Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1013: Contraceptives, to eat or not to eat? (Add more 1)

"Diana, are you... convenient now?"

After all, Xin Luo put down the pills and called Diana.

"Convenient, convenient. What's wrong, it's your friend's dual personality thing. Has it progressed?"

Since talking with Xin Luo that day, Diana has been thinking about this.

Although Xin Luo didn't say anything, she always felt that the so-called dual personality might not be Xin Luo's friend, but a problem she faced herself.

"It's not that..."

What should I say about the matter of dual personality... She feels that she has made progress, at least now that Lu Yuchen's feelings for her are deeper than she thought.

However, to be like Diana said, be willing to deliver yourself wholeheartedly.

Xinluo was hesitant, she was not sure whether Lu Yuchen, the second personality, trusted herself wholeheartedly and 100%.

"Forget it, don't talk about that. Diana, I just want to ask you... I... well, if I have a relationship with a man... it has been more than 40 hours so far. I usually have long-term effects. Contraceptives, if you don’t take them now, will they still work?"

She was hesitating with the pill just now, for this reason.

"Of course it didn't work." Diana relentlessly vetoed it.

"You should take the emergency contraceptive pill now. It will be effective if you take it within 72 hours, but it is not 100% guaranteed, and that medicine is more harmful to your body.

"But, who did you sleep with? Could it be..."

"No one—" Xin Luo categorically denied, Diana now returned to Yue Ze Guan.

She didn't dare to let Yue Ze know that she was with Lu Yuchen again.

"That's it, I'll hang up..."

"Eh, wait..." Diana hurriedly called to a halt, "Xin Luo, wait a minute. I want to remind you that the effect of emergency contraceptives is not necessarily 100%, and it has been 48 hours. Be careful."

Diana's words made Xinluo's erratic heart instantly fall to the bottom.

If the medicine does not work, she is afraid that the medicine will affect the baby in the stomach.

But... if she doesn't eat, even if she is really pregnant, how should she deal with it?

She is not ready to be a mother again.

She was already sorry for Youyou, and now she must leave An'an and Dudu temporarily and return to China to coax Youyou back.

She has no experience and will take care of the fourth child.

Xinluo didn't want to be an irresponsible mother. After a little hesitation, she called CCID and asked her to buy emergency contraceptives for herself and sent them up.


After taking the medicine, Saidi sat in front of her and reported the latest situation one by one.

"Now the Zhuo family seems to have completely abandoned Tang Ruolan. We charged her with none of the charges against her before. The Zhuo family did not defend her. The court has accepted all of them. I heard that even the defense lawyer is the most common one for her. They also went to the media in private, and shook out all the"

Saidi raised her eyebrows, showing a rather disgusting expression, "Tang Ruolan was temporarily released on bail pending trial due to physical reasons. However, there has been a lot of turmoil about Mrs. Dazhuo buying murder and conspiring others' property. Tang Ruolan's evaluation was very bad, and she portrayed her as a venomous woman."

"Looking at the posture, if Mr. Dazhuo divorces her at this time, not only will he not be said to have fallen into trouble, but it will arouse applause."

While taking the medicine just now, Xin Luo roughly talked to Saidi about what happened on the day of the dinner.

Therefore, even if he knew that Tang Ruolan deserved it, Saidi sniffed Zhuo Mingfu and Tang Mi.

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