When Ling Duyu came to the road, he gave the fruit to manager Qian and the people sent by Wu Laosan. With Wang Qingying came to the courtyard of the town government, today is Saturday, only some left behind people on duty.

I made a phone call to Mayor Zhang. After a while, Mayor Zhang arrived here“ Mayor, today I invite my colleagues in the village to dinner. What do you think of the arrangement? "

"This is Lao Li. He's going to inform me." Mayor Zhang smiles to Ling Duyu. Now Ling Duyu and Wang Qingying are in Mayor Zhang's office.

"The Secretary has gone to the meeting, so I'll invite him next time. It happens that these people who are left behind are making a table. " Zhang Zhenchang to lingduyu road. While talking, he touched his mobile phone and called deputy mayor Li.

"How about going to Mucheng for dinner?" Ling Duyu said to Zhang, "I guess you are tired of eating in several restaurants in the town."

"Yes, it's up to you." Zhang Zhenchang said to Ling Duyu with a smile, "if you move here, we should meet you. I want you to invite us. When the secretary gets home, we'll meet you. "

Ling Duyu listened to a smile, this is what ah. You need to take care of yourself. When you come here, you are not a cadre. Ling Duyu knows that as long as cadres are transferred to another unit, at least this unit has a reception.

"Mayor, I'll go to Mucheng to prepare first." Ling Duyu said to Zhang Zhenchang, "just go to the zhuangyuanlou hotel. The food there is good."

"Well, there are several specialties in zhuangyuanlou." Mayor Zhang nodded, it seems that he really knows“ We'll be right there, and we'll be able to sit down at a table at noon. "

Ling Duyu and Wang Qingying drive to Mucheng. In fact, he really didn't eat this champion building. When I was a senior high school student in Mucheng, one of my classmates was the son of the boss of the number one scholar building. They often listen to this classmate boast about their hotel, which is the first hotel in Mucheng.

Ling Duyu and some of his classmates also went to the hotel. The decoration of the hotel was really good at that time. Business is also very prosperous, at that time they smell the smell of food and come back around.

After stopping at the gate of Zhuangyuan building, Ling Duyu takes Wang Qingying's little hand and walks into the hall. It's more than ten o'clock now. It's not a busy time. There are not many people in the hotel.

Ling Duyu looked around and found that it was very different from before. It's also ha. The times are progressing. It's necessary to redecorate.

"Get me a bigger private room." Ling Duyu said to a lobby manager. This is a 23-4-year-old woman. She is tall, wearing a cheongsam and a small sign on her high chest, indicating that she is the lobby manager here.

"Please follow me. This way." The lobby manager took them to a private room, "how about listening to Yuxuan?"

Ling Duyu nodded. This private room is big enough. The round table in the middle is spacious for fifteen or sixteen people. There are also some sofas and tea tables on the side, and one in the bathroom.

"Are you ordering or packing?" Asked the lobby manager.

"Baoxi, show me the menu of Baoxi." Ling Duyu said, "if you need to replace it, I will tell you. By the way, take your most expensive one. "

The lobby manager called the attendant to bring the 4888 menu.

At this time, Ling Duyu called Mayor Zhang and told him that he was in the private room of Zhuangyuan building. Then he started to look at the menu and replaced some dishes that were not in his favor.

Mayor Zhang, they go to the city as a minibus. There is a company in the town that runs passenger transport.

"Duyu, you've spent a lot of money today." As soon as I came in and saw the cold dishes on the table, Mayor Zhang knew the grade of the table. Not only him, but also more than ten people who came in saw it.

"Ha ha, let's sit down." Ling Duyu asked everyone to sit down. "It's more than eleven now, we'll start early."

Xu Shan and Xiao Ren also came to the table. Xu Shan sat beside Xiao Ren and kept talking. Xu Shan is now respectful to Ling Duyu. He can't compare himself with him.

"Well, I went out to see what good wine I had. I almost forgot about it." Seeing that everyone was sitting down, Ling Duyu remembered that there was no wine on the table. A few female colleagues brought up some drinks. It's better to go to the front bar just to listen to the waiter's introduction.

Wang Qingying also came out together. The two came to the bar and ordered Baijiu and drinks. As soon as I went back, I saw a man coming. He was short and thick, and his figure was comparable to that of Wang Dashan. But he's a little overweight.

After walking over, he stares at Wang Qingying. When Ling Duyu hums, he notices Ling Duyu.

"Eh, isn't this Ling Duyu?" The fat man was surprised to see Ling Duyu after he was stunned.

Ling Duyu was also stunned by what he said. After seeing the fat man for a long time, he vaguely remembered. This is Wang Guangxi, his high school classmate. I just don't know how to get fat like this. I'm deformed.

"Wang Guangxi, I didn't recognize it at the moment." Ling Duyu said with a faint smile. Wang Guangxi is the little boss of the number one building.

"Just say I'm fat." Wang Guangxi said with a smile, "you've been admitted to university. I've been here since I graduated from high school. I've done a good job in business in recent years, but there's no way to become so fat."

"It's time for you to lose weight." Ling Duyu said with a smile, "I'll treat you here today. I won't talk to you any more. I'll find a chance to get together with my old classmates when I have something to do in the future."

"It's said that you work in Zhongzhou city. Why are you here to treat?" Wang Guangxi took a look at Wang Qingying and said, "by the way, Xiaowan often mentions you. They said they had a chance to go to you. It's not like their children had a party here last night. Those students in Mucheng just didn't find your contact information. You leave me a phone number so that I can get in touch later. "

Ling Duyu had no choice but to leave him a phone. I also know that this fat man is not kind enough to mention Xiaowan now. And he just saw the shadow color squinting eyes, let lingduyu want to smoke this guy.

"Brother Yu, who is Xiaowan?" Wang Qingying asked on the way back to the private room.

"Damn it, this fat man's goal has been achieved." Lingduyu in the heart of the secret curse, "sure as expected Qingying to ask."

"Yu Xiaowan is a classmate of our high school." Lingduyu light way, "in high school, we are three years at the same table."

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