The two old men's demands are exactly in Ling Duyu's favor. He wants to follow the two old men's contacts to find some medicinal materials for refining Qi pill. Even Zhu Liang can receive some elixir of Qi training pill. These people must have no problem“ No problem. I just need some herbs. As long as you can find them, I can get them for you. "

Ling Duyu thought about it. It's a big deal to get him some simple Qi training pills. Of course, it's money. All these old men are rich. I can get some things to sell to them, and gradually I can get the money out of a building.

Ling Duyu really wants a building of his own as the headquarters of Linshui Qingying company. How magnificent that is! He knows what decision he has made. Qingying must approve of it.

"Tell us what kind of herbs Mr. Ling needs." Old Ding said in a hurry, "we can still do things like finding some medicinal materials."

"Well, I'll send you pictures of these herbs." Ling Duyu said and took out his mobile phone. Before refining, those herbs were photographed by Ling Duyu.

When the two old men saw it, they didn't know each other. But how could Mr. Ling let them look for ordinary herbs. It doesn't matter. I'll take the photo to old man Qin later. He is a doctor and must be familiar with these herbs.

For example, when you reach the innate level of martial arts cultivation, you will more or less equip yourself with some wound medicine. The two old men knew some Chinese herbal medicines.

Ding Yuqian after they finished talking about it. Just stare at Ling Duyu and ask, when will these cucumbers and tomatoes come again? She wants to go and pick them now.

"There will be some cantaloupes and Luffa in the morning the day after tomorrow." Ling Duyu said to Ding Yuqian“ You can go and play with Qingying. " Ling Duyu also doesn't want Qingying alone. She wants Ding Yuqian to play with her.

"I'll go with you tomorrow afternoon." Wu Laosan hastened to express.

Old Ding and old Wu laughed at each other. They are still happy to see Ding Yuqian and Wu Laosan come together. These two people will be good at martial arts in the future.

After lunch, Ling Duyu will leave and go back. Old Ding and old Wu sent Ling Duyu downstairs to get on the bus.

When they got to the elevator. Seeing Wang Laoliu's family, they are also waiting for the elevator here. Wang Laoliu and Wang Dashan can't stand drinking any more. They are supporting the wall, and they want Qian Cuihua and Zhang Yujuan to support each other.

Ling Du Yu saw a frown, these two guys' conduct is really bad. How can I go back after drinking this virtue.

"Uncle Wang, if you drink like this, you can still drive back." Ling Duyu told Wang Laoliu.

"Nothing." Wang Laoliu said with a big tongue, "Dashan said that he could find a substitute driver. It's just a matter of spending more money. Now we have money, we are rich people

"Stop talking nonsense." Qian Cuihua is in a hurry. It would be great if he could tell Wang Dashan about his trade with Zhukou. Ling Duyu can definitely pull off their skin“ We grow vegetables to earn some money, thanks to the care of Du Yu. "

"It's all right, wife." Wang Laoliu patted his chest and said, "I will never say what I shouldn't say. You see, I didn't say anything about Dashan. "

Although Wang Dashan can't stand drinking, he is young. His mind was still clear. When he heard Wang Laoliu's words, he knew he was going on. You can tell the whole story. He pulled Wang Laoliu, "Dad, just drink two more cups of cat urine, and you're talking nonsense. Wake up Wang Dashan is in a hurry. Wang Laoliu is in a hurry.

"I'm not drunk. How do you talk to your father?" Wang Laoliu was dazed by Wang Dashan's shaking, "I'm going to vomit when you shake."

At this time, the elevator arrived, and Ling Duyu shook his head into the elevator. Wang Dashan is staggering, this Wang Laoliu to the bathroom drag, "go to wash face, also good sober."

As the elevator door closes, the noise disappears. Ling Duyu knew in his heart that Wang Dashan must have done something that he could not tell others. But it's not surprising that the boy didn't do anything good.

Ling Duyu met boss Yang waiting here in the hall and took him to the back to have a look. He told boss Yang about his intention to decorate. The next thing is his. When boss Yang was planning here, Ling Duyu went to the front parking lot, followed by old man Ding.

Ling Duyu stood in front of the car and talked to old man Ding for a long time. When he got on the bus and was ready to leave, the wangdashan family came out of the hall.

At this time, Wang Laoliu's water is still not dry. It seems that he was pressed under the tap and flushed his head, making him sober. Wang Laoliu looks pale. Needless to say, he must have vomited.

Wang Dashan and Qian Cuihua have big water stains on their bodies. That's Wang Laoliu they played with. Qian Cuihua was still angry and said, "I want you to drink less, but you don't listen. It's almost the same as a dead dog. Spit out all the good things you eat. You're honest now. "

Ling Duyu shook his head, closed the car door, waved to old Ding who was still standing on the side, started the car and left.

They went back to the hotel this time to discuss how to find medicinal materials. Wang Dashan was almost awakened by the wine now. Just now, he was frightened by Wang Laoliu's words. If Ling Duyu had to investigate the matter. Wang Dashan knows that he can be sued and imprisoned.

It was more than four o'clock when Ling Duyu got home. Qingying is sitting under the grape trellis, eating grapes with Ye daffodil, waiting for him to come back. Ye Shuixian came back early in the morning and didn't go home until evening.

"How's brother Yu doing?" Qingying gets off at lingduyu road. Ye Shuixian also stands beside Qingying and puts his head into the car to see. I want to see if Ling Duyu has bought anything good.

"Let's go back." Ling Duyu said to Qingying with a smile.

His words make Narcissus unhappy, "hum, who still wants to know the same, I went home." Ye Shuixian said, go to the stone table, then go to two clusters of grapes. Qingying asked her to take it back for Aunt ye to taste.

"Aunt ye called to ask her to go back." Qingying explained with a smile, and Ling Duyu walked behind hand in hand. While walking, Ling Duyu talked about the sales of tomatoes and cucumbers and Qingying.

"It's a good sell." Qingying said happily, "if only we could plant more. It's a pity that we don't have enough accomplishments, and it's hard to find this person. I think uncle Lu and uncle Liu don't ask for anything, but they can't find it. "

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