Dominatrix System
Chapter 126: ???
Before the Chapter, I will let you know that I purposefully Passed chapter 125 due to a Content warning. I will Inform you that the information that came from that Chapter is reiterated here but It will be left a Patron-only Chapter due to the Content warning. Sorry for any Confusion related to that. Please, Continue to Enjoy my work. PS. Comment Chapter titles you think will work and I will update with one that Fits.
I left the gang hideout, moving through the streets without letting others see me in a fresh cloak. My mind was on the thoughts of the information that I got from the two prisoners last night. I didn't care about the shape I left them in after a short period of torture, but they couldn't hold up to it. They were lightweights that couldn't take much pain and squealed out the information that they knew swiftly.
That information wouldn't affect me at this moment, but the gangs around the city are looking at the Bloody Candies. They see the turmoil over on this side of the city and see opportunity. They were starting to scout the gang out, which might be an Issue for Cassandra after I am gone. Maybe not, too, if the meeting with the Necromancers would go well. Hell, They had plans of their own for this city, and I wasn't sure what that entailed.
All of this only cemented the fact I wanted out of this city more and more with every passing day. There was so much going on in my life, not even counting what was happing all around the city, that I wanted to take some time with my toys. I wanted to spend more time training my Kitty as well. I wanted to bring her around to the Demon lands with me, and I didn't want her to be a dead weight that did nothing. To do something about that, though, I needed to spend time training her.
I sighed, moving down the streets. Even with the new information, we didn't learn much that was important for the future. It was just that things might not be suitable for the gang in the future. All of this could change, though, with the plans coming up.
I made it to the apartment stealthily with all these things on my mind and no solution in sight for the moment. I entered the apartment through the window, and I greeted my tigers. I looked them over, and they were still in shape with diet, but the city was doing them no favors. They were also starting to look bored with being coupled up in the apartment all day. "Don't worry," I told them, stroking Zara's fur. "We will be moving on soon one way or another," I told them and heard a chorus of low growls in return.
I then moved over to find the rest of the apartment quiet, with movement still heard downstairs. I moved towards the door, and I opened it.
"NYA!" I heard as I opened the door, and Kitty ran inside. "NYA!" Kitty almost exclaimed up at me, looking cute.
Kitty looked up at me, trying to convey her distress as I heard coming up the stairs, "Come on, Kitty, Mistress told me to take care of you. I want to give you a nice petting." The grin on her face as she entered my vision was a watered-down version of my smiles when I was at my best. I could tell that petting was not what she had in mind.
Freya's face changed when she saw me, and that smile disappeared. "Mistress!" She exclaimed. "I was just waiting to give her a little attention." Freya defended, and I could only smile when I heard a knock on the door to the store.
"Answer the Door, Stacy," I ordered, and I stared down Freya. I then squatted, and I started to stroke Kitty's hair. The purr met my working seconds later as she enjoyed me scratching certain places too. The training of Kitty was cementing more, but I was starting to wonder if I wanted her to be more valuable than a beast.
I have tigers to be beasts. I wanted more useful toys, and making Kitty a pet that cleans or can even battle would be good. Kitty even had previous training and experience. That meant that I could make her more useful overall, and that thought made me happy.
"Mistress!" I heard, and I looked down to see the Firey red hair of Hillary that was a Baroness that Ingrid introduced to me a while back, smiling up at me from the stairs. I looked at her with a grin.
I reached behind me, and I grabbed a couple of gold coins, tossing them at her. "Ah, A cheap whore is here. I needed someone to release some frustration on." I stood before walking towards the door, "Kitty, Come here; I will bathe you before I play with the whore behind me. Freya, Stacy, Dinner." With that, I departed, and I heard movement behind me. It was nighttime, and I wondered what they were still doing downstairs.
I gave up wondering as I brought Kitty into the shower room with me, hearing a cute "Nya" As she circled my feet. I didn't know if I should be worried that my training had gone farther than expected or happy. It could also be that Kitty understands that if she wants to live more comfortably, she needs to suck up to me. That all came down to me wondering about it a bit more than maybe I should have.
It didn't entirely matter since when I left this place, I would start her next round of training even if it made the next part more difficult. I needed to cement her current place before elevating her from the place she was at. This was complicated training, and I knew that I would want to evolve it in the future. It was even more interesting than from the memories. I never remembered any style of training like this.
In the end, that made this all the more fun as I stripped naked and helped Kitty take off her bra and panties. Her naked body was on all fours, and her "Nya" Filled the room as I turned on the water. It seemed it was too cold, and she made her protests known. I smiled wryly, but it was cute, and she was showing the right attitude as a pet. I got it to the right temperature before allowing myself to grab the things needed to pamper Kitty.
I started to pamper her and wash her body off, getting purrs in response as she enjoyed my fingers touching her all over. Her purrs filled the room as I washed her thoroughly, taking my time. I smiled while enjoying pampering Kitty as much as she enjoyed my workings on her.
