After security, I got on the plane. Ling Duyu, of course, they are in first class. Qingying is very curious about everything on the plane. After looking around for a while, I suddenly thought of a question. I asked Ling Duyu in a low voice, "brother Yu, you are building a foundation now. You should be able to fly with your sword. Why didn't you mention it?"

"I want to." Ling Duyu frowned and said, "I've wanted to have a try for a long time, but now it's estimated that I can be photographed for flying in the mountains."

Qingying thinks about it. As long as there are people, there must be mobile phones. Now it seems that there is no mobile phone without camera function. If it is transferred to the Internet, it will be great fun.

"Well, we need to find a good place." The clear shadow turns a small mouth way. It was at this moment that the plane was about to take off. Ask the passengers to fasten their seat belts. Looking at Qingying's groping, Ling Duyu helps her tie the safety belt. How to say, Ling Duyu had already taken two flights when he went to menstruation country.

At more than 11 noon, the plane landed at the airport of Tianya City, Haijiao province. As soon as the plane got out of the airport, I smelled the wind, as if with a faint smell of the sea.

"Mr. Ling, the hotel here has been arranged, just by the sea." Shi Weirong in an airport to lingduyu Road, "pick up our car has come."

The car that came to pick them up was a business car with more than ten seats, which took them to a hotel by the sea. The hotel Shi Weirong ordered for Ling Duyu is a presidential suite. As for whether Ling Duyu and Qingying sleep in one room or two rooms. That's not what they used to ask.

To Jianjun and Zhao Xu two people, with a female secretary to the suite can be. After everyone settled down, Shi Weirong came to invite Ling Duyu to the restaurant for dinner.

Of course, it's mainly seafood here. Qingying loves the crabs and shrimps here. There are also tropical fruits after meals. Every time you eat them, you will ask if they are planted in this fruit greenhouse.

After lunch, Shi Weirong said to Ling Duyu, "is Mr. Ling going back to have a rest or going to the seaside now?"

"Going out to sea, of course." Ling Duyu said to Shi Weirong, "the seaside is meaningless. Just now I stood by the window in my room and looked at it. It's almost like a public bath. There are people everywhere. It's not interesting. "

"Let's go to the yacht. My yacht is not far from here." Shi Weirong to Ling Duyu road.

"Good." Qingying excitedly said, "brother Yu, let's go to change clothes first, and take the swimsuit with us." Qingying's swimming suit is a one-piece one. She bought it specially.

Qingying replaced her dress with a T-shirt and a pair of Capris, revealing her white and slender legs. On the foot is a pair of sports shoes. Ling Duyu and Qingying are dressed in the same way, even the color of their clothes is the same.

They walked in the lobby of the hotel and immediately attracted the attention of others. Both men and women looked at the golden couple. Zhao Xu and they followed Ling Duyu out of the hall.

Or take that business car, not ten minutes came to a dock, where there are many yachts. Shi Weirong took them on a yacht. "This is the yacht I just bought in Chunshang. Ten or so people go out to play, and they are very well off. " When he spoke, Shi Weirong was very proud.

"Brother Yu, this boat is really good." Qingying takes lingduyu's hand and turns around on the boat. She is envious of lingduyu road.

"Yes, it's not a problem for us to buy one, but where to put it? There's no use in that little lake. " Ling Duyu looks at Qing Ying's envious expression, some funny to Qing Ying.

"Yeah, we bought it. It's useless." Qingying is a little disappointed“ But when we go back, we can get a bigger boat, decorate it well, and put it in a small lake. If there are guests, we can play, right It seems that Qingying wants to be flexible.

There are two pilots on the yacht, under Shi Weirong's command. Drive the yacht out, and you will not see the coast and harbor in a short time.

Qingying and lingduyu are standing at the stern of the boat, smelling the fishy smell of the sea breeze. After seeing Zhao Xu, who is far away from them, Qingying whispers to Ling Duyu, "brother Yu, we'll go down to find some good things and keep them in the sea of magic space."

"Needless to say, that's what we're here for." Ling Duyu said with a smile. For this, they put a lot of stainless steel buckets in the hall. After catching things, they send them in. Then they go to the magic space and send them out of the hall into the sea.

"Brother Ling, what do you think of it here?" At this time, Shi Weirong came to ask.

"Well, where is a good place to fish?" Ling Duyu asked, "it's better to have islands and rocks nearby."

"It's going to go down a little further." Shi Weirong said that he took a look at the camera in Qingying's hand and thought that he wanted to take pictures on the island“ But it's not an island, it's just a bigger reef. I'll tell the driver to drive

It took more than an hour to reach the reef. Along the way, Qingying didn't lift her camera. Along the way, apart from the sea water, we met ships. There's nothing to take. Ling Duyu sat down on the chair at the stern of the boat and told them some martial arts experience. It made all three of them have a sense of enlightenment. When I got to this reef, I felt that time passed quickly.

The reef is only a few meters above the sea level, and it looks like 200 mu. There are some coconut trees and other plants on it.

"Well, it's beautiful." As soon as Qingying stopped in the yacht, she said, "I'll take some pictures first."

"Mr. Ling, it's good to fish here." Shi Weirong came to Ling Duyu and said, "when we used to come here to play, we stayed here for the night."

"Brother Yu, we won't go back today." Qingying put down her camera and said to Ling Duyu, "how about camping here?" There are rooms on the yacht. Although it's a little small, there are no rooms in the bathroom.

"Let's go to the island first." Ling Duyu said to Qingying, "I'll go fishing or go swimming in the sea later."

Lingduyu and Qingying jump directly on the island, which is just a gentle shore. Zhao Xu and they all followed. The three beautiful secretaries were picked down from the yacht after they came down.

Qingying held up her camera and kept shooting. Ling Duyu took a close look at the plants on the island. There is at least one kind of iron bone grass that he didn't find in the drugstore. There are two or three trees that Ling Duyu saw on the rocks near the sea.

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