Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1008: My mother told you to go home for dinner (plus 4)

"What about Zhuo Mingfu, why did he agree? And your little uncle, and... and the aunt and the aunt?"

Zhuo Yarong that Xinluo knew was not such a person.

There is also Zhuo Mingjin and his aunt and his wife, they cannot accept such a result.

"It's very simple. Because Tang Mi's belly is pregnant again. The child is less than two months old, counting the time, it should be the time when I was prescribed the medicine."

Xin Luo understood instantly.

She remembered Tang Mi's pitted forehead after she was injured at the blind date last time.

With Tang Mi's love for beauty, it was time to go for cosmetic repair surgery, but she didn't go there, just changed her hairstyle and covered the wound.

At that time, she still couldn't understand, but now she understands everything.

The truth is that Tang Mi is pregnant!

Of course, pregnant women can no longer undergo cosmetic surgery.


"You said last time that after you repaired Tang Mi, you sent Lu Jiu back to Zhuo's house. So, after you sent her back, she had a relationship with Zhuo Mingfu?"

"Almost." Lu Yuchen nodded, "Tang Ruolan explained that every time they take medicine, they will get an ovulation injection in advance."

If not, it is impossible to get pregnant with Zhuo Mingfu's child so easily.

Xin Luo also wanted to understand.

Fortunately, I am hungry and have no food. Otherwise, she would be so disgusting that she would spit out the food overnight.

Tang Mi and Zhuo Mingfu are too shameless, and such things are done!

Even if Tang Ruolan was wrong, she was still in the detention center at that time.

Tang Mi had just been taught by Lu Yuchen, her head still hurt, Zhuo Mingfu...

Thinking of the scene, Xin Luoton felt nauseous.

Fortunately, at this time, Lu Yuchen mentioned something else and diverted her attention.

"Because of this incident, Zhuo Mingjin and Zhuo Mingfu had a disagreement. Now Zhuo Mingjin has proposed to leave the Zhuo family and stand on her own. As for the old lady, she is still in the intensive care unit. Is the problem."

"What about Auntie, how is Auntie?"

Xin Luo was actually a little worried about Zhuo Yarong, she was so good to her mother's family, but in the end it was such a result.

I don't know if she will be too sad.

"Don't worry, she's okay. People always have to experience something to grow. After this, she has seen through what people are around her in the past. My mother figured it out, and she told me , Let you go home for dinner tomorrow night."

"Wh, what? Your mother..." Xin Luo couldn't believe her ears.

Zhuo Yarong actually let her go home for dinner!

Does this mean to accept her?

"Yeah." The man nodded faintly, cupped her little face, and kissed again, "So, Luo Luo will behave well tomorrow night. This is the real family dinner, rest assured, only me, you, and My mom three people."

"I..." How could Xin Luo not be nervous.

Zhuo Yarong knew her true identity, but she refused to accept her.

Unexpectedly, after so much trouble at the birthday party, Zhuo Yarong suddenly wanted to understand.

Xinluo was a little nervous and a little nervous, she didn't know what Zhuo Yarong would say when she saw her.

Will she directly clarify her identity with the current Lu Yuchen?

Still don't say anything, but continue to warn her in private?

For this matter, Xin Luo was so anxious that his heart was pulled together.

At the same time, on the other side of the ocean, two little peas were blocking a man who suddenly appeared in front of them.

The more Zheng children will protect the sweeter and sweeter behind them, blocking the man's path with his small body.

The azure blue eyes glowed with vigilance, "I have told you countless times, you are not welcome here..."

[The author has something to say] The 8 update on 5.14 was completed. After the background update, the time that appeared in the front was delayed, and it may be a bit slower.

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