I had no reason in the end to overly rewarding Kitty even with her great progress. So I started to wash myself clean; While Kitty would do little things to try and grab my attention. In the end, this fueled even more questions on the progress I was making with her and if or when I should move on to the next part of my training soon. The problem remained to be time, and my thoughts centered around that as I came to that conclusion.
I finished up cleaning, and I finally decided that I would reinforce the current training, and when we left the Empire, I would start training Kitty again. A smile painted my face as I thought of the final destination I had in mind for the Cutey. She deserved some pampering, but that didn't mean I would allow her to become dead weight when she already had training in the assassination. She would become my second fluffy.
This was the problem with creating an Internation organization without something like a telephone. I had no idea what was happening in the Kingdom of Arlin. It might have been wiped out for all I know. That was unlikely, but it was a possibility. I wondered what everything would look like if or when I returned.
My thoughts abruptly ended as I decided that it was time to play with the firey-headed whore outside the bathroom. I had only played with her twice, but I could see the need for a Hardcore masochist that Ingrid told me about. This woman was so helplessly repressed that you would think she was dominant if you met her at any party.
I put on a black robe that I had kept in the bathroom and didn't bother to cover myself anymore. I stepped out, and I saw Stacy's back, and I decided to let her look with no touches today. If she came from my visual, I would increase her punishment, and she knew that. I moved through the apartment and saw Hillary looking around, not knowing where to keep her eyes. Her tall figure stood in the middle of the room; her B cup breasts, maybe a little larger, fit her perfectly on her tall frame.
Hillary was an attractive woman with love for the color red. I looked her over once again, and that Red Dress was a cocktail dress this time, and I said as I stepped up to her. "You shouldn't be wearing those clothes whore." I told her harshly, and I saw her gulp—that elegant demeanor disappearing in front of me.
"Y-Yes, Mistress," The whore answered, and the dress fell to the ground after a bit of work, and I looked over her lovely body. Her white skin was unmarred and ripe for some play. I saw in her had the gold coins I threw at her earlier.
I opened my mouth to say more when Freya exclaimed, "Dinner, Mistress, I hope it meets your standards."
The smile was sugar coating, and I knew she was already trying to gloss over the Kitty thing just a short time ago. I wouldn't be that easily distracted, nor did I care that much. I was more interested in playing with Hillary a little.
"Good work," I replied, and I turned to Hillary which had lost the Red Bra and panties she was wearing. I cupped a breast in the palm of my hand and inspected it before gripping it tightly, "Whore, I think the only thing you will eat tonight is my pussy. Come," I ordered her, and she looked at me with a mixture of emotions.
"Yes, Mistress," The firey red-headed whore said, following behind me. I moved with my usual elegance and sat at the table with Hillary behind me. Food was set down on the floor for Kitty, and Freya and Stacy were finishing setting the table.
"Your spot is between my legs, Whore. A nice proper place for a paid slut like you to get to work. Don't you agree?" I said with a grin on my face.
The face she had matched her hair, and she nodded. I could already see her pussy dripping from my simple words. "Yes, MIstress," The whore replied.
Hillary crawled under the table, and I spread my legs as Stacy and Freya set the table. "You may begin, Whore, Please me, and I might have some fun with you later," I promised, and I felt her hair tickle around my crotch as she found my pussy. Some pleasure started to seep into me as her lips covered my clit. Her tongue was lapping at my clit, bringing a soft amount of pleasure as I began to eat.
Her tongue licked the edges of my clit, sucking softly on it before increasing the suction slowly. I took a bite of food as I enjoyed the sensation coming from the whore under the table. Her small tongue licked the tip of my clit and the suction still increased.
I took another bite, slowly taking in the pleasure of the whore underneath the table even more with every moment. "Mistress," Freya spoke up after a few moments grabbing my attention.
"Yes, Freya," I replied while taking in the pleasure from the Whore, Hillary, under the table. I looked at her, and Freya looked down. She was looking towards my crotch but with her vision cut by the table.
"One of your 'friends' showed up today looking for a meeting," Freya said, and I nodded.
"What did you tell her?" I asked while I took some more food and used the other hand to forcefully shove Hillary's head into my crotch. I was dragging her nose through the slit of my crotch multiple times. I restrained a moan as I forced her through over and over again. I let go then and tightened my thighs around her head. I pressed in hard, and I raised an eyebrow at Freya as I used my mana to my thighs to cut the sound off.
"She came with a friend and said that she wants you to train him," Freya told me, and I wanted to curse. "I told her to come back tomorrow at night. She told me she would bring her friend." Freya told me, and I bit back the want to curse.
"Fine," I said, and I released my thighs and let my mana flow through my body again. The whore under the table gasped for air. I pushed her back into my pussy, making her place clear. "Whore, I paid you; you better make me orgasm before I finish my food," I told her, and I felt her nod along my pussy. Who knew if she was just trying to do a better job, though.
I heard a cute, "Nyaa!" Coming from behind me, Freya got up and put a bowl on the floor for Kitty while I went back to my meal as I felt the whore Hillary try her best. I was taking my time, and she was getting to me, and I moaned lightly.
