"There are really big fish. At that time, we caught only a few such fish with trawl." Wang Qingying has some surprises. At this time, Ling Duyu had already come ashore, and the two big fish woke up. Unfortunately, they could only hop on the shore.

"Go back and say we bought it in Zhongzhou." Ling Duyu took care of Wang Qingying and said, "otherwise, when we contract this small lake, someone will come out to trip us."

"Well, good brother woo." Wang Qingying put a wicker on the gill of carp and said happily, "brother Yu, I didn't expect that your water quality is so good. No, it has something to do with your Kung Fu. "

"Well, I'll tell you about it later." Ling Duyu said to Wang Qingying, holding out his hand for the two fish, "let's go home and cook. Just burn one tonight. By the way, there are still a lot of big fish in it. "

When they came back, they began to cook dinner. Ling Duyu has been here for more than an hour.

By the time dinner was ready, it was already five o'clock. Put the dishes on the stone table under the grape trellis, and Ling Duyu called Uncle Ye.

"Ha ha, Du Yu, you see I'm so polite when I come here." Uncle ye saw the dishes on the table and said, "look how many dishes you've made."

On the table is four cold four hot, a boiled peanuts with a big bowl, a plate of sugar mixed with tomatoes. There is also a dish of stewed beef and a roast chicken.

Stir Fried String beans with green pepper for hot dishes. There was a big pot of roast cowpeas with ribs, and a two foot long carp with its head and tail on the outside of the plate.

"Anyway, if you have a refrigerator at home, you don't waste it." Ling Duyu asked Uncle Ye to sit down with a smile“ Uncle Ye, what wine to drink? The beer is iced. Baijiu I brought it back from Zhongzhou. "

Ye Shu laughed. "We'll drink the Baijiu, but don't drink such a good wine. I have wine in my house, so I'll take it." Ling Duyu took out more than one hundred bottles, Uncle Ye looked at some distressed.

"It's OK. I'll drink it when I buy it." Lingduyu stopped Uncle Ye with a smile and opened the bottle of wine in his hand.

Just about to pour the wine, Wang Laoliu's family came. Ye Shuyi saw Wang Laoliu coming in and said, "Lao Liu, you've come just in time. Let's have a drink together."

"That's for sure. Our brothers haven't been drinking together for a long time." Wang Lao said with a smile.

Ling Duyu turned his lips. What was that saying? When God took 200000 yuan from him, he was drinking with Uncle Ye. Of course, it's not likely that Wang Laoliu will treat you.

"Go and get some stools." Ling Duyu said to Wang Qingying, who was looking at him.

Wang Dashan didn't wait for Wang Qingying to start, so he moved a stool and sat down. No matter when his parents were young, he said to Wang Qingying, "Qingying, bring me chopsticks quickly, why don't you look at me at all."

Ping, Ling Duyu put the wine bottle heavily on the table, "Wang Dashan, this is not your home. Please be polite to me. Don't let me throw you out. " Ling Duyu asked them to sit down for dinner, which was to give Uncle Ye face. If Ye Shuxian hadn't called them, Ling Duyu must have asked them what they had to do, and asked them to walk and sit down for dinner after making it clear. That's impossible.

Wang Dashan was shrunk by Ling Duyu and sat there obediently. After Wang Qingying brought the stool, he took chopsticks and reached for the bottle. "Duyu, I'm here to pour the wine." When you talk, your saliva is running down.

"By the way, Uncle Wang, you must have something to do. Let's talk about it first. Don't wait until you drink too much and delay things. " Ling Duyu told Wang Laoliu, who had already gone to touch the wine glass.

"Our family is going to rebuild the house tomorrow." Wang Laoliu also remembered that he must have drunk too much later. Let's say it now“ I don't want to be with you. "

"No way." Ling Duyu refused. "You'd better think of other ways. By the way, the houses of the village committee are not empty. Just go and clean them. Several house builders in the village come here like this. "

Wang Laoliu's face turned blue when he was blocked up. Qian Cuihua said at this time, "how can people live there? Duyu, you are all empty here. Let Dashan live with you and Qingying live in the side room. We can't live in those two rooms for long. It's almost a month. It takes a little longer because it needs to be decorated simply. "

"Needless to say, it's impossible." Lingduyu said firmly, "if you still want to drink here, don't mention it. Uncle Ye is still here. If other people can live in the house of the village committee, you can't. Your house is not as big as the village committee. "

There are five tile roofed houses in Wang Laoliu's family, but they are very small. Of course, it can't be compared with the village committee. At least the house of the village committee was paved with floor tiles and the walls were painted white.

"Lao Liu, you went to live in the village committee." Uncle Ye advised, "the conditions there are good. Duyu certainly doesn't want too many people to disturb his life. You should understand why you are so old that you can't see through this. Now young people just want to have a world of two. "

Wang Laoliu had no choice but to say, "that's it. Let's drink."

When Wang Dashan heard that he had been rejected, his anger could be imagined. Now he heard that he was drinking. Without waiting for others, he took the wine cup and poured it down. He picked up the chopsticks and picked up a large piece of spareribs. He put it into his mouth and spat out a bare bone. It's obvious that I have a good command of food.

After a few drinks, the atmosphere was much better. Uncle ye asked Wang Laoliu how they built a house and whether they needed help from the village.

"No, I gave them everything." Wang Laoliu nibbled at the ribs and said, "when the time comes, they will give me a house. I just need to watch and not let them cut corners. "

Soon after drinking three bottles of wine, Wang Dashan was not satisfied“ It's a bit hot to drink some Baijiu, "he said. He and Wang Laoliu killed more than two bottles. Ling Duyu and ye Shu drank half a jin of wine. Qian Cuihua is just as white as Wang Dashan and continues to eat her own.

In the end, Wang Dashan drank six bottles of beer, and then he was dragged back by Qian Cuihua. Wang Laoliu hasn't left yet. He seems to have something to say here.

Uncle ye saw it, so he stood up with a smile and said, "I'm full too, so I went back. Duyu, the day after tomorrow, I still want to trouble you to pick up Narcissus

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