

That way, I pour a little water into the empty glass with water magic. When the glass was full, I exhaled and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Not yet, but one day I want to use magic like Mark."

"That's right. Good luck."

The more magic you use, the better your vessels become. I'm sure it won't be in vain. It's also my story. That's right, I think my growth rate is a little strange.

Open the lunchbox. Contains carpaccio wrapped in a special sauce, boiled at my request.

I just sashimi it with a fork and it tastes delicious after all. Nicolas also enjoys the flavor and texture by biting it tightly.

But it's about time I tried it raw... I wonder if it's impossible to sashimi squid. I didn't even eat it raw in Sekamura. But perhaps there was just no saline culture, and I think we can do something if we keep potions ready.

"Marc, what's that white thing?

Pamela called out that I was thinking about squid sashimi.

"This is a dish made with a monster called Tentacles. I've been serving it in my inn's cafeteria lately."

Pamela stares at him with interest and says, "Want to try it?" and nodded.

Then I'll put one fillet in Pamela's lunchbox. The moment I thought about it, I felt pressure from my left neighbor. You don't have to look at it. Nicola.

Is that what this means?... okay. I got it. What am I supposed to do?

Pamela puts her hand on the lunchbox and is about to give it to me. The pierced fork of the fillet turned towards Pamela to intercept it.

Yes, ahn

Then, Pamela's face immediately became bright red and hardened.


About ten seconds have passed since then. When I looked at the bright red pamela, I felt guilty that I was teasing you, so I'm sorry. Can I put you in the lunchbox? As soon as she tried to say so, Pamela closed her eyes and opened her mouth small.

Pamela clamps her mouth as she puts the fork fillet inside her mouth. And when I pulled the fork out of my mouth, I leaned and chewed with my bright red face.

It seemed like she passed through her throat after a while, so she said, "What do you think? I asked.

"I don't know...."

Pamela answered while leaning.

You were embarrassed, so you didn't have to check the taste. That's a good reaction! Oniichan, you can do it!

Yeah, that was cute. But I feel that it's a little different when I do it to Pamela than when I do it to the receptionist Lisa. Lisa's thrilled. You know what I mean? It's like...

Nicolas is very happy, but poor Pamela is shy. After all, let's be modest in the future.

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