That small moan seemed to fuel her, and I soaked in the pleasure after a long day. My day lasted for over twenty-four hours, and I felt sleepy plus, I needed to get some release, and I would go to bed. It was a good thing that a toy was making herself available.
I grinned, and I turned to look at Stacy. "How did you enjoy your day?" I asked her with a sadistic grin and suddenly moaned louder as Hillary hit a spot that sent a shiver up my spine. Hillary started to run with it, and my free hand went into her hair.
"It was an interesting day," Stacy said with a small grin looking at Freya, "Freya enjoyed teasing Kitty all day." The grin enlarged on her face as Freya looked outraged.
"I did not tease her. I was playing with her, and she doesn't like me as much as Mistress," Freya protested. "I just wanted to pet her, and she wouldn't let me!" Freya complained.
I was sure it was more than that, but the look Stacy showed me she was teasing Freya. That was interesting, and it seemed the two were getting along well.
Shivers went up through my spine as Hillary worked on that spot, and I held back a large moan as I reached the edge with only a couple of bites of food left. I took another, and I decided I would reward the little whore between my legs in the end. I used my hand to deepen her kiss to my cunt, and I passed over the edge and moaned while Stacy looked away in fear of punishment.
The orgasm sent more shivers up my spine and pleasure through my body. I sprayed a small amount of fluids into her mouth, and I moaned as I rode out the orgasm. It was a nice release since I had been busy these days and I pulled her head back, letting my pussy take a break.
I finished my last couple of bites before standing, "Whore, Get up and follow me," I ordered and walked towards the Training room. Hillary got up her naked body on a show looking enticing, and followed behind me, looking excited. I only looked behind me for a second, and I could see the jealousy on Stacy. She was starting to get pent up from not orgasming as much as she was used to, and I knew it would only get worse for her.
Even with her look of jealousy, she was looking away from her like she was ordered to. The Chastity cage was working on her psyche, and she needed to remember to follow the orders no matter how hard. I admit to myself that I missed playing with my pain slut, and I wanted to do some fun things with her.
I looked at the whore, and she looked enchanted as she followed me into my room, and I looked around to see it all was in good shape. I smiled, and Hillary joined me in the room, and I looked around the room. "Well, Whore, Here you are," I said, being vague, and I jumped up and sat down on a counter. "You did a decent job under the table," I told her, and I looked at my nails.
"Thank you, Mistress," Hillary replied, "I," Hillary looked down in the corner of my eye as I pretended to look at my nails, "I couldn't get the feeling from last time I was here," Hillary confessed, "C- Can you play with me again, Mistress?" Hillary asked.
"Oh, I asked why you were here?" I asked, looking at her now without turning away from my nails. The blush on her face matched her hair, and I smirked. "Still, You made me feel good while I ate; I think you deserve a little reward." I jumped off the table and crossed back to her with a grin.
"Thank you, Mistress," Hillary replied.
I reached her standing right in front of her, and I grabbed her face, "Then again," I swiped a finger over her lips, "I did pay for these whore lips to suck me off, so..." My voice trailed off.
"Please, Mistress," Hillary begged.
My eyes narrowed, and I looked down, letting my other hand trail down her neck to her breasts. I pinched her nipple, and I heard her moan at that. I let go of her nipple, and I cupped her breast as if I weighed it. "Hmmm," I thought what to do with this whore, and my hand stopped cupping her breast before slowly trailing down her stomach. I found her pussy dripping wet as her eyes were locked on my face by my other hand. "You have a wet little pussy looking for some attention," I commented slowly.
"Yes, Mistress, please, I would love for you to play with me, Please!" Hillary begged again.
I hummed, looking and feeling up her body, and I poked a finger into Hillary. "I don't know if I want to pay for your services whore," I replied. I heard a moan as that finger poked inside her. "Sell, Your services to me whore. Convince me to use your whore body." I ordered with a grin.
Hillary looked at me, startled by my words, and I pulled my finger out. The juices from her wet finger coating it entirely, and I brought it up to her open mouth. I placed that finger inside, and I asked again, "Convince me whore." Her mouth closed on my finger-sucking off her juices while I could see the want on her face. Her mind turned active, wondering what to do.
"Mistress," Hillary replied, looking lost before some determination on her face. "I want you to use my whore body all over. I will do anything for you tonight, and I will help you later. Please use my whole body in any way you please, Mistress, and I need your touch. I need you to bring me the pleasure only you can bring, Mistress!" Hillary had tears in her eyes at the end. She was desperate, and I couldn't believe how desperate she was.
Then I remembered what Ingrid told me about her. Hillary was a closeted Maschist the was a lesbian. Her husband back in her territory never satisfied her, and clearly, she was a pervert. Hillary, to top that all off was an exhibitionist, so she must have been doing things under her dress while at events.
All of this leads up to when Ingrid then introduces her to someone like myself. I smiled with understanding, and I looked at Hillary with fresh eyes. "Anything, eh?" I said, the grin on my face, not disappearing, "I am sure I can come up with something."
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