But even so, Jenkins still has a lot of questions. Gods look down on the world from a higher dimension, what is the meaning of dominating and helping mortals become gods? What is the attitude of the gods toward this way of becoming gods? Why can those weird and dangerous crooks become gods? What's the difference between treacherous things and extraordinary things? Are they all qualified to become gods?

   Even if he spied on this second road, Jenkins was still just the tip of the iceberg of the huge truth. Even if he does not plan to take this path, he still wants to know the meaning of this path, which is of great significance for his ultimate ascension to a true god, Jenkins firmly believes in this.

   "Since there is a first road and a second road, there may be more ways to become gods!"

   Jenkins thought in his heart, looking out the window at Fifth Queens Avenue, which was shrouded in the light of yellow street lights. He likes this interesting world more and more. Although he is just a visitor from a foreign country who has taken over the magpie's nest, there are people he cares about, things he cares about, and some people who love him...

  PS: Seek everything at the beginning of the month.

Chapter 1078 Chapter One Thousand Sixty Oversight

   stayed at the old antique shop for more than half an hour, after sorting out the messy thoughts, Jenkins took the cat and left.

   The cat is very satisfied now. It has long wanted to see the shocked expression when Jenkins knew the secrets of the world a little bit. This is one of its pleasures, but Jenkins is not always surprised.


   The cat happily led the way in front of Jenkins. He was very happy today, so he wanted to walk on his own instead of riding Jenkins.

   Jenkins is also happy that his cat exercises more, he is usually too lazy.

   The rain that started in the morning has stopped, but the whole city is wet. As Jenkins followed the chocolate and walked forward, he was still thinking about how much mud it would get on its little paws. After returning home, Jenkins would wipe it with a towel.

   The night is already late, because the rain during the day and night activities are also much less. But the good news is that due to rain and wind, the fog is slightly dispersed, and you can see the faint starry sky and semi-circular double moons when you look up. According to the moon phases of the material world, there are about two weeks before the full moon where you can make elven potions .

   "In the morning, I should ask Mr. Siam Nord about the wizard potion. He may be able to recognize what it is."

   Jenkins took this to heart and planned to ask again when he visited him on the weekend. There are still many secrets in the old elf, which Jenkins believes he will be able to obtain.

   Leaving Fifth Queen's Road and heading east, that is the direction of home. There were no pedestrians on the road, and when I looked up, I could only see a small figure standing next to the mailbox at the entrance of the street. Jenkins stopped subconsciously and dared to go on after confirming that it was a human being.

   "Hello, why haven't you come home so late?"

   That is a little girl who sells flowers, and she happened to have seen it by Jenkins. She is Fini's friend, who seems to be Louise, and lives with her family in a slum in the south of the city. The little girl also noticed Jenkins and greeted Jenkins with a blushing face.

   She didn't go home so late that she didn't want to sell flowers or "sell flowers". The girl dropped a 3 pence coin when she passed by here in the evening. After she realized this, she came back and looked for it, which lasted two hours.

   "I will look for it with you."

   Jenkins said so.

   "No need, sir, I can find it soon, don't bother you."

   The girl stood there embarrassedly. She respected Jenkins very much. Although she cared about the 3 pence, she didn't want to delay his time.

   "It's no trouble, but I have very useful object-finding skills."

   said, bending down and patted the cat next to her feet. The cat yelled impatiently in response, but still made a sniffing action.

   Soon it walked to the back of the mailbox, which was a blind spot in the girl's vision, and then turned to look at Jenkins.

   "Is it here?"

   Jenkins walked over as he said, put his hand on the ground, dropped the coin hidden in the palm of his hand under the mailbox, and then swept inward with the umbrella in his hand. Sure enough, he swept out the three coins that he had just thrown in.

   "Oh, bless the sage, I found it!"

   He said in surprise, twisted the coin, wiped it with the handkerchief in his pocket, and held it in front of the girl. The girl also screamed in surprise and stretched out her hand to collect the coin.

   It's too late now. Jenkins worried that the girl would be unsafe at night, so he took her home by taking a long way. On the way back, the girl continued to praise Jenkins' cat and asked him where the chocolate was adopted and whether it was a very rare cat species.

   "No, no, my cat just has a better sense of smell, but the breed is actually very common."

   The cat was a little upset, his tail flicked the back of Jenkins's head, but Jenkins focused on talking and didn't notice.

   sent the girl to the alley of her house, watched her knock on the door and was hugged by the haggard middle-aged woman inside, before turning around and entering the deep night again. Jenkins is happy to do such a good thing, which will make him feel good.

   Jenkin has always believed that the reason he came to this world was to stay up late and die suddenly, so after becoming Jenkins, if it is not necessary, he generally does not stay up late.

   So in the past six months, I have developed very good work and rest habits. Of course, I control myself when I go to bed early, and my cat is in control when I get up early.

   Tuesday morning also started with the cat's morning call service. The energetic cat is always so punctual. Because of its existence, the gear alarm clock that Jenkins put in his luggage when he moved out from Privet Road has never been used. After all, the chocolate alarm clock is also on time.

