Chapter Eight

After I called Rochelle I felt a little better, but I just couldn't wait to get out of there, I was back to avoiding Chase, and I knew he was watching me from time to time. Sometimes it was just a glance, or looking at me out of the corner of his eye, but others he was bluntly staring. But I guess I was doing the same thing.

He was making me nervous though, and I wasn't the only one noticing the new change in behavior from both of us, which I figured out when my twin called me to his office.

"Shut the door B" he said as soon as I walked in, and when I turned around he was leaning against the desk with his arms crossed. I would have laughed at how serious he looked, but I knew what this was about, and that he wasn't going to let it go. I had to come up with a lie, and fast.

"So, how are you doing" he asked innocently but I wasn't having that. I crossed my arms and gave him a look saying I was not buying what he was trying to sell.

"And you had to disrupt my work to ask instead of asking at home?" I raised a brow and he frowned

"Can't I just talk to my twin?"

"Sure you can little brother, but what do you really want?" I asked. He hated when I called him little brother. He wishes he was born first.

"What's up with you and Chase now?" he asked

"Nothing" I went on the defensive.

"Really, he keeps staring at you like a lost puppy whose owner just drop kicked him out of the house"

"Really, I haven't noticed" I said, and I hadn't I knew he was looking at me a lot, but I highly doubt he looked like a lost puppy.

"Cut the shit. What's going on?" he asked. And this is where a lie would be great to have, but I can't think of one, and since I hated lying to my brother, I decided to just tell the truth, but down play it a bit.

"He kissed me a couple times, and I told him it was a mistake" Okay, down play it a lot. What I wasn't going to say oh hey brother, were fighting because we had sex, once when I was trashed, and then once in the office after you left.

Just sex or not to him, I bet Chase doesn't want to die. And even though were not getting along right now, I still care a lot about him. We've known each other too long for me not to care.

"He did what" he stood up straighter and stared right at me.

"He kissed me."

"And what did you do?" he asked

"Kissed him back" I rolled my eyes

"What the hell, Lee!" he yelled and walked straight past me, and I knew where he was going. I hurried behind him because I didn't want Chase to say something different.

I really am glad I went with a lie, I don't even want to know what he would have done if I told him the truth.

He stopped suddenly and I ran into him. He looked right into my eyes when he asked "Is that where you got the hickey?"

Shit. See, most people would be like yeah, so what. And not be afraid of their brother beating up his best friend. But, Riley isn't known for thinking, and he's very protective.

In high school, he punched the first guy who kissed me because I wasn't his girlfriend. He yells at people who look at me in anything but a friendly manner, and I believe Chase got preventative punches through high school to stay away from me.

He's like an overbearing husband, big brother, twin brother, and father all in one and then doubled. The boy has issues. I love him, but he's just too much sometimes

"I asked a question" I snapped back to reality again.


"Is that," he poked my neck "From Chase?"

"Yes" I told him, because I really hated lying. He was my only blood family I had left. I had the monsters, but they weren't like parents or aunts or uncles or grandparents.

He turned and swung open the door of Chases office, with me right behind him

"Hey man, what's up?" he smiled and I slipped right to the side and stood in between them. I did not need a fight over something this stupid. As far as he knew, it was just a kiss. Well more than that if there's a mark, but he was being unreasonable.

"What the hell did you do with my sister? How many times did I tell you to stay away from her?" he asked over my head, and the blood all drained from Chases face, and before he could do anything stupid, like mention sex, I stepped in and looked right in his eyes, which were locked on mine.

"It was just a kiss, Ry" and the color was now back.

"It was not a kiss. A means once not a few times, and obviously it was more than a kiss if he left marks on your body"

"A mark. And calm down. Why are you over reacting."

"I'm not over reacting! I've been telling him since we were fourteen years old to keep his hands off of you.

"And that's not your decision" I was now turned to face him

"Yes it is!" he yelled back and I heard a door shut, we both turned to see Chase standing there. Well at least one of us thought to shut it, don't need the whole office hearing this.

"Brylee is an adult; she's capable of making her own decisions"

"Riley, leave" I glared at Chase.

"Brylee, let me go" he told me

"No, you're being ridicules. Leave now before you do or say something you're going to regret and ruin a friendship you've had for eighteen years." He glared at Chase, and then me before pulling his arm away from me and walking out the door.

And that just left the two of us. Chase was in front of the door, and I had to walk past him to leave.

"Thank you" he told me and I shrugged

"It's whatever."

"Baby, look at me"

"Don't call me that" I looked up to meet his eyes "You can see how pissed he was about a kiss. What do you think he would do if he knew the truth?"

"Stop pushing me away" as usual he seems to avoid addressing the issue at hand.

"Chase, just stop" I sighed and walked to the door, I just needed to get out of here. He closed the distance though, making me nervous.

"Brylee" he gripped my upper arm. His hand trailed up and down my arm gently before it went up to my neck and his fingers tangled in my hair as he pulled my face towards his.

