I'll get the pot out of the item box. The contents are mayonnaise.

"Marc boy, what is that?

"This is mayonnaise."

I opened the small pot and showed it to him. Inside, there is a slightly yellowish, thick liquid, not pure white. Camila groaned.

"... it's kind of sticky, it's kind of like that."

Please stop, Mr. Camilla.

"Wow!... so the Mark Boy gave you this means you're adding it to the potato salad?

"That's right. But I have to cool the potatoes a little bit, so I thought I'd have some free time to see the taste of the mayonnaise itself."

A secret seasoning that you can only enjoy with your family, Celine and Delica. So let me brag a little bit.

Remove the cucumber from the item box and cut it into rectangles with my knife. Then I inserted it into a small pot of mayonnaise and had it taken one by one.

Because it is a slightly yellowish liquid that is unknown to the three of them, they look at the color and smell with a slightly vigilant look.

However, Nicola, who had already eaten many times, finished eating with Polypolypolypolypolypoly in an instant as soon as she received it and asked for a refill.

So I handed you the second cucumber stick, and I stirred it around my little pot like it was grinding, and when I put plenty of mayonnaise on it, I started eating the second one as well.

You saw it and decided, the three of you opened your mouth and included the cucumber stick. Somehow my gaze is locked on to Camilla. Somehow.

Then I ate a bite and opened my eyes.

"Oh, this is delicious."

"First time taste"

"Oh, it's delicious!

Looks like you liked it. Since it was reproduced with a lot of difficulty, my cheeks relax without being told it was delicious.

"This is a seasoning seasoned with egg yolk, oil, vinegar and salt."

"Are you selling this at Mark Boy's house?

"Yeah, I'm not selling it. This is just for ourselves to enjoy. Because it's raw, and I'm scared of food poisoning when the wrong recipe spreads when I get manipulated."

Could you suppress the growth of bacteria by adding vinegar? I'm still afraid of homemade mayonnaise. I don't want to cause rice terrorism.

Besides, it seems that there is no culture of saline eggs in the beginning, so the state of hygiene management of eggs is also unknown. So we make them after sanitary control, which is to gently wash the surface with E-class potion before breaking the egg.

Incidentally, the stirring of egg yolk is difficult, so I put the ingredients in a special container made of earth magic and let it stir with wind magic. When I first stirred with my hands, my arms were as tired as before when I rubbed herbs.

"Well, I'm sorry. This is delicious enough."

Gil dropped his shoulders.

But without mayonnaise, the seasonings on this world salad stick are delicious enough. That's why I wouldn't bother serving mayonnaise, and this time potato salad is the main thing.

When she was talking to Gil, Nicola tried to put the cucumber she was about to eat in a mayonnaise pot, so she lifted the pot up and avoided it. Nicolas looked me in the eye with a grudge.

Guests, it is forbidden to pickle twice.

Even though it's my saliva and a reward...

At least nobody's happy with what they're doing.

I can't help it, so I'll give Nicolas a new cucumber. Then Gil and Camilla watched the situation.

"Oh, Nicolas is cheating all the time. Can I have another one, too?

Me, too.

Me too.

After all, mayonnaise seems to be popular. Maybe we should split up with Gil and Camilla later.

Thus, the potatoes seemed to be cold enough during the mayonnaise tasting. This is the actual potato salad tasting.

In a bowl, add crushed potatoes, add cucumber, bacon and mayonnaise, and mix. Season with salt and pepper. By the way, in this world, pepper is not as cheap as it used to be, but it's not as expensive.

Confirm the taste while mixing appropriately. Yeah, well, I guess this is it. It'll fit roughly. Men's cooking is generally good.

"Go ahead."

I handed it to four people on a small plate. And the four of them put it in their mouths.

"Oh, this texture and unique flavor is a habit. Alcohol is going on."

"This is good. It can be cute depending on how it is served, and it is suitable for our store because it does not smell.


The feelings of the three of us pop out. Nicolas is silent just by eating.

"Boiled carrots are also recommended to add color. Boiled eggs and apples are good for kids, or thinly sliced onions for adults."

"I see. This is a great dish. Where did Mark's parents cook like this?

"We have a lot of travelers. Someone told me about it."

This is what we do for the outside world in terms of okonomiyaki and some of the recipes we don't see in the area that we serve in the restaurant.

That's right, I can't fool my family, so I'm going to make it a creative dish that I properly thought about, but my mother said, "My kids are amazing, so it's only natural! It is generally accepted without deception. My mother's vessel is big.

Camilla laughs at me and Gil.

"Thanks to Gil, I think we can add a nice dish tomorrow."

"Really? Wahahahaha!"

Gil smiles with her chest up. I'm glad Gil looks happy.

"Now, let's boil all the potatoes in the basket and crush them all. Of course, Uncle Gil will do it."

"Oh, wow. Of course. You can't let women and children do this kind of hard work!

But after all, let's have a look at the painful eyes.

The preparation of the cooking in advance was thus completed. And tomorrow the lord will visit this town. It's not even a parade, but it's going to be a little festive. I'm looking forward to it too.

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