Of course.

Most of the users who support the purchase of Hongqi do not care about these.

Because Hongqi’s strengths in other aspects are completely invincible.

Just like people who buy supercars, they don’t care about the low sitting position and poor vision, but only care about the ultimate performance and unique style!


The current intelligence and autonomous driving capabilities of other new energy vehicles are not leading in a discontinuous manner.

These can only be regarded as a small shortcoming under the shroud of Hongqi’s glory.

But as a person who pursues perfection, Lu Yan will naturally not allow his own car to have such obvious defects in intelligence and autonomous driving in the future. Now that he has L3 autonomous driving technology, this can be completely solved.

Lu Yan is thinking.

In this way.

The company’s assisted driving department should also be expanded.

Since Hongqi previously purchased the most entry-level commercial L2-level assisted driving package, the server responsible for the interaction of the assisted driving system in the headquarters is very small and has almost no information.

Because this system does not need iteration and upgrading at all, it only needs to detect whether the assisted driving system on each car is operating normally and feedback abnormal data.

Now to run a complete set of L3-level algorithms, and to process big data for iteration, it is necessary to build a larger super server.


The car intelligence and assisted driving department must at least expand from the current dozens of people to hundreds of people.

“”Boss, someone from Tesla is here, and this time he’s right at the door of our company. It’s Musk who wants to see you in person!”

Just as Lu Yan was thinking, there was a sudden knock on the office door, and Wang Youwei hurried in.

Lu Yan’s train of thought was interrupted, and he was stunned when he heard this.

“What? Musk is coming to China? ?”

He had never expected that

Musk would come directly to China.

This”technology madman” who claimed to have made going to Mars his lifelong dream was so decisive in doing the”217″ thing.

“Yes, boss, what do you think we should do now? ?”

To be honest.

When Wang Youwei heard the security guard report that there were two models parked at the door of the company, one of which was Musk, he was also shocked!

Tesla is currently in a hostile competitive relationship with Hongqi and all domestic car companies.


Musk, this old guy, has ridiculed Chinese car companies on the Internet before.

Among those giants who do not want to see the rise of Chinese car manufacturing, Musk is definitely one of them.

After all, if the Chinese car manufacturing industry really rises completely, then his hundreds of thousands of domestic Teslas every year can only be exported.

“In this case, let’s meet and see what his intention is.”

Lu Yan said.

Although the relationship between the two companies is average, Musk’s visit to China was not publicized, but he has come to the door. If he is still refused, it will make Hongqi look narrow-minded.

Ten minutes later.

In the reception room of Hongqi.

Lu Yan sat in the main seat, looking at the celebrity who came from afar, and sizing him up.

It was different from the inherent image of the capital tycoon who liked to play with public opinion and cut leeks.

When Lu Yan met Musk for the first time, he actually felt that the other person’s eyes were very sincere and generous.

While Lu Yan was sizing him up, Musk was also sizing up the young Chinese entrepreneur.


Lu Yan spoke first

“Mr. Musk, let me introduce myself first. I am Lu Yan, the current chairman and sole executive president of Hongqi Automobile. I wonder if you have any business purpose in coming to Hongqi from afar? Or are you here just for communication?”

These words were very straightforward.

Musk’s eyes flickered slightly, and then he showed a confident smile and blurted out fluent Chinese:

“Mr. Lu Yan, nice to meet you.”

“You should be able to guess why I came here across the border. That’s right… it’s for your Hongqi’s solid-state ion battery technology. As the leader of the new energy industry, I see the potential of your Hongqi to formulate all-new energy rules in the future.”

Musk pointed directly to the solid-state ion battery technology, and at the same time put himself in the position of the leader of the new energy industry.

If someone else said this, it would be absolutely crazy.

But for this super-rich man who created Tesla Motors and owns countless shares in various industries around the world, it is a normal description.

Lu Yan did not expect that this old guy Musk could speak Chinese so fluently.

The whole person was stunned for a moment.

But considering that the other party had come to China, signed a huge bet agreement with the Magic City, and built the Tesla super factory in China, it was not surprising.

“If you are here for the solid-state ion battery technology, I think you will be disappointed. This technology is very important to us at Hongqi and will not be sold to others.”

“Moreover, you said it yourself, whoever masters advanced battery technology will have the ability to formulate rules for the future new energy industry. In this case, why should we, Hongqi, sell and share technology with others?”

