"In a few days, the tea will be harvested." Ling Duyu looked at the tea trees and said, "our accomplishments are too low. We can't absorb the spirit water."

"Yes, now we need water and vegetables in the lake. Soaking seeds is also necessary. " Qingying also worried, "if there is enough spirit water, we will make more money."

"Then we need to practice hard." Ling Duyu touched his chin. As they talked, they went back to the villa“ It is also a troublesome thing for these tea trees to pick tea in the future. It takes a lot of people. "

At more than nine o'clock in the evening, Ling Duyu took all the cabbages from Uncle Li and his family. Put it in the refrigerator car and wait for tomorrow morning to pick the cabbages in his valley. Boss Yang and they drove back to Zhongzhou. After Wu Laosan, they don't have to drive to Panshan village to pick up the goods.

The next morning at more than eight o'clock, boss Yang called. Tell Ling Duyu the situation over there. Besides leaving 1500 Jin for sale in the store, it has been used up. The money is directly typed into Ling Duyu's card.

The 1500 Jin cabbage is sold at 10 yuan per Jin. Now they are being scrambled by the purchasing staff from some hotels. There are still many people who want to make a reservation. Now listen to Ling Duyu. As for the money for selling vegetables, when they come to a car in the evening, they will bring the money.

"Well, you should make a record of what you want to order, and then go to investigate. What's the scale and reputation of this hotel? You should make a good record." Lingduyu to Yanglao Avenue, this evening to come back a car, so that tomorrow morning lingduyu Valley in the best cabbages away. Ling Duyu set up a sales point in Zhongzhou to lay a good sales foundation for large-scale cultivation in the future.

"Brother Yu, look!" Qingying came in with a small bowl, "these are all the seeds of the immortal fingers. I didn't expect that these seeds are so small. It's much smaller than sesame. "

Qingying was sent by Ling Duyu to collect the seeds of immortal fingers. After being watered with spirit water, those more than ten immortal fingers not only grew thick, but also seemed to blossom and bear many seeds.

"Find a good place to plant on the hillside." Ling Duyu looked at the pink seeds in the bowl“ If this thing is promoted, it will sell for a lot of money. "

"But how." Qingying was worried and said, "it's useless to sell it like this."

"I have an idea." Ling Duyu said triumphantly, "give it with real fire, and the skin will tear off easily. And it can be stored for five or six days. " Ling Duyu did the experiment.

"Really." Qingying's happy little face turned red, "so I can get more and take my parents with me. They like it best. "

"Well, we'll get them more later." Ling Duyu nodded, "it's just a real fire. Although the consumption is not very big, the daily output will not be very much. After all, I still need to gather spirit water. It's not enough cultivation. "

"Let some martial arts practitioners come and help us tear the skin of the immortal finger." Qingying frowned and said, "as long as you have five layers of strength, you can easily tear off this layer of annoying skin." It's not reliable to tear up the old people in the village. First, the output is not large, and second, the loss is large.

Ling Duyu laughed, "where can I find such a person? With such a person of cultivation, I can still do such things for you."

Qingying also laughs. She is amused by her own idea. I feel like I'm on a whim.

Ling Duyu and Qingying point out the immortals carefully and soak them in the spirit water. By noon, you can dry in the sun. We'll find a field to plant tomorrow. Of course, the place where the immortal finger is planted must be fenced. And the upper surface should also be blocked, otherwise the fawn and the Red Crowned Crane will love the sprouts the most.

At this time, Ling Duyu received a call from Uncle Lu, saying that someone was looking for him. That's the one who came with an old man.

"What does he want to do?" Lingduyu frowned. He and Qingying thought that the old man who was brought by Qian Li must be Qian.

"Let's go and have a look." Qingying also knows that it must bring trouble to Ling Duyu. It's obvious that it's money's advantage. After seeing Qingying and seeing old man Qian, he pushed old man Qian to the front“ It must be the money that's good for mischief. "

"Qingying, don't worry. I won't make you embarrassed." Lingduyu to Qingying way, "just let you return the old man's fifty dollars of love."

Qingying's mind is naturally exquisite and clear since Xiuzhen. I understand what Ling Duyu means by that. He is ready to agree to the terms offered by Qian Li. However, old man Qian did this, which was also an overdraft of his previous relationship with Qingying.

"I hope he didn't come for that." Qingying still has a beautiful idea. And Ling Duyu came to the front yard. Uncle Lu has already followed Ling Duyu's orders to welcome the two people to the hall and sit down in the living room.

"Hello, Mayor Ling." Qian Yili, who is drinking juice, sees Ling Duyu come in. Qian Yili puts down his juice bottle and stands up in a hurry. Now he consciously put himself in the position of Ling Duyu's subordinate.

"Grandfather Qian, why do you come to my house when you have time?" Qingying still shows a surprised look and tells old man Qian. Although I know that the old man Qian must have come here for the benefit of money. Over the years, Mr. Qian's family has been one of the few.

At this time, Ling Duyu and Qingying sit down opposite old man Qian and Qian Yili. Uncle Lu saw Ling Duyu coming, so he left with a smile and went out to work.

"Qingying, I'm here to ask you a favor for something." Old man Qian opened the door to the mountain road, and he also showed some grandiose elder's momentum. "It's a good thing to go to the government. Please ask your little son-in-law to help."

Qian Li Li also sat down and looked at Ling Du Yu's face nervously. I'm afraid Ling Duyu can't spit out two words coldly.

Qingying looks at Ling Duyu for a moment. Seeing that Ling Duyu nods to her, she says to old man Qian, "OK, I'll ask brother Yu to help with this. But only this time. I can't help you if there's anything you can do in the future. " Qingying has made his words clear. The love between them has been used up by the old man Qian. If there is anything next time, don't talk about it.

"Yes, yes." Old man Qian said hastily, "I have nothing else to trouble you." Old man Qian, this is to forget about how much money he asked.

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