   I had breakfast and went to work. The light rain yesterday made the air condition a little better, but it only lasted for a long time. When I went out, I saw the city shrouded in dense fog. This dense fog is not only haze, but also contains some naturally formed morning fog.

   Looking at the sky, the sky is gloomy, and the towering chimneys in the distance and the smoke pillars that are slightly inclined with the wind are very clear.

   suddenly remembered the air protection bill that had been introduced for a long time but had never been implemented, Jenkins thought about it:

   "After the queen's death, the successor does not know whether this can be changed. Maybe I should encourage the church to participate in the war of succession to the throne and elect a king who can implement the air protection bill."

  Of course this is impossible. The "Tower Agreement" has stated that religious forces must not interfere with the secular succession to the throne. Although the binding nature of this clause needs to be verified, at least the church cannot interfere in the open, and even if it interferes, it is better not to let people catch evidence.


   He looked at the chimney in the distance and the dim sky and sighed, reaching out and pushing open the door of the old antique shop. Rarely, the old man did not read the morning paper in the rocking chair, but stood at the counter, holding a magnifying glass and wearing gloves, looking down at a small stone statue.

   Jenkins was puzzled for a few seconds, and when he stepped in, he realized that it was sold to him cheaply by the insurance salesman last night. Before he left the store, he was too lost in thinking about the sin coin, so he put the box directly on the counter and forgot to put it away.

   "You bought this for 1 penny?"

   asked in an incredible tone, thinking that he had counted the money in the drawer.

"Yes it is."

   "Did you use force?"

"of course not!"

   Jenkins shook his head abruptly, took off his coat and hung up his hat, and then explained to his father what happened last night.

   He did not lie, and directly stated the "cooperation" proposed by the insurance salesman and him. Except for hiding the news about the criminal currency, there is nothing lying about other things.

  PS: I just found out that there was a big problem in Chapter 984. The news in the newspaper was "Notice of Changes to the End of the Eighteenth Epoch (Third Edition. I mistakenly typed the 17th Epoch, and I am here to correct it. This era is the 18th era, so it should be the end of the 18th era.

Chapter 1079 The Thousand and Sixty One Chapter Steviere of Turin

   After listening to Jenkins' narrative, Dad was very surprised that the insurer of the odd fun came to him to cooperate. But after learning about the reasons for "opening the era" and "insurance", I felt that this incident was actually reasonable.

   "...Later he didn't know what was wrong, he found out that I was the saint son of the sage, and then turned around like crazy and ran away, without even discussing the cooperation."

   Jenkins shrugged his shoulders and signaled that his story is here.

   "Have you seen him again?"

   "No, he didn't return to the store after that, and I never saw him on the way home."

   Jenkins said very honestly.

   Dad nodded, and it took a long time for Jenkins to write a report on what happened last night. At the same time, he also told Jenkins that it is best for mortals not to have too much contact with those weird things, even if the insurer is not a weird thing, it is not something mortal should touch.

   In addition to the statue, Jenkins found a gift that his father hadn't found when he threw the trash yesterday morning. It was given to him by his former apprentice.

   After wiping the counter, Jenkins took out the notebook with the bark in it and handed it to his father. When he opened it, he saw the bark and his eyes widened slowly. This was the first time Jenkins saw him so surprised. But after seeing the text on the bark, the shocked expression became calm.

   "Oh, I said, why didn't I receive a gift during the reading festival that year? It turned out to be the case. I thought she was angry because I didn't agree to her vacation plan."

   He shook his head, put the bark back into the notebook, and handed it to Jenkins for him to receive it in the warehouse behind.

   looked up and saw Jenkins' curious expression, Jenkins really tried hard to express this expression, because he was embarrassed to ask Dad by speaking.

   "Are you curious?"

   asked the old man.

   "I'm curious about this Miss Stillwell!"

   He nodded quickly.

   "That was an apprentice I used to, but I have already been a teacher."

   Dad said that he had walked back to the rocking chair in front of the fireplace and sat there, picking up the newspaper to prevent Jenkins from seeing his face.

   "Then this lady...Miss...Ma'am, all right, then where does Miss Stillwell work now?"

   Jenkins tried his best to refrain from showing too much concern.

   "Working in Turin, I haven't seen her for a long time."

   Dad said it was an understatement, but Jenkins heard what he meant to end the topic. But this is enough. The words just now did not cause any reaction from the lie clergy, which means that Miss Stevier is indeed in Turin!

   In order to change the subject, Dad also brought a new message to Jenkins. Received intelligence from the [Church of Oceans and Discovery] last night. When their spies were searching for pirates in the city, they accidentally learned another thing:

   "The ritual of [Alien Frenzy] is more than just one set!"

   The old man said solemnly, and Jenkins also solemnly nodded his head to indicate that he had heard it, and he was very shocked.

