"Duyu, take out the betrothal gifts." Wang Laoliu said at this time, "200000 less than a cent is not enough."

"Two hundred thousand?" Before anyone else said anything, ye Shuixian cried, "Uncle Wang, you are going to sell Qingying. But it seems that even if we sell it, we can't sell it for so much money. It's said that Qingying has climbed brother Yu, so your family shouldn't ask for betrothal gifts. "

Uncle Li, they all think that ye Shuixian is right. Although she is a girl, she should not speak at this time. There are still some unwritten rules for giving betrothal gifts. Just look at the difference between them. If they are similar, give them less meaning. If men's conditions are much better than women's, they don't have to give a cent.

The male is much worse than the female, and if both sides agree, they can only make up with betrothal gifts. Just like Wang Dashan, if he wants to get a wife without deformity, he has to talk with money. In this way, he is only prepared to give 100000 yuan. And that Yujuan is very good, otherwise Wang Dashan would not be optimistic about it. Don't look at Wang Dashan himself. He has a high vision.

"Ye Laosan, take care of your daughter. He has his share here." Wang Laoliu's angry way. Ling Duyu has been out for a long time. He doesn't know the market in the village. If be reminded by this little girl, now don't give this money, oneself still have no way. Wang Qingying is already following Ling Duyu. If he comes hard, he can only be beaten by chickens“ This betrothal gift money is my business with Du Yu. It has nothing to do with outsiders. This is what Du Yu did because he valued Qingying. "

"Stop it." Ling Duyu stood up and said, "I'll take the money right now." Then he went back to his bedroom and took out the backpack. "Here you are, count it well." Said the backpack to Wang Laoliu, did not pay attention to quickly stand up, hand far Wang Dashan.

"Yes, Liu, you'd better order it." Li Shu narrowed his eyes and said to Wang Laoliu, "we are witnesses."

Wang Laoliu opened his backpack and looked at the red tickets in it. My eyes are red and my breath is thick. Although the ceiling fan above his head was blowing, old man Wang's sweat came down.

"Dad, take it out and put it on the table. Let's order it together." Wang Dashan then stretched out his hand to catch the money, but he was patted away by Wang Laoliu.

"Get out of the way. I'll count with your mother." Wang Laoliu stares at an eye way.

Uncle Li and they all looked at the three coldly. Wang Laoliu and Qian Cuihua tossed about for half an hour before they gave the money to them clearly“ Well, quite a lot, just 200000. "

"Well, you take the money. After that, Qingying was a member of the Ling family. Although the wedding has not been held, now even if it is temporarily living in your home Li Shuyi said solemnly, "you can't let Qingying do this or that for you in the future. Qingying comes to Duyu's house to do things. "

"Of course, of course." Wang Laoliu now smile mouth all don't close, the hand tightly grasps that knapsack. He didn't expect that Ling Duyu could really give him 200000 yuan, and he got it so easily, "now Qingying is living here."

With them, there are things like this now. That is, after the betrothal gift, the woman can live in the man's home. After giving birth to many children, not a few people go to get a license to hold a wedding.

"We'll talk about it later." Ling Duyu is in a hurry. He didn't expect that his hometown is so fierce now“ We drink. I bought a box of wine. "

As soon as lingduyu's voice fell, Wang Dashan picked up a bottle of wine and said, "I'll pour the wine for you." With that, he opened the wine bottle and saw Ling Duyu also opened it. He was pouring wine for Uncle Li. He rushed to his father's Island first, and then filled the wine glass in front of him.

"Qingying, take aunt Ye narcissus to eat, and you will drink juice." When Ling Duyu poured wine for himself, he said to Wang Qingying. This is to show the hostess's attitude to Qingying, which makes Wang Qingying very satisfied and quickly greets aunt ye and daffodils to eat. Of course, her mother also wants to say hello.

The round table is full of dishes. The vacuum packed pickled dishes Ling Duyu bought, such as roast chicken, salted duck, pig's mouth, pig's ears, sausage belly and so on, are cut and put on the plate.

Two two foot long big carp are braised in brown sauce and put in big pots. A big rooster was chopped, chopped, and some vegetables were added to make a big pot. Two pork elbows are cooked in brown sauce and placed on a large plate. And ribs and so on.

Tomatoes scalded skin, cut into pieces, sprinkled with sugar is also a dish, cucumber and so on many.

Looking at a table full of dishes, Wang Dashan and other Ling Duyu took the wine cup to persuade him to drink. He raised his head and took a bite of it. He picked up the chopsticks and ran to the pig's elbow. This glass of wine can have two or two appearance, his this pair of eat like see Ling Duyu straight shake his head.

Wang Qingying may be used to it, only when he doesn't see Wang Dashan's humiliating appearance. While talking to Aunt ye, Narcissus Ye. Now and then pour the drinks.

In less than an hour, there were five bottles of wine, and the last one was left. Wang Dashan and Wang Laoliu are both drunk. They both drank three bottles. A few women have already eaten, eating watermelon and gossiping outside under the grape trellis.

"There's another bottle. Open it." Wang Dashan stood up a little wobbly, grabbed the last bottle of wine on the table, opened it and poured it for himself. When he was about to pour wine for others, Uncle Li and Uncle Ye all said that they had drunk enough and would not drink it now.

"If you don't drink it, we'll drink it for father and son." Wang Dashan said happily. A bottle of wine was drunk by the two of them in a short time.

Ling Duyu and they had to wait on the side and eat together when they stopped drinking. At the end of the meal, Wang Dashan saw the beer in the corner and said with a sad face, "brother-in-law, why don't you bring up the beer? Now I can't drink it. Put it here, and I'll come and drink it slowly later. "

"All right, you go back, this way to let Duyu clean up." Uncle Li frowned and said. The father and son of the king's family are virtuous. They will die when they see wine.

"Well, let's go back." Wang Laoliu can't open his eyes now, but he still holds the backpack in his hand“ I'll see what happens tomorrow. "

Qian Cuihua saw that Wang Laoliu and Wang Laoliu came out unsteadily, and he didn't care to eat watermelon. He walked back with one hand and complained, "you two are really drunk every time, just like you didn't see the wine."

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