"Well, I have to be busy. Even if this guy is dead, he will make trouble for others." Dong Suo shook his head“ I have to inform his family now. "

When Dong Suo had Wang Laoliu in his hand, he easily found Wang Dashan's phone. After calling him, he hung up without saying a few words“ The boy seems to be very happy. It's the devil. "

Of course, Wang Dashan was very happy. He hung up and rushed out of the house. I got in the car and came back. The two little girls followed him and asked what was the matter. After getting the two little girls on the bus, Wang Dashan happily said to them, "rich, rich. My old man died. Now I'm the only heir. There are at least tens of millions of them in the old man's hand. I don't think it will cost him much. "

Seeing Wang Dashan's cheerful appearance, the two girls only felt a little creepy. They are heartless enough to mix in the society. But Wang Dashan's thought frightened both of them.

After returning home, Ling Duyu told the story of Wang Laoliu's death just now. What Qing Ying heard was just a moment of silence and sighed, "this is also his own work. How about we go there tomorrow? If everyone is dead, let's have a stick of incense. "

"Well, I'll go with you tomorrow." Ling Duyu nodded. After people died, all the enmity gradually faded away.

At more than nine o'clock the next morning, Ling Duyu and Qingying came to the town. He put the car in the town government. Before getting off the car, Secretary Wang came to the car“ Du Yu, it's about the result. "

It turns out that Wang Laoliu's body hasn't been dissected by forensic medicine, but I heard what Wang Laoliu did before his death. And he took the rest of the pills, and immediately understood how it happened. No one murdered Wang Laoliu. He did it himself. Of course, it needs to be dissected to confirm.

"Well, let's go to his house." Ling Duyu touched his nose and said, "after all, it used to be..."

"Yes, yes." Secretary Wang said with a smile, "go ahead, we'll have a good drink at noon. But Lao Jiang's bad luck has come home. Now he's cleaning his house. He says he's going to have bad luck. "

Ling Duyu smiles and shakes his head. He takes Qingying's little hand and comes to Wang Laoliu's house. It's really a busy time here. Ling Duyu and Qingying don't care about the surprised eyes of the people in the room. On the altar in front of Wang Lao Liu's throne, he picked up a stick of incense to light and put it in the censer.

Of course, there won't be Wang Laoliu's body here. His body is in the forensic department. There is only a picture of Wang Laoliu on the throne in this room.

"Brother Yu, let's go." Qing Ying glances at the room and finds that Wang Dashan is standing on one side, and Qian Li Li and Qian Cuihua are also here. There are two sisters, Zhang Chunping and Zhang Dongping. There is no one else in this room.

"You go on." Ling Duyu is very kind to her. When the two of them came in, it was fried together.

"Chairman Ling..." Qian Li came forward to talk to Ling Duyu. He didn't know that Ling Duyu had already pulled Qingying out of the door when he opened his mouth. I didn't even stop for a while, so I went out and walked away.

"Chairman Ling is gone. Let's continue." After Ling Duyu left, Wang Dashan said complacently, "you two should leave now. I'm in charge here."

Wang Dashan said this to Zhang Dongping and Zhang Chunping. The two were released. However, they are required to come as soon as possible. Of course, if Wang Laoliu is dissected and the cause of his death is the same as expected, it has nothing to do with them.

"Sister, let's go." Zhang Chunping takes Zhang Dongping and leaves. When she got out of the room and came to the bottom of the building, Zhang Dongping remembered that her clothes were still on it.

"What's the hurry? We'll wait on this side." Zhang Chunping said with a smile, "when Qian Cuihua and them leave, we are going up. We must get this house in the future. "

Zhang Dongping also understood that, yes, how could they just pay for it and not lose any benefits. This time, we must let Wang Dashan transfer the house to their name. As for how to do it. Both sisters thought it was not difficult at all.

When Zhang Chunping and her sisters left, Qian Cuihua said to Wang Dashan angrily, "these two fox spirits, it's good that you drove them away. If it wasn't for them, your father wouldn't have died

"Stop, what's the matter with you two?" Wang Dashan interrupted Qian Cuihua and asked“ Is it for incense? Like Ling Duyu? The incense is over there. Go ahead. "

"Of course I have something to ask for you." Qian Cui Hua Leng said, "this old six left a lot of money, right? There should be a part of me. I don't want more. Just give me three million. Dashan, you still have a lot of money! "

"Three million?" Wang Dashan sat down, "you really dare to open your mouth. To tell you the truth, there are no three points!"

"How can you swallow it all by yourself, you know..." Qian Cuihua jumped up.

"What do you want to know?" Wang Dashan said coldly, "I only know that you have divorced your father. Everything about your father is mine. If you don't want to, go and sue me. By the way, you should know if you have a share. You can ask him

Qian Li Li was silent and yelled bad luck in his heart. I was found by Qian Cuihua early this morning. I pulled him over to support Qian Cuihua. I said that if I got money, I would give him one tenth of the money.

Of course, Qian Li understands what Qian Cuihua wants him to do. He just wants to use the status of deputy mayor to see if he can beat Wang Dashan. Besides, Qian Li is Wang Dashan's old uncle!

Now when I hear Wang Dashan talking like this, Qian Li knows that nothing he says is useful. He just shook his head, turned around and went out of the room. Qian Li Li is also annoyed enough. Seeing that this issue of the bamboo mouse is about to be handed in, he knows that he will not even think about the next issue. How can I stand in the wrong line. It's all caused by that damned Jiang Lei. He's gone with a slap on his ass!

"What are you doing here if you don't go?" Wang Dashan said to Qian Cuihua, "if you hurry up, I have something else to do."

Of course, Wang Dashan has something to be busy with, which is about Wang Laoliu's money in the bank. I have to go through the formalities and transfer it to my own account. Only in his own account can Wang Dashan be at ease!

"Well, you're tough." Qian Cuihua said angrily, "Wang Dashan, wait. One day, he will be punished just like Wang Laoliu

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