"According to the information received so far, the purpose of [The Whip of the Dead] should be more than the ability of [Alien Frenzy]. They collected a large amount of blood sacrifice materials, but the purpose of doing so is unknown. There are rumors that this group of people inherited The legacy of the cultists who fled Nolan after the failure of the Cthulhu God Son incident. We suspect that the God Son bestowed some terrible knowledge on those cultists, and their purpose may not be simple."

   Daddy said worriedly, Jenkins nodded solemnly again, and said that although it was the first time he heard this news, he already fully understood the importance of this matter.

   "It's really an eventful autumn. The plague hasn't ended yet. Now there are a bunch of malicious cultists. Didn't those people find out? Those who dare to do evil in Nolan have never ended well."

   While talking, the old man put away the statue on the counter. This is the crystallization of human wisdom nearly ten thousand years ago. If it were not preserved by the insurer, it would have been destroyed by time.

   Even if it is not an extraordinary item, the value of this stone statue is immeasurable. Next, it will probably be sent to the church, and then sent by the church to the academy or the archaeology major of a school, where it should be.

   The news of conscription appeared in the Kingdom Daily this morning. The House has passed the draft of conscription, and it is planned to launch spring conscription from the four counties in the east.

   This is a military plan that will happen every year, but the amount of conscription this year is a bit huge, and the mobilization of border troops is also very confusing.

   "It looks like a war is really going to happen, Jenkins, who do you think will win?"

   Daddy looked at the newspaper and asked casually.

"Probably we will win. Although both the Kingdom of Chesland and our country belong to the most powerful human kingdoms of this era, in fact, the land, population and economy of Chessland are not as good as our country and the Kingdom of Hampavo. More important However, I heard from the newspaper that the introduction of modern steam machinery in our army has reached an astonishing one-tenth ratio, but Chesland is still using old firearms more than 20 years ago..."

   Jenkins talked freely while wiping the counter, his father nodded unceasingly behind him, but his eyes were hollow when holding the newspaper, as if he was thinking of something in the past.

   The first customer came to the door at about ten o'clock, but he just spent money to find his father to help identify something, so this is not a big deal.

   After the guest left, Jenkins talked to his father about the Quirk family again. The old man quietly told Jenkins that the church has now determined that the blood sacrifice ritual of the Quirk family is used to summon crooks.

   Obviously that is the most favorable evidence for attempting to murder Jenkins. In any case, the surname Quick will probably disappear forever.

   "Maybe the blood sacrifice ceremony is related to the whip of the dead. The church can investigate the materials used by the Quik family."

   Jenkins said casually.

   Dad was surprised, and then he thought that what Jenkins said was reasonable. Even though Jenkins repeatedly explained that it was just a whim, Dad still attached great importance to this idea.

   After lunch, he wrote a letter for Jenkins to send to the church. Of course, Jenkins could also hand in his report on the insurance salesman.

   Chocolate naturally follows Jenkins, it rarely leaves Jenkins. Because he was satisfied with the lunch, he fell asleep in a daze after leaving the antique shop.

   When Jenkins saw the bank of the Westminster River from a distance, he could even feel the even breathing of the cat on his chest.

Chapter 1080 Chapter One Thousand Sixty Two Cases of Corpse Plague

   At noon, the weather in Nolan was clearer, and the field of vision became much wider.

The river bank in front of Jenkins is very lively. Steamships with black smoke shuttle through the river. The calls of boatmen, the voices of people on the shore, and the occasional sound of sirens make up this noisy industrial era picture. .

   Jenkins worried that chocolate would be awakened by these rude people and wanted to take a long way, but remembered that most of the bridges in this season are like this.

   He can only walk forward quickly, hoping that Chocolate can sleep a little deeper. Then I saw Miss Magic sitting on the bank of the river fishing. She was really fishing, but she was dressed like a village woman from the country.

   "Still waiting for Fermisch? But wasn't the pirate king so scared to leave the river because of the fact that I dropped the fate slab?"

   Jenkins thought in his heart, and didn't say hello, as if he didn't know him, he moved in the direction of the church.

   Because the old man said that there was nothing to do in the afternoon, he didn't have to hurry, so he chose to walk to the church. It is noon. Many believers came to pray. When they passed the main entrance of the temple, they listened to the people walking across from talking about the preaching of Bishop Parode in the morning. As his physical condition improved, the old bishop participated in these more frequently. Active.

I went to different offices to submit two reports. I wanted to wake up the cat on the way back and let it go to the ground to exercise. When I passed the temple again, I saw the girl Fini holding two books happily from the other. One side of the corridor came over.

   She wore the clothes that the choir children used when they were working in the church. It was a simple white robe with a sage emblem on her chest. The seams and front of the dress were decorated with sacred gold patterns.

   This looks very suitable for Fini, not all children can wear her temperament.

   "Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Williams!"

   Fini smiled and greeted Jenkins, and then shook the two books in his hand at him:

   "Look, sir, the reading training class I applied to the nun was approved!"

  Most of the children adopted by the church have not received much education, so various cultural classes are indispensable during the church life. The church will provide basic courses to each child, and additional courses need to be applied to the nun in charge.

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