Lu Yan laughed.

Musk, the old man, had previously mocked China’s backward new energy technology, but now he has to come to China in person to discuss cooperation. Isn’t this a slap in the face?

Musk didn’t expect the young man in front of him to speak so”crazy”.

This feeling made him, who has always been known as a”technology madman”, a little uncomfortable.

But soon, he smiled slightly.

In his opinion, there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved by money and capital.

Although Hongqi currently has very strong and rare technology, it has not yet truly grown into a giant.

“Mr. Lu, I heard that you Chinese have a word called youthful vigor. I see youthful vigor in you. Just like me in the past, I also thought that having technology can overcome all rules. But in fact, advanced technology is only part of it. Real success also requires many factors and the full support of capital.……”

Musk holds up two fingers

“You, Hongqi, have developed a solid-state ion battery that has solved the endurance problem of new energy vehicles. This has indeed taken pure electric vehicles a big step forward and will further occupy the fuel vehicle market in the future. But I don’t know if you have ever thought about the fact that endurance and power are only one of the problems currently faced by new energy vehicles. In fact, the endurance of current new energy vehicles is also sufficient for people’s basic use.……”

“What really makes people inseparable is the high degree of intelligence and the popularity of autonomous driving.

Once humans get used to simple things, they will no longer be willing to use their brains and hands.

The same is true for autonomous driving technology.

In the near future, people only need to get in the car navigation and let the car drive to the predetermined destination.

Even if the range is only 400 kilometers or 300 kilometers, they are willing to spend half an hour charging when the battery is out of power.


“But for ordinary people, a car with a range of 1,000 kilometers has to be driven by itself for the entire journey. This is undoubtedly the current situation of your domestic cars, and we at Tesla have the most advanced autonomous driving technology!”

Raising the chips of autonomous driving.

Musk believes that he can completely impress the young man in front of him.

Because in terms of the advanced level of autonomous driving technology, Tesla is the earliest new energy vehicle and has the world’s largest new energy vehicle database. The internal algorithm iteration speed is unmatched by any other car company.

“As long as you agree, we Tesla can share all the autonomous driving technology with Hongqi……”

“By then, Hongqi will have the world’s most powerful battery technology, and Tesla will have the world’s most advanced autonomous driving technology. We will become an unprecedented giant in the new energy vehicle industry, and we can also jointly formulate the rules of the future global industrial chain.”

“Not only that, I can also invest 200 billion in Hongqi, and I only need 30% of your shares.”

It has to be said that Musk is a natural business genius.

After talking about this, even Lu Yan was almost tempted!

The pie drawn by this capital is so fragrant and round…

It seems that as long as he nods, he can get all the glory of the future.

But all this is based on the premise that Hongqi does not have autonomous driving technology.


Hongqi now not only has autonomous driving technology, but also the most advanced L3 level autonomous driving technology. It is much more advanced than the one Tesla currently has.

Moreover, battery manufacturing technology is really given out.

However, software technology such as autonomous driving requires continuous data iteration and optimization to maintain. Tesla, as the founder of this technology, has complete control over the algorithm.

There are pits here.

There are big pits!

So, Lu Yan shook his head without hesitation.

“Feel sorry……”

“Although you say it beautifully, we Chinese also have an old saying that destiny must be in our own hands.”

“Batteries are a major lifeline of new energy vehicles, and autonomous driving technology is another lifeline. We, Hongqi, will independently develop related technologies in this area, and there is no need for other companies to intervene.”

Such a straightforward rejection made Musk, who was still smiling, gradually turn cold.

He didn’t expect that someone would actually refuse such a tempting condition! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

And the young man in front of him was simply”crazy” to the extreme.

They, Tesla, have developed autonomous driving technology for so many years before they have achieved some results.

Many foreign capital tycoons saw the prospects of this road and invested countless funds, but they all went bankrupt.

“Mr. Lu, have you considered the difficulty of this road? With all due respect, I don’t think Chinese car companies currently have this capability.

Musk frowned and said.

Lu Yan shrugged.

“Mr. Musk, there is an old Chinese saying that everything depends on human effort, right?”

When these words came out,

Musk felt a little upset.[]

The smile disappeared from his face:

“Well, I didn’t come here to learn about ancient Chinese culture. In that case, I’ll just set the bottom line. How much money do you want, or what conditions do you want, in order to provide solid-state ion battery technology?”

