"That's different," Wang Guangxi said with a chuckle. "It's two things to marry and play."

Yu Xiaowan's teeth are itching in his heart. This guy obviously looks down on her. This short wax gourd doesn't pee to see what virtue he is and why he looks down on himself. When you've finished Ling Duyu's work, you must let this guy know that you are good.

In Xiaowan's mind, it's not easy to set up such a luster. In the twinkling of an eye, Yu Xiaowan came up with several ideas to deal with Wang Guangxi. He had to wait for her and Ling Duyu to finish their work, and then he played Wang Guangxi to death.

When Ling Duyu came home, he drove the car directly into the yard. After getting out of the car, he said to Aunt ye, "aunt ye, I'll have dinner here tonight. It's also a reward for Narcissus. I've had a hard exam these days."

"I'm so sorry. I've given you a lot of trouble these days." Aunt Ye is a little embarrassed. She says Uncle Ye is eating here these days.

"Mom, what are you doing with brother Yu? I'll send the things back and call my father by the way. You're cooking here. Brother Yu, what's good to eat? Make more. "

"There must be something delicious. There's a lot of fish and meat. There's another chicken Ling Duyu said with a smile“ I'll burn it later. "

Wang Qingying and aunt ye went to cook, but later Uncle Ye and Narcissus ye came“ Du Yu, Xu Shan came with people. He looked around the back and said that people would come to work for you tomorrow. "

"Thank you, Uncle Ye. Sit down and eat watermelon." Ling Duyu said to ye Shudao, "this year's weather is really terrible. That's when it got so hot. It's still in the mountains. "

"You talk. I'll help with the cooking." Ye Shuixian picked up a watermelon on the stone table under the grape trellis and went to the kitchen.

"It's hard to have a rainstorm." Uncle Ye looked at the way of heaven“ Fortunately, your watermelon is planted on the hillside. "

When I had dinner, I went to the living room of the main room, where the cabinet air conditioner had been turned on. In the living room to create a cool.

"It's so rich." Seeing the dishes on the Eight Immortals' table, Uncle Ye felt a little sorry“ Jing has given you trouble. "

"Uncle Ye, what else can we do for you?" Ling Duyu smiled and said, "sit down and eat quickly." and he took out a bottle of Baijiu on the table.

There is a large plate of sweet and sour ribs in the dish tonight, which Wang Qingying and ye Shuixian both love. There is also a large pot of braised carp, which Ling Duyu caught in the back of the lake. Of course, a large pot of roast pork with cowpeas, and a large pot of roast chicken with potatoes.

There is no shortage of vegetables. Now the eggplant, square melon, green pepper and so on in the yard are all on the market. What we eat now is fresh.

In particular, a dish of stir fried vegetables was eaten up immediately by several people, "brother Yu, the vegetables are delicious. There is a special taste of green vegetables. When Qingying was stir fried just now, I put iodized salt, but I didn't put anything else. " Ye Shuixian is a little fussy.

"Yes, Duyu." Uncle Ye also said, "it's the first time I've eaten such vegetables since I grew up. I don't know how to say it's delicious. "

Ling Duyu was very proud. He soaked the seeds in the spirit water and planted the vegetables. I didn't expect that the taste was so good, especially fresh and tender. A dish of vegetables has thick tendons, but this kind of vegetables has no tendons. As for the aroma of CAI, there's no need to mention it. There's also the delicious juice of the dish. You can tell from a taste that it's the taste of the ingredients of small green vegetables, not the result of later cooking.

"Duyu, if you have such vegetables, you can buy them at a high price in the city." Aunt ye said eagerly to Ling Duyu, "I don't know if this seed is easy to get?"

"Well, it's a new variety." Ling Duyu could only say, "now I'm just trying to get some. When the trial planting is over, if everything is the same as I think, I will provide seeds for the village. It's not going to be that kind of vegetable. "

"Well, in this case, the people in the village will thank you very much." Uncle Ye's eyes lit up and said, "if there are such dishes, those people who go out to work in our village can also come back. There is no need to leave the old and the young to earn money."

"Well, I said that to Uncle Li." Ling Duyu poured a glass of wine for Uncle Ye, "you just wait for the good news."

After dinner, Uncle Ye was drunk a little too much by Ling Duyu. He stood up and went back first. "Narcissus, we also went back. Duyu had to clean up."

Seeing that Aunt ye and Narcissus ye are going to leave, Ling Duyu remembers one thing: "Qingying takes out the notebook, which is to wish Narcissus a good university."

Seeing a small box brought by Wang Qingying, aunt ye said in a hurry, "Duyu, we can't take this. This computer is several thousand. You can keep it for yourself."

"This is for Narcissus." Ling Du Yu said with a smile, "aunt ye, don't refuse. Narcissus is going to university, so preparing a notebook is not what I should think of as a brother. "

When ye Shuixian saw the small box, his eyes were straight“ Mom, it's not a matter of thousands of yuan. This notebook of Qiuli costs thousands of yuan. "

Aunt Ye is so valuable that she can't take it. Finally, Ling Duyu put the small box into Ye daffodil's hand, "aunt ye, I gave it to Ye daffodil. It has nothing to do with you. So, Narcissus, when you get a good job after you graduate from University, your first month's salary will buy me wine. "

"That's for sure." Ye daffodil wants this notebook very much, such a notebook on a tall building. It's a matter of face to take it to university.

Aunt ye saw that her daughter had given her things to the next, and if she returned them, it would be too hurtful. After that, I tried to return the favor. This is not small money.

After they left, Ling Duyu and Wang Qingying practiced together for a while. Ling Duyu used a little cloud rain technique to gather the spirit water. When they went to the back mountain, they still watered ten fruit trees. Now we see that the fruit trees are about to be finished. In the future, we have to find a way to earn money on vegetables.

After coming back, Wang Qingying had already taken a shower and went to her room. After Ling Duyu washed it, it was already more than eleven o'clock. When he gets back to his room, he has to study those spells.

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