Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1015: Dudu was scared to cry (plus 3)

"Stupid, you have been thinking about something all day long." An An frowned, very disapproving.

"Mummy loves us the most, least, she loves me the most. Mommy is ours, so she won't be angry with us. Don't worry, when we are in China, Mommy will be happy to see us. I can't speak. Um... I can't help but want to see Mommy look surprised and happy. It must be beautiful!"

In the eyes of Yue Zheng children, his charming and lovely mummy is the best woman in the world.

Moreover, he has always subconsciously thought that Mommy is his own.

Even if you are dumb, you can't take away Mommy.

"Hmm..." Dudu lowered his head and pursed his mouth.

She really wants to tell An An that the person she thinks Mommy loves the most is actually her.


Dudu was timid and a little scared.

Especially there was a cold, dark-faced Uncle Han Cangyan sitting opposite.

She did not dare to talk back to An An, if An An didn't care about her, she would be alone.

Xiaodudu will be scared.

"what happened?"

Dudu was pouting, worrying bitterly.

Above the head, a voice suddenly rang in a low voice.

The indifferent and deep voice is the uncle Han Cangyan that Dudu fears most.

Xiao Dudu raised his head, and was so scared that he couldn't make a sound at Shang Han Cangyan's dark blue eyes.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that I suddenly cried with a "wow".

"I... I... Wow... Wow..."

There were tears on the fat little faces of some babies in Dudu, their beautiful peach blossom eyes flickered, and tears that couldn't stop surging from their eye sockets.

Han Cangyan was stunned for a moment.

He hates children very much, thinks children are troublesome creatures and are squeamish and noisy.

Just like toot now, he just watched the little guy pouting his head down, and seemed a little unhappy.

He mistakenly thought that the other party was uncomfortable, so he asked again, and he didn't know what was wrong with the little guy, and suddenly burst into tears.

"You... don't cry..." Han Cang said to Dudu stiffly.

In fact, I wanted to give comfort, but unfortunately, this cold voice was heard in a beeping ear, but it was a severe command.

"Wow—" Dudu suddenly cried more fiercely.

"You..." Han Cangyan felt helpless for the first time.

Although he hates children, but the sweeter the child looks cute, like an expensive doll, it is impossible to be a little bit aggressive towards her.

He could only turn his head to sit on the side, calmly An An said, "Don't let your sister shut up!"

An An glanced at Dudu and said faintly: "She will stop crying if she has enough. Dudu is a small crying bag. Unless it is Mommy, no one will let her stop."

It's not that An An doesn't care about his sister, but his years of experience have allowed him to take it seriously.

Xiao Dudu burst into tears, he hadn't seen the scene of the water overflowing with Jinshan.

No one can coax her except Mummy.

When Han Cangyan heard An An's words, he consciously thought that this kid was bullying other girls.

Reminiscent of just now, the two little guys thought he didn't know, and after murmured a few words, Dudu became unhappy.

I was more certain, my own thoughts.

Poor little guy, he must have been bullied by his brother.

Han Cangyan could hardly feel pity, even though he wasn't used to it, he just took Dudu, who was crying, into his arms.

Putting Xiao Gu Ning on her chest, patted her back, coaxing her very stiffly.

After a while, Xiao Dudu finally got tired of crying.

Leaning on the shoulder of Uncle Han Cangyan, he gradually fell asleep.

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