Seeing that the negotiations were about to fail, Musk decided to use the most primitive and crude method.

As a world-renowned capital tycoon, he has the strength and confidence to do so.

Battery technology is very important to Tesla.

Once the acquisition is completed, Tesla’s stock will soar, which can recover all the losses in the past few days.

And it can also thoroughly establish Tesla’s transcendent position in new energy vehicles.

And he didn’t want to talk about battery supply.

This would mean that Tesla and Hongqi would become a”subordinate relationship”.

How could Tesla accept this with its industry status?

Besides, once Tesla will be in an awkward situation if Hongqi stops supplying.

As for other domestic car companies, why don’t they care?

It’s very simple.

Because these traditional car companies, except BYD, don’t have their own battery technology at all. They originally purchased battery packs from CATL.

Now the partner has been changed to Hongqi.

It’s just a change of”godfather”.

Of course they don’t care!

Because the barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes!

They didn’t have a very high status in the field of new energy vehicles. After climbing up to Hongqi, their status has been improved!

This is the reality.

Lu Yan shook his head and dispelled Musk’s last fantasy:

“Sorry, no matter what the conditions are, we at Hongqi will not sell our technology.”

Technology is the foundation of Hongqi.

Besides, Hongqi is not short of money now.

Musk sighed:

“There is no room for negotiation.”

Lu Yan spread his hands.

“In principle, this is the case.”

As soon as these words came out, it meant that the two people had completely broken down.

The senior employees sitting on both sides all sat upright, with extremely nervous expressions.

Because the content of the negotiation was enough to change the future direction of new energy vehicles!

Now the talks broke down.

It also meant that Tesla and Hongqi had completely become opposing enemies on the business level.

“In this case, I can only say goodbye. Thank you Mr. Lu for your hospitality.”

Musk slowly stood up, and a group of Tesla executives also stood up.

Lu Yan raised his hand calmly and asked the employees to lead Musk and his party downstairs.

He watched them leave.

It can be seen that Musk is completely angry, but he is not afraid. Hongqi is now very confident in this regard.


“Mr. Musk, Hongqi is such an arrogant company!”

After leaving Hongqi,

Zhu Hua said with a changed expression.

Musk’s face showed no emotion, he nodded and said:

“Young people always think they are the center of the world and can be arrogant if they achieve a little success, but he will definitely pay the price for his arrogance today.”

“Starting from today, we will do our utmost to speed up the progress of the FSD algorithm. I want to see China start to push it on a large scale within a month. By then, all the people will know who has the most advanced tram!”

“FSD”It is the code name of Tesla’s internal autonomous driving algorithm.

Current regulations do not allow L3 level autonomous driving technology to be implemented, but”F5.9SD” is claimed to be infinitely close to L3 level autonomous driving, and can be iterated to L4 in the future.

“FSD”In this regard, it is far from being as perfect as advertised!

However, in Musk’s view, it is enough to deal with the mob of Chinese car companies.

He can teach the young people of Hongqi a hard lesson!

Give them a blow!

Let them face the reality.

At that time, pull back the stock price and market value, and then take the opportunity to leverage Hongqi’s technology.


“Boss, are we just going to let them go like this?”

Wang Youwei’s eyes widened, staring at the car leaving below, and he couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

It can be seen that this guy is actually a little reluctant to let them go.……

“What? Are you staying for dinner?”

Lu Yan was happy.

“No… I mean the autonomous driving technology. If we can use some other price, it would be nice to exchange it!”

To be honest.

Wang Youwei is a little greedy!

What Hongqi lacks most now is intelligence and autonomous driving technology, which is a shortcoming.

Musk is right.

This thing really can’t be made with money, and the research and development process is particularly expensive.

Among the world’s several car giants, only Tesla is particularly outstanding in this regard!

Lu Yan finally understood it and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“Look, it’s urgent again!”

“I don’t have the technology in this area. Since we have the confidence to refuse, we are naturally prepared.……”

As soon as these words came out,

Wang Youwei’s eyes widened!

He couldn’t help but said excitedly:

“Boss, you mean……”

Lu Yan nodded slightly

“I plan to significantly expand the staff of the software and autonomous driving departments. Please contact other executives and HR to make arrangements.……”

I’m a sabmado

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