"I want to go to town." Green butterfly to clear shadow way, "go to buy some cool skin to come back."

"Yes, bring us some, too." Hu mei'er said hastily, "my chili oil is not very spicy, but it's very fragrant and red. I'll put more coriander than garlic."

"I know your taste. Qingying should put more sesame seeds, and Mingzhu should put some peanut crumbs." Green butterfly remembers these very clearly. Ye Shuixian also said her own request.

Originally, Ling Duyu also wanted to say that he bought it and brought it back. As soon as I heard so many patterns, I stopped talking.

When we got to that valley, there were not twenty minutes in the past. Lingduyu brought things to the warehouse. Of course, Ling Duyu collected all the things Jiang Yizhou had prepared for him.

Jiang Yizhou saw that Ling Duyu had brought so many things this time that his smiling eyes narrowed into a slit. Ling Duyu saw that this was not good. How could he find something to do for this guy“ Well, Lingtian building is about to open. There is still a lack of experienced supervisors. Go and discuss with Ding Yuqian. See if you can get me some from somewhere. Just like last time. The quality of those people is really high. Not from the talent market. "

Jiang Yizhou just wanted to say how to find me for such a small thing, but he thought that he had just taken so many things from Ling Duyu. It's a great credit to me. I still need to do my best to meet Ling Duyu's requirements“ You don't need to worry about these little things, Mr. Ling. What's more, the salary you give is absolutely desirable. It's not a piece of cake to find some people. "

Ling Duyu nodded, took green butterfly and left. When I came to Guanshan Town, it was already more than eleven o'clock. Park the car at the door of Liangpi store, and qingdie goes in to pack. Ling Duyu is waiting in the car.

"Ling Zhenchang, do you want to buy Liangpi, too?" A woman stood by Ling Duyu's car. This is the little girl from the town government. Now she is almost chased by Xu Shan. Before, she had some ideas about Ling Duyu.

"Just call me Ling Duyu. I'm not a mayor for a long time." Lingduyu said with a smile, "by the way, Secretary Zhang is still in the office?"

"Secretary Zhang and Mayor Wang are very angry about one thing." Xiao Ren Jiao said to Ling Duyu with a smile, "it's the mayor who is in charge of the assault against pornography in Zhongzhou. As a result, someone in our town was arrested. Let Secretary Zhang and Mayor Wang feel very shameless. "

"It must be Wang Laoliu and Wang Dashan again." Ling Duyu shook his head. "These two people are notorious. It's not worth getting angry about this."

"If only they were both. It's the father and son named Jiang Zheyuan. Just hit the muzzle of the gun, we Guanshan Town because of such things, the mayor remembered. Secretary Zhang and Mayor Wang can be in no hurry. By the way, I'm going to buy cold skin. Goodbye, Mayor Ling. " Small Ren beauty is to see green butterfly carrying bags to come to the car, and lingduyu in a hurry to leave.

Because qingdie looks at her unfriendly, it looks like a jealous wife. Watching other beauties talking to their handsome husband is the same. But this little beauty, like a fairy, only looks like fourteen or five. Although the two big lumps on her chest are very fierce, the childishness on her face is obvious“ Mr. Ling, don't let such a small one go Xiao Ren muttered in his heart.

Just as Ling Duyu was about to drive back, he received a call from Secretary Zhang. Zhang Shu remembers when he knew Ling Duyu was in town. Anyway, to invite Ling Duyu to dinner, Ling Duyu only calls Qingying and tells her that she and qingdie won't go back at noon.

When Ling Duyu hung up the phone, he heard Hu Meier shouting over there. Maybe it's why she didn't come with her and asked Qingying to drive to town. It must have been suppressed by Qing Ying. Only Hu mei'er wanted to join in the fun, and neither Shen Mingzhu nor ye Shuixian wanted to join in the fun. Green butterfly is also with a small mouth, green butterfly just want to go home to eat.

As soon as Ling Duyu's car started, he arrived at the gate of Hongmei hotel. Secretary Zhang and Mayor Wang were waiting at the door. After Ling Duyu's visit, he was polite. Let good into the Hongmei hotel special compartment. Here are Mr. Yang, Mr. Qian Youli, Mr. Xu Shan and director Dong. When they come in, they all sit down. Boss Jiang rushed to bring someone to serve tea.

Green butterfly is sitting on the edge of Ling Duyu. Now she has a cold expression on her face. It's the same as when Ling Duyu met her. The cool skin I just bought was put into the storage ring when I was in the car.

Before the tea cup was served, Secretary Zhang said directly to Ling Duyu, "Duyu, I'm asking you to help me this time. The day after tomorrow, the county will organize some cadres to visit your enterprise. Do you think you can invite mayor Ding over? " Secretary Zhang is looking at Ling Duyu expectantly, waiting for Ling Duyu to give a definite answer.

As soon as Ling Duyu heard this, he understood what the Secretary Zhang and Mayor Wang were fighting for. Let mayor Ding come and have a look. They still have achievements. It doesn't matter much to them that there are two bastards in the country. Another is to show in front of the county leaders that mayor Ding did not blame Secretary Zhang and Mayor Wang for the three bastards.

"This one." Ling Duyu pondered for a moment, "Mayor Ding is very busy, I can only say try. It's just dinner time. I think he should have time to answer the phone. "

A listen to Ling Duyu promise to call. Secretary Zhang and Mayor Wang were relieved that they knew this would be a success.

Sure enough, things are the same as they thought. After receiving the phone call from Ling Duyu, mayor Ding. Readily agreed, the day after tomorrow morning he will come, let lingduyu waiting for him. Mayor Ding also wants to talk to Ling Duyu about something.

"Well, mayor Ding will come the day after tomorrow morning." Ling Duyu put away the phone and told Secretary Zhang and Mayor Wang.

Secretary Zhang and Mayor Wang were relieved. Secretary Zhang said to Ling Duyu with a smile, "Duyu, thank you for this. Come on, old Jiang. Do you want us to have enough water? "

Lao Jiang is waiting at the door. On hearing Secretary Zhang's instructions, he quickly agreed and went to the kitchen in a hurry.

"Those three bastards are really damned." At this time, Mayor Wang said, "Wang Dashan and Wang Laoliu just stopped. I heard that three people were in the same room with three... "

"Mayor Wang, stop talking." Secretary Zhang quickly interrupted Mayor Wang's words, "we still have to eat. Don't be disgusted by this." As he spoke, he squeezed his eyes at Mayor Wang.

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