Before crossing, when watching anime or manga, Wang Chi liked the protagonist group in the world of One

Piece, but after really going to the world of One Piece and seeing the evil deeds committed by the pirate with his own eyes, it was difficult for Wang Chi to have a good impression of the pirate, even if it was the protagonist group.

Of course, Wang Chi is well aware that Draco talent is the biggest cancer in the One Piece world, and there are also scum in the navy that kills the common people.

But at the very least, the world government still maintains the stability of the world on the surface, and the navy is also protecting civilians from pirates.

The most important thing is that the strength of the world government and navy is too strong and can only be dealt with later, but pirates can kill all the way along the great route.

Persimmons pick soft pinching, there is nothing wrong with it!


After killing Chloe, who had a bounty of 16 million Baileys, Wang Chi completed the killing achievement of the 10 million Bailey-level bounty and got a chance to summon Servant.

Wang Chi took Sasaki Kojiro and Joan of Arc to an uninhabited cliff in the village of Sirobu and drew a magic array to summon followers with the blood of the beast he caught on the road.

After being complained by Sasaki Kojiro about the ugly painting, Wang Chi practiced it in his spare time.

The magic array of the summoned followers was quickly drawn by Wang Chi.

Wang Chi stretched out a hand, his expression solemn, and sang the summoning words very ceremonially:

"The body of Ru is under my command, and my destiny is attached to the sword of Ru."

Answer my call, and those who obey this will and doctrine, answer me!

I am the one who accomplishes all the good deeds of the world, and I am the one who gathers all the evil in the world.

Seven days of entanglement of the three spirits.

Walk through the membrane of the world and appear! Guardian of the scales! As

Wang Chi chanted, a blue light rose from the magic array and became brighter and brighter.

After a certain level, a gust of wind centered on the magic array spread around, and a petite figure appeared in the magic array.

"Slave, Caster, Medea. That one...... Please advise! A nice but very shy voice sounded.

Summoned to Medea as a girl before being called the 'witch', holding a magic wand taller than herself in both hands, so nervous that she closed her eyes, bowed to the royal lord of the royal pond, and remained still.

Looking at the cute girl with flowing purple hair and wearing a blue-purple dress, innocent and lovely, Wang Chi shouted: "Medea... Lily? "


Hearing Wang Chi's shout, Medea Lily hurriedly straightened up, looking nervous.

"Don't be so nervous, relax, I'm Wang Chi, I should be a good-faced royal lord, right?" Wang Chi said a little helplessly, although he is not as handsome as Sasaki Kojiro, he does not look fierce and evil, and in terms of appearance, how to say that he has a seven or eight points.

Medea when she was a girl, she was a little timid....

"Hug... Sorry for that, I just thought... The royal lord is very good-looking. Medea Lily looked at Wang Chi and said with a shy face.


Wang Chi was stunned, and immediately followed, his face turned red.

This...... Is this the feeling of being confessed!?

It's a little embarrassing!

Did Medea as a girl long for love?

Wang Chi involuntarily recalled the legend of Medea.

According to legend, Medea was a princess of noble origin in the kingdom of Colchis, the daughter of Aethes, king of Corchis, and Idia, the goddess of the oceans, the niece of Carcar, the witch of Aeaia, the granddaughter of Helios, the sun god, and Perce, the goddess of the oceans.

Originally, Medea deserved a happy life. But because of the design of the god (Eros), the princess, who has always been sane, fell hopelessly in love with Iazon, and in order to help Yiazon steal the treasure of the kingdom of Colchis, the Golden Fleece, she did not hesitate to betray the motherland, and even brutally killed her brother!

At this point, Medea began to bear the notoriety of "the witch of betrayal" and "the vicious woman".

But after Medea uses magic to help the returning Iasong seize the throne, Iasong begins to fear Medea's magic and cruelty, and empathizes.

Medea hated by love, poisoned Iasong's new love, and ruthlessly killed her two children in order to take revenge on Iasong, who betrayed her.

Wang Chi looked at the cute girl in front of him, and his heart strengthened his trust in the legend.

Well, everything is the fault of the gods! There can be no mistake with such an innocent and cute beautiful girl!

"Ahem, that... In fact, I am generally handsome, low-key, low-key. For

a moment, Wang Chi felt a little possessed by some reindeer.

Wang Chi summoned Medea Lily's personal panel and looked at it.

Medea (Lily).

Rank: Caster (magician).

Gender: Female.

Age: 14.

Height: 149cm.

Weight: 41kg.

Attributes: Order and goodness.

Hidden attribute: ground.

Strength: E.

Durability: E.

Agility: D.

Mana: A.

Lucky: A.

Inherent Skill:

High-Speed Divine Word (A): The ability to activate magic without using spells or connecting magic circuits. When performing large-scale or highly complex magic tricks, this skill can greatly reduce the singing time.

Additional Magic (B): Adds powerful functions to others and important items possessed by others, which can improve the physical abilities of others to a certain extent, and can raise weapons up to the level equivalent of C-level treasures.

Healing Magic (A): As a girl, Lily hardly used attack magic, but she was very good at healing magic.

Rank Skill:

Position Building (B): A trait held by the Caster rank that is used to craft a position to collect mana. As a witch of the Shindai, Lily can craft "shrines" that exceed the "workshop", and using magic in the temple can greatly reduce the consumption of mana.

Prop Crafting (B): Another skill of the Caster rank. You can craft magical equipment, from items for battle to daily necessities, and you can freely craft a variety of items. Even medicines that approximate the medicine of immortality can be dispensed.

Treasure: Pain Breaker.

Grade: C.

Kind: Magic Treasure.

Distance: —— (depending on the magic situation).

Maximum capture: —— (depending on the magic situation).

Treasure Description: Powerful healing/dispelling magic can zero all curses, damage caused by magic, and lift all negative states. "Bing Patch" is not an operation on time, but an automatic repair by calculating the original appearance. People who don't know the mystery seem a bit like turning back time. It can break all kinds of irrational existence other than "death", but it cannot only resurrect the dead.

"Shhh! What a powerful healing power! Seeing

Medea Lily's follower panel, Wang Chi fell into shock.

The strength and durability attributes are only E, and the agility attribute is D, is it a problem?

Not a problem at all!

Healing magic up to Grade A, Grade B items similar to the Elixir of the Immortal to make skills, and powerful healing/dispersing treasures except for those that cannot revive the dead.

It can be said that with Medea Lily in their team, there is no need to worry about injuries and negative states in the future!

This is no better than that reindeer with a new bounty of 1000 Bailey!

Wang Chi put his hands on Medea Lily's shoulders and said solemnly: "Lily, from now on, you will be the chief ship doctor on our ship!" In terms of treatment, it is up to you! Medea

Lily, who was 'entrusted with a heavy task' by Wang Chi and felt the trust of Wang Chi, said loudly: "Yes... Be! Although the strength is small, I will try to help you! "

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