Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1028: She left with Han Cangyan

He doesn't seem to step into the world, and always ignores sentient beings with aloofness.

Looking down on the smallness and struggle of mortals.

Xin Luo even suspected that Han Cangyan was a person without emotion.

Sex a is cold, even emotional disturbance.

He is like a cold robot, everything can do the mechanism, but also rational and calm without any emotion.

Yueze once teased Han Cangyan. He has lived to this day, nearly thirty years old, but he has never been in contact with any woman.

"Young Master Han..." Xinluo tried to soften her tone, "An'an and Dudu are very naughty, I am afraid that they will make you angry by your side. If it is convenient for Young Master Han, I can make my dad and mommy or more Ze will pick them up. If it’s not convenient, it’s the same if I call you to inform."

Xin Luo knew that Han Cangyan hated children.

This is also the reason why she was extremely repulsive and married him.

Xinluo thought that the two little guys provoke Han Cangyan outside, so he detained them.

"No." Han Cang said indifferently, "We are not in Europe, we are in China. They are with me."

"What... you, how can you bring them back to China?"

Xin Luo didn't doubt Han Cangyan's words at all.

Han Cangyan never tells lies, not that he will not, but disdain.

In addition, she knew that Mommy had always wanted to match her with Han Cangyan.

Reddington and the Polkin family have always had a lot of friendship, and they are absolutely assured of handing over the two little guys to Han Cangyan.

It's just... Xin Luo is still worried.

"Where are you, I will see you now!"

The two little buns were so afraid of cold words, how could they be alone with him?

Especially Dudu, who is courageous and will cry when scared.

Han Cang said that with that poker face, it was impossible to expect him to coax the child.

He didn't pick up Dudu and threw it out. It was all right.

"We are in city B. Come here as soon as possible. I want to see you." On the other end of the phone, the handsome facial features of the man were still expressionless, and even his tone was indifferent and cold, without any change.

"I'm in City B now, where are you, I want to see you now!"

Xin Luo is very lucky now that he just came to City B.

The man's dark blue pupils paused slightly.

But soon, it returned to normal.

"Well, tell me the address, and I will send someone to pick you up. Let's have a good talk. After the talk, I will let you see them."

Xin Luo gritted his teeth.

She knew what Han Cangyan wanted to talk to her.

It's a cliché again, asking himself to marry him.

In the past, she could avoid Han Cangyan and ignore him.

But tonight, she knew that she could no longer refuse.

"Okay, I'm in the XX hotel, you send someone over. Han Cangyan...I only hope that you can treat An'an and Dudu well before we talk. They are my treasures, and they are also the treasures of the Reddington family. , Reddington and the Polkin family have a century-old friendship, and I hope it will not be ruined in your hands."

Han Cangyan was too powerful, and Xin Luo couldn't threaten him alone.

She can only bet on the name of the Reddington family, hoping that this man will be a little bit jealous.

"Don't worry, as long as you behave well, I won't do anything to children."

After speaking, the call was cut off.

Xinluo took the cellphone in a panic and quickly changed clothes.

She couldn't wait for a moment, and immediately checked out with Saidi and waited anxiously in the hotel lobby.

After a while, an off-road vehicle with a military license plate appeared outside the hotel.

Lu Yuchen arranged to follow Xinluo's person, watched her and got into the military vehicle.

[The author has something to say] I’m slow to write today, and there are four more to write, so I will post these four chapters first~ After finishing the 4000 words, send them together~

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