Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1023: Do you really think she will abandon her husband and son? (Add more 3)

"That's how things are... I admit that I acted as a blocking stone in the compound issue between you and her. But Yu Chen, the reason I blocked you. One was because I didn't expect at that time that you would accept her. . How much you hate women, I know better than Xin Luo. You will be where you are now... I, I really didn't expect."

Regardless of whether it is the first personality or the second personality, they have deep roots in Tang Xinluo.

This was indeed not because Zhuo Yarong was deliberately lying. One of the reasons she blocked it was because the second personality was too cruel.

She couldn't imagine that he would come together with Xin Luo.

"Besides, another reason...I admit it is related to my inability to swallow this breath. You don’t know the past, so you won’t understand the disappointment in my heart. At the beginning, I liked that very much. My child, your grandma and I can really tell her that it hurts as our own daughter. But then, at such an important time, she...she actually left Youyou and Yuchen and left."

"I...I can't swallow this breath, and I can't accept her at this time and come back again."

Although this is the case, after the birthday dinner in Jingtai, her view of Xin Luo has changed a bit.

Regardless of the past, Xin Luo indeed made Youyou different now.

Of course, it also made Lu Yuchen different.

It was precisely because of this that Zhuo Yarong let go and promised to let Xin Luo go home for dinner tomorrow night.

Zhuo Yarong originally thought that after she had said this, she would either arouse Lu Yuchen's defense of Xin Luo, and speak ill of her.

Or, he might question Xin Luo's departure just like himself.

However, Lu Yuchen didn't say anything.

He just frowned slightly, lost in thought.

It wasn't until a moment later that he spoke: "Do you really think Tang Xinluo is a woman who seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, and will abandon her husband and children at a critical moment, and leave alone to enjoy happiness?"

"I..." Zhuo Yarong didn't expect her son to ask.

She froze for a moment, then said: "But at the time, she really did this. These things were not made up by me, they were all facts."

The man shook his head and said indifferently, "No, I only ask you, you have spent a lot of time with her in the past, you should know the person'Tang Xinluo' better than I do."

"Tell me, do you really think she is the kind of woman who will leave her husband and her son in distress?"

The son's words are like a heavy hammer.

Time after time, it beat Zhuo Yarong's heart.

The bits and pieces that used to get along with Xin Luo slowly played back in Zhuo Yarong's mind.

That kind-hearted girl, such a gritty child, she smiled at herself holding Youyou.

So I love Lu Yuchen's child, so I love Youyou's child.

Whether it was to her, grandma, or even Zhang Ma, she always smiled sweetly and wanted to take good care of each of them.

How could Tang Xinluo like that be a woman who abandoned her husband and son, left at a critical moment, and enjoyed the blessing alone! ?

"Yu are right." Zhuo Yarong said this in a dumb voice.

"Xinluo... is not that kind of person."

Before she realized it, a tear rolled down her eyes.

Seeing Zhuo Yarong's reaction, the coldness in Lu Yuchen's dark ink pupils finally subsided.

He stared into Zhuo Yarong's eyes and said solemnly: "Yes, I also believe that she is not such a woman."

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