My eyes were wide as I looked into his but as we slowly got closer, my eyes closed.

His lips met mine, and I was just frustrated. I didn't want to push him away, I wanted to hold tighter. But I knew that I just couldn't. Not after seeing how upset Riley was. But I just couldn't do it. His arm wrapped around me and pulled my body towards his.

"Chase, stop" I was out of breath, the request fell on deaf ears as he walked me back towards his desk. "We can't. Don't do this again" I knew I should push him away, because I knew that if I didn't right now, then I would as soon as we were done.

I knew this wouldn't work, I knew that but my body just wouldn't cooperate with my brain, I needed him to stop. He lifted me up onto his desk and his lips found my neck making me moan lightly. I couldn't think of anything else except his hands traveling up my leg and his lips down my neck.

God this is a bad idea and it was a bad idea to reach down and pull his shirt from his pants and run my hands up his abs. he groaned and pressed his core closer to mine. He was more than hard against me and he slowly grinded against me adding to all the sensations already going through my body.

His hands made quick work on unbuttoning my blouse and as he pushed my skirt up higher, my fingers worked down the buttons of his shirt.

His fingers unclipped the clip in the center of my breast as his lips trailed down my shoulder. I moaned when his tongue darted out and flicked over each ni pple.

"Chase, we have to stop" I told him and he made eye contact as he sucked one nip ple and then the other into his mouth. His teeth lightly scraped against them and he nibbled on the sensitive skin.

"Chase, this is a bad idea" I moaned when his hand traveled under my panties and tore them off. He was ruining all my underwear, is it so hard to just simply take them off? He pressed his lips to mine again then trailed light kisses back to my ear

"Don't push me away" he nibbled on the skin.

"You know nothing's going to change, I'll still leave after" I hated to say it, what I wanted to do was lock him in my bedroom and have my way with him over and over again.

"Then I'd rather have you first" He said as he grabbed my hips and thrust into my hard once.

"Chase" I moaned in surprise. When did he undo his pants? But then again I really didn't care, especially when he pulled back and thrust back in.

I leaned back on the desk, my hands holding me up as he rolled his hips then pushed back in again but slowly this time.

If anyone came in, this would be bad. My skirt was push up to my hips, my bra and shirt undone and falling off my shoulders with my breast out on display for him while Chase's shirt was unbuttoned and his pants down around his ankles. My legs were wrapped tightly around his waist and his hands on my hips as he kept up the pace, not getting as fast as I needed him right now. I needed more.

"Faster" I moaned hoping he would comply, and he did. He took a breath and with his eyes locked on mine he pulled back and thrust hard into me over and over again, never giving me time to adjust. It took everything in my not to scream in pleasure.

Every thrust hit just the right spot and I was sweating trying to hold it all in. If I couldn't then that would be bad with an office full of people.

"Chase slow down" I panted. Sweat was in a light coat over our bodies and my chest was rising and falling. He smirked and thrusts harder.

"Fuck" I hissed out as he thrust again and again, I couldn't hold myself up anymore and I let my body fall back on his desk while he took my body higher and higher.

I was moaning as quietly as I could and I had both hands on my head nearly pulling out my hair in frustration when he slowed down right as I was about to reach my peak. I glared at him and his eyes gleamed wickedly.

When my body calmed down he started thrusting harder and faster and I was biting the skin on my hand so I wouldn't scream out, and when he slowed again I growled in frustration.

I pushed away from him until he slid out of me then grabbed his hand before pulling him to the other side of his desk. I pushed him down in the chair and he pulled me with him so I was straddling him.

I rubbed my entrance against his member which was rock hard and waiting, but when I couldn't take it anymore I pushed down fast and hard on him. I bit into his shoulder to muffle the moan at the same time he did. I just couldn't get enough of him.

He helped me bounce up and down and ride him harder and faster. I felt like I was chasing the or gasm, and then when it finally came, I bit down on his shoulder and dug my nails into his back. My whole body was trembling as he stood up putting me back on the desk. He pushed my shirt and bra from my shoulders so my top was completely naked and only pulled out long enough to pull my skirt down my legs.

His naked body crawled on top of mine, his arms supporting him as he grinded into me, not giving me a break from the millions of fireworks going off all at one time.

His bare chest pressed to mine kept constant rubbing on my ni pples. His hand dug into my leg pulling it up more to keep control as he slowed down. I was pressed between muscle and desk as he slowly moved his body with mine.

I closed my eyes and moaned more when his head dipped forward to suck on my nipp les. His right hand moved from my leg to my other breast to kneed and pluck at it.

My eyes shot open when his mouth was removed and his hand came up to stroke my hair and cheek. With hips moving in sync bringing us higher and bodies pressed together I stared into his eyes. I couldn't look away. One hand moved from the smooth skin of his back to the light stubble on his face.

The look in his eyes reminds me of why I haven't told Riley yet. The complete vulnerability he's showing me, putting trust in me. We fight so much, I hate him some days, and I was pissed about how he thinks he can just control me and I love him for being there for me my whole life.

