As for the sweet and sour taste of cherry, that goes without saying. These two flavors match very well. You can't add or subtract any of them. As for the cherry nucleus, I don't know how to become only the size of mung bean. In the past, the cherry nucleus on these trees was not small. The pulp is just a thin layer outside the nucleus.

In addition, the peel used to be very thick. Now it seems that I can't feel it. I can know how thin the peel is at this time.

Lingduyu picked cherries with sharp hands and feet, but he didn't care to throw two cherries into his mouth. At 5:30, Wang Qingying came, and Ling Duyu had already picked four of the five cherry trees and just packed four baskets.

"Brother Yu, this cherry looks so good." Wang Qingying looked at the cherries under the sun and exclaimed.

"Well, Qingying, you can have a good taste." Ling Duyu said to Wang Qingying with a smile, "you take these to the car, and there is a tree to pick right away."

In front of Wang Qingying, Ling Duyu didn't hide anything. The quick action of picking cherries brought out many illusions. Wang Qingying was a little dizzy.

"All right, brother woo." Wang Qingying promised softly. She knows Ling Duyu must have a secret, but brother Yu hasn't told her so far. Wang Qingying doesn't ask. Brother Yu will tell him when the time is right.

Wang Qingying picked some pumpkin leaves from the side and covered the cherry in the basket. It was then carried to the van in front of her. When she got down, Ling Duyu had already gone to pick apples. Apple is put in the bamboo basket, this apple is not as delicate as cherry, can't squeeze at all.

After Ling Duyu picked the apples and moved them to the van. Wang Qingying has already made breakfast. Now she brings a basin of water to let Ling Duyu wash his face and eat.

"Let's go to town today and think about what you need." Ling Duyu while eating, while holding a bowl of porridge Wang Qingying way.

"Well, pigs and chickens must be bought." Wang Qingying put down his job, suddenly fanned his big eyes and said, "the pigsty behind is still empty, and the chickens are surrounded. When they grow up, they will put them in the orchard and let them look for insects to eat."

"Well, you see." Ling Duyu finished eating in a hurry. "It's late at seven now. Let's go to town."

"You wait. I'll get dressed. You change, too. Just go to work and report“ Wang Qingying to Ling Duyu road.

Many of Wang Qingying's clothes are put here, in the room where Ling Duyu used to live. Now Ling Duyu is sitting in the room where his grandfather used to live. Wang Qingying goes back to sleep at night, and other time is here.

Ling Duyu changed it in two minutes, a short sleeve shirt and a pair of trousers with shoes on the feet. It's not a famous brand, but it's neat and neat. It's for work in central.

After waiting in the car for more than ten minutes, Wang Qingying came out with a white T-shirt on his upper body and a horsetail on his head. The lower body is a pair of light blue thin jeans, the whole person looks fresh and cool. Step by step, the beautiful and charming appearance made Ling Duyu's nose itch and he didn't dare to look at it again. He was afraid that he would have nosebleed.

Ling Duyu drives the car out of the yard, and Wang Qingying comes out and locks the door. Just got on the car and sat in the co driver's seat. The seat at the back of the van has been removed by Ling Duyu and used as a chair in the living room.

It was not eight o'clock when I came to town. On both sides of the main streets of the town, there are stalls selling everything. But all the living things are sold in an open space at the end of the street.

Ling Duyu parked his car in the yard of the town government. Now no one told him about the parking space. It is estimated that no one will jump out and say anything even if they park in the parking space of the mayor's secretary.

"Qingying, wait for me in the car for a while." Lingduyu stopped the car and said to Wang Qingying, "I'll come."

"Brother Yu, go ahead." Wang Qingying said softly to Ling Duyu, "your work is important, or I'll go to the town first."

"No, I'll be right back." Ling Duyu said with a smile. As soon as he got off the bus, he heard the phone ring. He felt it was Wu Laosan who called.

Wu Laosan asks Ling Duyu where he is now. He wants to find Ling Duyu to get the fruit“ Now it's in the town hall. Come here. " After lingduyu finished, he hung up. As soon as he got off the bus, he saw Zhang Zhenchang standing near him.

"Du Yu, why don't you bring your girlfriend down here?" Mayor Zhang was very kind to Ling Duyu and said, "bring it down quickly and go to the office for tea. I have something to say to you, and you can go back. "

"Thank you, mayor." Lingduyu thanks, let Wang Qingying under the car, "Qingying this is Zhang Zhenchang." Although Wang Qingying is a little shy, he also asks the mayor how he is.

"Well, Du Yu, your girlfriend is so beautiful. I don't think we can find a second one in Guanshan Town, and only you can match it. Xiao Ren, take Qingying to your office Mayor Zhang orders Xiao Ren who passes by.

Xiao Ren looks at Wang Qingying, and his face is also envious. Wang Qingying is very outstanding. It's not enough for a movie star to come to her. She also found a boyfriend like Ling Duyu. It's a perfect couple.

"Du Yu, what did you say about boss Wu?" Zhang Zhenchang took Ling Duyu to his office, sat down and asked with a smile. He is not in a hurry. Knowing that Ling Duyu is here, he can't run away from that investment. What's more, the relationship between Ling Duyu and the mayor seems to be very good. By the way, the mayor's daughter seems to be interested in this boy, but how did this boy find another sister.

"Ah, Mr. Wu will be here soon." Ling Duyu said to Mayor Zhang, "when he comes, I'll let him do it quickly."

Just then Wu Laosan came over and was invited into the office. A promise to come down, the next thing to do the project.

"Wu Laosan, what did I ask you to look for?" Ling Duyu thought of looking for those jade fragments.

"Mr. Ling, I have brought five bags. I will continue to collect them for you in the future." Wu Laosan said respectfully“ The car is out there. "

"I've also brought the fruit you asked for. Go out and have a look." Ling Duyu said and stood up, "mayor, I'm going out now."

"Well, I'll see what kind of fruit Du Yu has made. Boss Wu thinks highly of it." Zhang Zhenchang also stands up with a smile. He just wants to get into the relationship with Ling Duyu.

Wu Laosan drove a car by himself, and a small refrigerator car followed him.

"That's all." Ling Duyu opened the back door of his van and said, "take a look. By the way, give me your plastic turnover box. Next time, I'll load you with vegetables and fruits. Don't forget to bring back these bamboo baskets and baskets next time."

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