Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1003: Kill this vixen!

"It's all this fox who hurt you! Ming Fu, you let me go and see if I don't kill her!"

The old lady didn't want to beat Zhuo Mingfu, so she rushed towards Tang Mi viciously, trying to grab her hair and grab the nasty woman and fix it.

However, the old lady didn't even touch a single strand of Tang Mi's hair, Zhuo Mingfu stood between the two and separated the old lady.

"Auntie, I'll say it again, you are not allowed to touch Mi Mi!"

"Zhuo Mingfu, it's this time, are you still protecting her? Okay, okay—it really is a shameless bastard!" The old lady also stopped talking about graceful manners, pointing at Tang Mi and cursing.

"Ming Jin, what are you looking at doing? Go and pull your eldest brother away and see if I don't kill this little Sao hoof! Dare to give our Jia Ming Fu medicine, and dare to seduce our Jia Ming Fu... I have to kill her !"

The old lady has made up her mind.

Today, Tang Mi's face will be smashed and she will never be allowed to seduce Zhuo Mingfu again.

It is a shame for the Zhuo family to have such a scandal.

If you don't want Zhuo's reputation to be damaged, the only way is to block everyone's mouth.

The Zhuo family present, just for their own sake, would not spread the incident.

So the only problem is Tang Mi and Tang Ruolan.

Fearing that they would make a fuss about this matter, and that they would continue to confuse Zhuo Mingfu, the old lady simply did not stop doing it, and directly moved the idea of ​​‘killing people’.

Of course, you wouldn't dare to really kill, but first beat Tang Mi into speechlessness and was seriously injured. Send her to the hospital again, and she will be severely injured and dead, and no one is to blame.

As for Tang Ruolan, she was in Lu Yuchen's hands, and the old lady didn't worry that Lu Yuchen would let him go.

He is Ya Rong's child, and he will solve the problem quietly by telling Ya Rong.

Don't look at the old lady now, her head is a little confused, but when she was young, she was from a big family anyway.

Later, I came to Zhuo's family and returned to protect the three brothers and sisters of Zhuo's family to grow up.

"Auntie, don't do anything to her—"

"Brother, I'm sorry. Don't worry about Tang Mi, just leave it to aunt!"

Zhuo Mingfu wanted to protect Tang Mi, but Zhuo Mingjin had already taken a few men from the Zhuo family and put Zhuo Mingfu aside.

"You—Ming Jin, let me go when you treat me as a big brother, Mi Mi..."

Before she finished speaking, she just heard a "pop", and the old lady slapped Tang Mi's face.

"You **** who kills a thousand knives, let you seduce Ming Fu, let you seduce Ming Fu with your shameless mother!"

After the old lady finished speaking, she slapped again and slapped Tang Mi directly on the other half of her face.

Tang Mi could not resist at all.

Not to mention that she is being held by Song Xiulan and a few women from the Zhuo family, even if no one catches her, she can't move.

She was completely frightened, even though Zhuo Mingfu didn't do what she thought she would leave her alone if something happened.

But she knew that no matter what, in the end, she could not escape her fate.



"Papa Papa--"

A round of applause rang out in the private room.

Zhuo Mingfu tried to rush over to stop him several times, but Zhuo Mingjin stopped him firmly.

Finally, Zhuo Yunfei, who had been rolling on the ground, heard the noise here.

He raised his head, after seeing the movement here, he got up from the ground.

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