"Well, beauty, don't blame me." The old man, who was more than 60 years old, said in a hurry, "I just saw that your Jin Bu Yao is very beautiful, so I took two more eyes."

There are two other people around the old man, both in their forties. They look at Wang Qingying strangely, and Wang Qingying seems to have a strange feeling about the woman.

Ling Duyu also found that Wang Qingying and the woman in her forties are similar in some ways.

Today, Wang Qingying turns her hair into a bun in order to wear a hairpin. But there are still a lot of hair scattered on the shoulder, the golden step on the bun. In addition, Wang Qingying was wearing a white silk shirt, trousers of the same color and texture, and a pair of white high-heeled sandals. The appearance and temperament are not bad compared with fairies. No one can see this mountain girl who grew up in the mountains and seldom came out.

"You say this hairpin," Wang Qingying complacent, "it's made by my brother Yu. Look, there's a ring." Then she showed the ring on her jade finger.

"Well, I don't know if I can look more carefully." The old man's eyes brightened, "Mr. Yun, it's hard to meet such a craft. We'd better watch it carefully. This little girl is not so bold. "

The man who looked at Wang Qingying with a strange eye said with a smile, "Mr. Jia, if you don't forget your work after dinner, let's go in and have a look."

When Ling Duyu saw that the old man was interested in the jewelry he made, he also came to the spirit, which might be another way to get money.

"Come in, those three." Ling Duyu said to the three with a smile. As soon as they came in, they saw Wang Dashan and Zhang Yujuan coming in under the guidance of a waiter.

As soon as he sat down, Wang Qingying took off Jin Bu Yao. He handed it to old man Jia. Wang Qingying fully understood what Ling Duyu meant, and he cooperated with them more.

Zhang Yujuan is very angry when she looks at it. She wants to have a look at it. Wang Qingying is not allowed to interfere. Now how to take it off and show it to an old man.

Wang Dashan was in great pain. Just now I ordered a larger private room with two tables. It's nearly ten thousand yuan. I don't dare to ask for anything better. That's why Zhang Yujuan was not satisfied. Most of the people who came that day were their relatives and friends. As for the Wang family, there is really no one.

Although Wang Laoliu is called Laoliu, he is the only son. There is no one in Qian Cuihua's family. It is estimated that the only one who can come over on the day of engagement is their family, together with Ling Duyu and Wang Qingying.

If it is run in the town, some people in the village can be invited to participate. You can also get some gifts to subsidize it. But if Zhang Yujuan wants to be in Zhongzhou, no matter how thick skinned they are, they can't ask the villagers to come.

"It's a good thing. It's a good thing." After looking at Jin Bu Yao, old man Jia handed it to the middle-aged man Yun Zong, "Yun Zong, if you look with a magnifying glass, you can't see any traces of artificial processing, as if this piece of gold was born like this." A magnifying glass in the old man's hand was also handed over.

"That's true. How did this gentleman do it?" The middle-aged man saw it for a few minutes before he put down what he was holding. A face serious to Ling Du Yu way, "this kind of craft is really master level."

"Ha ha, I can't say how I did it." Ling Duyu said with a smile. He picked up Jin Bu Yao and put it in Wang Qingying's bun. Wang Qingying blushes, but she still tilts her head and lets Ling Duyu insert Jin Bu Yao into her head.

"Ah, so is this." The middle-aged man Yun always smiles, "I'm confused." The women around him have been looking at Wang Qingying with the eyes of research.

"Mr. Ling, we are from Shiji jewelry." Mr. Yun told Mr. Ling Duyu that they had just introduced each other, that is to say, what's their last name“ Mr. Ling is working in that jewelry store now. He is already famous for his craftsmanship. How come we don't know. " Their Shiji jewelry is still very famous in the Central Plains, and many of them have gone to the whole country.

"I'm not in this business. It's just interest. It's not very romantic to make jewelry for your fiancee. " Ling Duyu's smiling way. His words made Wang Qingying feel sweet.

Leaf Narcissus listen to a curl, in the heart of the secret way, finally who is your wife is not necessarily.

These three people are very surprised, dare to make a long time, this boy is still an amateur. But it's not easy to make a master level craft. So this kid is a genius. If we can get this craft from him, they will go a step further.

"Mr. Ling, I'll be frank. Since you're not in this business, can you sell us the secret of the craft?" Mr. Yun said to Ling Duyu, "as for the price, you can make an offer."

"Can I sell an old hen that lays golden eggs?" Lingduyu disdained the way, "you want such jewelry, it is OK.". You make a price, and if it's right, I can supply it for you. "

Wu Laosan shook his head. How could he talk about business. Mr. Ling doesn't look like a senior. Besides, it is said that he is a true cultivator. Otherwise, how could he have so many innate combat skills, and the same innate combat skills, and still practice to the peak.

"How many days can you make such a golden step?" Mr. Yun asked.

Wang Qingying is just about to say that brother Yu will do it in a few minutes. But it seems too strange to say that. Just about to say that it would take a day, I heard Ling Duyu say, "it's good that I can make one in a month."

Wang Qingying was surprised in his heart, but fortunately he didn't rush to speak. Otherwise, it will damage brother Yu's business.

Wang Dashan and Zhang Yujuan are also depressed. They know that Ling Duyu doesn't have an afternoon to make this stuff. Although they didn't see it with their own eyes.

"Well, this hairpin is nearly two." Mr. Yun said to Ling Duyu, "it's a little heavy. This gold step shake is valuable by its craftsmanship. It's not very important to have multiple relationships with. If you want to do it in the future, you can't be heavier than this. How about I give you one hundred thousand? "

"Yes, yes." Ling Duyu immediately agreed, and forgot to raise the price. As soon as Wu Laosan closed his eyes, if he was allowed to talk about it, he would have to talk about it. But fortunately, I can still recover.

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