After they left, Ling Duyu mixed some mountain spring water with the Lingshui left from last night's seed soaking. Mixed out some bran, and Wang Qingying each carrying a bucket came to the back of the small lake.

"Brother Yu, how many days does it take to feed you like this?" Wang Qingying asked Ling Duyu, "there is intelligence. We made it ourselves in the evening."

"First, I feed it once a week with water and bran. The usual feeding will be given to Uncle Lu. " Ling Duyu threw the bran into the lake. The fish scrambled to eat the bran. After the bran was thrown away, a large school of fish had gathered on the lake.

"Brother Yu, there are many big fish here." Wang Qingying in the sunset, see here there are many big fish swimming, surprise to lingduyu Road, "catch can sell money."

"There are a lot of them, but not now." Ling Duyu washed his hands in the small lake and said, "after feeding the fish with this spirit water for a period of time, let's see what changes have taken place in the quality of the fish. I guess it will become the best, just like those fruits. How much money will I have to sell by then? "Has the final say."

Wang Qingying thought, "brother Yu, what kind of gift will we take when we go to their house tomorrow?"

"Of course, we rural people bring agricultural products." Lingduyu some mischievous smile, "take a few watermelon, and tomato eggplant what."

"Well, that's good. After all, they need nothing. " Wang Qingying's eyes are full of hope.

Two people carrying empty barrels came to the edge of the watermelon field, saw this morning picked on the watermelon vine, has grown a flower. It looks like it will blossom tomorrow.

But both Ling Duyu and Wang Qingying know that it's good to have two watermelons on this vine. Here, he irrigated half an acre of land with spirit water, and Ling Duyu and Wang Qingying came back for dinner.

The next day when the two of them packed watermelons to leave, uncle Lu and uncle Liu both came, "Duyu, you see we are late." Uncle Lu, they are a little embarrassed.

"No problem. You'll plant the vegetable field today." Ling Duyu told uncle Lu. At the same time, he gave all the dishes to Uncle Lu and drove Wang Qingying out of the village.

When passing by the village, I saw Qian Cuihua on the concrete floor at the entrance of the village committee, and Wang Laoliu drying some clothes. It seems that the winter clothes are also taken out to dry.

When Wang Laoliu and Qian Cuihua see Ling Duyu's car coming, they both look at each other and both smile bitterly.

Seeing Wang Laoliu and his wife, Wang Qingying bit her lip and said to Ling Duyu, "brother Yu, please stop. I'll go down and have a look. Wang Dashan's daughter-in-law is not here. How can we ask them to do things together? "

Yesterday, when delivering watermelon, Wang Qingying saw Zhang Yujuan stretching her head and brain in the gate.

Ling Duyu shook his head and stopped the car. Wang Qingying jumps from the seat of CO pilot and comes to Wang Laoliu and his wife. Wang Qingying can't call out their parents now.

"Wang Dashan and his daughter-in-law are not at home. How can they ask you to do something?" Wang Qingying is a little angry.

"Qingying, they are still sleeping." Qian Cuihua said to Wang Qingying politely with a smile, "they watched TV last night, maybe they went to bed late."

"You two have to support him?" Wang Qingying asked angrily. Seeing the appearance of Wang Laoliu and his wife, he was a little frustrated and said, "forget it, I'm really nosy." Then he went back to get on the bus.

Wang Dashan got up at this time and yawned when he heard the movement outside. Carrying the vest in his hand, he came out naked and wearing a pair of big beach pants“ Qingying, your watermelon was really good yesterday. I've never eaten a watermelon like this. Is there a watermelon in the car? Those two are coming down. Yujuan likes it very much, too. " Wang Dashan cheekily said to Wang Qingying.

Wang Qingying didn't even lift her eyelids. She pulled the door open and got on the car. Ling Duyu started the car and drove away as soon as he stepped on the gas.

Until Ling Duyu's car was out of sight, Wang Dashan spit bitterly on the ground“ Hum, I'll let you know that I'm good one day. "

"Wang Dashan is really a donkey. He doesn't know how long his face is." After driving, Ling Duyu shook his head and said to Wang Qingying, "it's hard for him to open his mouth."

"He has no face and no skin." Wang Qingying's way of disdain.

"It's not only shameless, it's shameless." Ling Duyu added, "if he is learning to look good or bad in the future, I can teach him a lesson. I'm not going to be tied up here

When they arrived at Zhongzhou Tiannan Hotel, manager Qian of Sucheng supermarket was waiting here.

"Mr. Ling, how many watermelons are there this time?" Seeing Ling Duyu's car stop, manager Qian comes to Ling Duyu and opens the door.

"It's the same as yesterday. There are 100 in each of your families." Ling Duyu said with a smile to manager Qian, "there are still many good things in the future. We can continue to cooperate." At this time, Wu Laosan came with several security guards pushing a small car, just ready to move the watermelon in.

"Mr. Ling, this watermelon is very popular." Wu Laosan said to Ling Duyu, "I didn't just make fruit plates yesterday. And there are many guests, before leaving, want to buy such a watermelon. One hundred of them were sold out yesterday. Someone else called this morning to make a reservation. It makes me feel like a supermarket. "

Manager Qian was laughing with him. He knew that Wu Laosan had figured it out. To tell you the truth, their Sucheng supermarket is in front of Tiannan hotel. It's really not enough. In terms of contacts and capital, Wu Laosan and Ling Duyu are very close. I'm worried that Ling Duyu will give the goods to Wu Laosan.

"You sell it by yourself, but there are still two days left. You have to wait for seven or eight days." Ling Duyu said to them. This is to let them have a number when they sell.

They divided the watermelon. Manager Qian saw that there were about ten more vegetables on the car. He said to Ling Duyu, "Mr. Ling, who are you?"

"Even you have to make up your mind about this." Lingduyu did not have a good way, "I want to send people." After manager Qian called the money, he left.

"Get someone to test it, and take one of each of these vegetables." After manager Qian left, Ling Duyu told Wu Laosan who was standing on the side“ It's better to have a test certificate than to have a test certificate. "

"Well, I'll arrange for it right away." Wu Laosan took a bamboo basket from Ling Duyu“ By the way, Mr. Ling, someone wants to invite you to dinner tomorrow. "

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