The amount of guy's he's beat up for me. I know that I'm not ugly. I know that I'm actually quite pretty. But I never relied on my looks. So when guys hit on me and would grab inappropriately, he was right there with Riley beating them up and keeping them straight.

It was his idea to make a little road trip to a certain ex's college after graduation. I would trust him with my life; I would trust him with my brother and my niece's lives. I would trust him with anything, which is why that night it wasn't hard to trust him with my body as well.

But this is the reason this needs to stop. I can't lose him, and neither can Riley.

"Stop thinking. Just listen to your body baby" he kissed and nibbled on my neck and I let all my previous thoughts go for now and just arched my back into him from the pleasure shooting through my body.

"Chase" I gasped

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked knowing full well what my answer would be, why didn't he ask before we had sex? He just likes to hear me beg for him to keep going, knowing that I love what he does to my body.

I didn't answer and he slowed down more "Do you want me to stop?" he asked and I huffed in frustration, I knew I would give in.

"No," he smiled and kissed my lips and sped up a little bit, but it was still way too slow for my liking. "Please go faster" I groaned

"Not this time" he kissed my forehead. This time? No, no! This was the last time. But that thought left my brain as quickly as it entered when that tingling started right before Chase spoke quickly "Eyes open" and I barely kept the moaning down as he stilled and jerked coming undone on top of me again, while I wrapped my legs around him to ride through my orgasm again.

I don't know if he knows how to just give a girl one or gasm. I don't think it's possible for him.

It took a couple minutes for my body to calm down. Chase was still on top of me his body weight like a blanket over my heated naked skin. I wrapped my arms around him and signed. I ran my hands through his hair and he nuzzled the mark on my neck before placing a kiss to it.

He rolled to the side carefully so he didn't fall off then pulled me to his side so I was curled up against him. I wanted to just lay here, but I knew I couldn't.

I went to sit up "I have to go" I mumbled and he quickly pulled me back down, surprising me.

"Just lay with me for a bit Brylee. Please. I looked into his pleading eyes and I couldn't say no to him. not again, not this time. So I curled up against his side again and just lay there letting our heart beats return to normal.

I don't know how much time passed, but with my skin being so cool, I knew it had to be too much.

"Come on, Chase. We have to get up before Riley comes barging in again" he so did not need to see this. god what if he came in during that? That would have been really bad. Chase would probably have been thrown out the window.

"Right. Guess I should have locked the door" he mumbled and I looked at him.

"No doors were locked!" I thought he would. I was only worried about Riley because he had a key, all three of us did.

"No" he trailed off and I smacked his chest and jumped up looking for all my clothes, minus my panties. Those I tucked into his back pocket after he got dressed. Not like I could wear them now.

"And how bad do I look?" I asked

"You look beautiful" he said as he looked into my eyes, I got lost for a minute before I shook my head.

"Is Riley going to think anything?" I asked thanking god I decided to put my hair up today.

"No you're fine. Just a bit flushed. But it looks good on you" he wrapped his arms around me and I didn't fight it when he pressed his lips to mine.

When I pulled back I gave him a smile and left to get back to work. I learned later that Riley had gone home early and that wasn't a bad thing. He would have barged into Chase's office again and we would have been screwed, and not in a good way.

Work went by pretty fast, so when I was time to leave I couldn't wait. I missed Rochelle, and I haven't been spending much time with her, I haven't even told her about Chase, which I'll probably get crap for. But she'll get over it and maybe she can help me find a way out of the mess I've gotten myself into.

I was getting on the elevator when I saw Chase leaving his office, he was watching me cautiously. I don't blame him so I smiled and waved "Good bye Chase, I'll see you tomorrow" I saw a smiled and wave before the doors shut. I didn't want him to think I was pissed or anything.

I got in my car and headed home. When I go there, there was already a familiar car in the drive way. I smiled that she would just come straight here. She was the best best friend any girl could have.

I unlocked the door and was tackled by my insane friend and fell to the ground laughing.

"Thanks roro, I needed that" she was straddling me now, completely normal for us.

"So what's wrong? Who do I need to beat up? Should I bring a gun and knife and kill them instead? Who hurt you? Are you okay? Are you Dying?" she keep going on and on until I finally could get a word out.

"Rochelle!" I finally yelled "I'm fine, I'm not dying, you don't need to kill anyone" and with that she seemed to calm down.

"So what happened?" she asked and I took a deep breath before spilling.

"I had sex with Chase" I told her and her eyes got wide and she stared at me before just bursting with laughter.

"Good one, now what's wrong?" she asked and when I just stared at her, waiting for her to calm the hell down she stopped and looked at me really good. "Shit, you're not lying, are you?"

"Nope" I popped the p and she jumped off me.

"I'll get the movies and junk food; you get the living room ready to have a long movie night, and I'll tell Riley you're not going to work tomorrow" she said and walked out the door not giving me time to respond.

I really do love my best friend.

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